Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Month: April 2020

Day 20

Hello everyone and how we all doing?  I hope we are all happy and healthy during this time of lock up, because we should really call it like it is, jail. The only difference is we all have our own keys. So there are a lot of really good things coming out of this whole experience. I mean there are so many people out there that really want to help you through these trying times. I get so many emails every day from lawyers, accountants, marketing people that just want to help me navigate these unchartered waters of Covid-19.  This must be what happens whenever there is a lot of “free’” money on the line, but they sure come out of the woodwork. I wonder if this is what it’s like when you win millions of dollars in the lottery and everyone “wants to help” you navigate all that cash.  Well now they smell all the government aide in terms of PPP, EIDL, IUD, FICA, FUTA, BUTA, IPAD, and MAXI PAD whatever the latest program is to help small business get you out of this shitshow we are living in, and they are your friends to help you through it.  I never knew I had so many friends and it is good to know “That we are all in this Together” and only a slight fee will get us to the finish line. I mean I can’t really blame a guy for trying because that it is the real beauty of Capitalism, we have all these cottage industries starting up with masks, homemade hand sanitizer, meditation calls, and a lot more ingenious ideas that may be bring in a few bucks and hell we do have to figure this all out. What I think is just hilarious is how all these people that reach out do it on such a personal level, Peggy I have been thinking about you and your family but dam if I know who they are, and it is probably better that way. What I am most excited about is how nice people are being to one another, even in the limited interactions we have with another human being, in person besides my roommate, The checkout guy at Trader Joes that greeted me the other day and said Ma’am did you find everything you needed?  I just get a chill when someone calls me Ma’am because you know I still think I am under thirty. I can still recall the first time someone called me Ma’am, may have been in the waiting room at the car dealership waiting for service. Young man came over and said Ma’am your car is ready. I really didn’t even look up till I realized I was the only woman sitting there. I was in shock. Are you talking to me?   Well water under the bridge, I can answer to Ma’am if that is what it takes to have some real face to face human interaction. Accepting holding the door for you, moving six feet away when they see you coming, and all the things that warm your heart.  Even if on every trip to the CVS and you ask about the hand sanitizer and they heartily apologize that don’t have any, they really look sad. I wonder how many times a day they have to say no to people about hand sanitizer, how did we get here? I guess there has been a real shortage of flour and it is right behind toilet paper and hand sanitizer on the top of everyone’s Christmas list.  I wonder if people have been dusting off all those bread makers and Panini makers that they got for a wedding or house warming present. I bet there are some people who followed Marie Kondo’s advice and got rid of all their unused stuff. That Instapot would sure come in handy today. I guess a lot of people have figured it out, you don’t actually need a bread maker to make the bread, but you do knead flour. I had been on the lookout, because so many people were asking about it, so I felt like I found the golden ticket yesterday and snagged two bags in the market. I was texting my daughter because I was so proud of my find, and then at checkout I turn around and see a mountain of flour at the end cap.  Anyway gave me a good laugh, thinking I had been so stealth and just goes to show that just keep looking the hand sanitizer will show up one of these days.

Just sayin…..

Day 19

Hello everyone, how are we all doing today? I hope everyone is healthy and living the good life in the new normal. Judging by what I see in the street, fashion has totally left the building. Get ready because it sure ain’t pretty.   It appears the big outing for anyone is a trip to the grocery store, and now with the new mask requirement, what’s the point in trying to look good. Women are letting the roots show, men aren’t shaving and people aren’t even bothering with their yoga pants, it seems pajama bottoms will do just fine.  Now I think I mentioned that I have started watching Suits, a series that is now famous for having starred Prince Harry’s wife.  I am not sure how she is referred to now a days, but I have seen some royal reporting when they have been less than favorable. I actually saw British reporter refer to her as just above trailer park trash, after she lured him away, but I am getting off track.  I love watching these shows on cable when it eliminates all the commercials, now you just have to hit pause for a bathroom break. What I have loved best about the show, is not the portrayal of unscrupulous lawyers, but the fashion. These women are sporting some amazing outfits and the heels that look like torture, but also heavenly. Now cut to present day and what do I read tonight, story about fashion magazines pulling all the latest fashion from the covers and featuring women in scrubs, and any present day covid fighters in the gear they are most comfortable wearing. I love it and tomorrow I will be looking up to get my new uniform, and it will be again about comfort. A few years ago I decide to go all in and embrace a uniform for work and it has been liberating.  We use Lands’ End business and with a few long and short sleeve polos, match the season, and you are good to go till the next laundry. You don’t have to spend time worrying about what to wear to work, its easy short sleeve or long sleeve.  Now I went to Catholic school as a kid and I can tell you, we all hated with extreme fervor the dreaded uniform. But now looking back, I realized how lucky we were. It was the great equalizer. My sister and I would take it off throw it on the bedroom floor and just put it back on in the morning. We didn’t care if it was stained or wrinkled we were all in the same boat. Some people might say today, that I am probably following the same code, but I can assure you I have a few and launder them quite frequently. I did make it a point a few months back when someone new started with our team, to inform her that she would see me in the same or similar outfit every day but not to worry I did have more than one. Let’s face it I am sure there have been more than a few of us who might get a bit jealous of the UPS, Policemen, etc. as not having to make a decision on what to wear to work. This whole new Zombie apocalypse is taking care of all this worry for us, and now we have an added bonus, no makeup. The new normal will require a face mask when out in public, so why bother with makeup, just gained some solid minutes in the morning.  This mask thing is going to be with us for a while and judging by how many people are making them now, very soon we will be seeing mask boutiques popping up all over the country. Of course right next door will be SCRUBS ARE US in a variety of fabrics and colors, custom made or ready to wear. I think there may be some room for accessories with some kind of jewelry that will keep your mask in place and little cases to carry your masks for the after work cocktail party.  I can almost envision a reversal of sorts when we get home from work instead of stripping off our bras and getting into sweats, since we are already in them we go full on fashion. Now when we get home we get all dolled up in our Sunday best, including makeup and venture out to our favorite restaurant for an evening with real live friends at the table. I promise it will not be virtual……… we could even go to Regina’s.

Just sayin…….

Day 18

Hello everyone and how are all doing tonight? Are we sporting your masks and staying in place?  I would like to thank all of those you said they would help me with a mask when they read, I couldn’t sew a button. Hey bitches! I am still waiting, can’t go to the supermarket till I get a mask.  I have enough food to last a few more days before I have to gnaw in techies arm. Just kidding we could do with some fasting especially after the dinner we had tonight, let’s just say if they tied a rope and threw us overboard we would make a good anchor. First tonight is a very special night because not only is it the first night of Passover but just happens to be my mad loves birthday. Usually this Shiksa hosts the first night of Passover and I look forward to it, we see some cousins that I actually enjoy spending time with, family and friends who are family.  I was secretly glad when everyone decided that they didn’t want to do a zoom Seder, as we are all just going overboard on the Zoom, and needed a break. Thank goodness for Facetime. I was just saying to my girlfriend Nancy this morning I am glad there is no zoom Seder because if we can’t have Donna’s matzo Ball soup what’s the point?  MacGyver’s cousins have grown to love her soup so much that last year they were crestfallen, when she wasn’t here as she chose to go visit her kids in Seattle. Now like all really great foods that are too good to be believed this is no different apparently there is a ton of lard in these balls, which make them absolutely scrumptious, so says the Shiksa.  Now I was raised as a Catholic and one of twelve kids ,so this was a whole new world to me but thankfully I have a colleague whose wife had the best recipe for brisket and dam this recipe was so easy and so delicious I should make it more than once a year.  Here is the thing about the way I operate I don’t keep notes or bother putting it in a place where I could easily call it up, remember I am lacking any technical skills.  I merely just asked Sig every year can you please send me your wife’s easy recipe and after about 5 years I got a present in the mail. This framed copy of the brisket recipe, now sits very proudly among my family photos so I always know where it is. That is something I can get my head around.   Sometimes I get a few strange looks from people when they are over for the first time and perusing my shelf and spot a brisket recipe but it works for me. Just like the plate I will share that either one of my kids made back in pre-school it still works or I use it to give me directions for the Seder. Let’s just say our Seder’s have come a long way since the day I had a Scarlet letter on my forehead, and now no one can remember a time when I wasn’t welcome and because of me the family now has gravy with the Turkey. Ok sidebar, for years I would go to these family dinners with they served the most dry chicken or Turkey ,and couldn’t understand why there was no gravy, but I thought to myself maybe not kosher so best to smother it with Italian dressing.  So one Thanksgiving I say to my Mother-in-law and Aunt Naomi why don’t you guys serve gravy and they say no one ever made it, so I said do you mind if I do, and a new tradition was born.  Big points were scored by me by lifting the family out of the gravy drought. Now our Seders have been pretty much, they tried to kill us, we survived and now let’s eat.  Now for those who are reverent about all these traditions now worries I get it, did I not say I was raised in an Irish/polish catholic family and it is always good to take a laugh at yourselves.

I can go into the details of what it is like to celebrate The Last Supper, on the First night of Passover but that’s another day. I have gotten off track here because tonight was more about Techies Birthday, and his celebration. We have two kids that worship this man and when it comes to his Birthday there can’t be enough accolades on Facebook, phone calls and cards and I know they are truly deserved but I do get a bit jealous.  I really do think they like him best and hey I don’t blame him, I would like him best as well, in fact I sure do. I am not joking when yell across the loft and he runs right over to set me up on Word, never getting cross or impatient.  I have to play my cards right because I don’t want to  upset this sweet deal, I got going on here and someday he may figure out its time to get a new model. I am totally screwed and in the meantime I will keep those meals coming. Happy Birthday, my techie/lover/roommate.  You could take MacGyver on any day……….

Just sayin…

Day 17

Hello everyone how are we all doing?  I hope everyone is healthy and as happy as one can be during lockdown.  I don’t know about you, but one of the first things I would do when I got home from a long day at work was to immediately get into my sweats, and oh yes ditch the bra. Now I am fully aware that 90% of women would also agree with me although maybe not all willing to state it publicly, but trust me it’s true. Now that joy has been taken away, as most days I don’t bother with the bra and have a wide assortment of bottoms.  What used to be a highlight of the day is now another fallout of the corona virus. I know this this phenomenon is happening everywhere because I came across an article about the pros and cons of wearing a bra, which included bad posture, back and neck aches, and let’s not forget they may someday end up in  our lap, should this go on indefinitely. Now if you have been reading my previous blogs you would know that I do use mine as a fully functioning office and it holds my phone and other things. Now I can’t take credit for “brafice” because I first heard it several years ago when the Divine Design Diva, Candice Olsen was giving a talk and I was introducing to one of her youngest fans, who skipped school that day to see her idol in person.  I had sent a note to Candice ahead of time with her fan’s name so she could give her a shout out. As we were walking over to where she was going to give her presentation, I stopped and introduced to her youngest fan and before I could say her name Candice says wait just a minute, I have it right here in my brafice, nice to meet you Julia. It was priceless to see this young girl look up at this 6”4’ tall Diva in utter amazement and pull her scrap of paper out of her travelling office.  I said right there on the spot Candice, we should trademark it, but I am going to use it. Sure enough I like to keep all my essentials right there next to my heart and occasion have sometimes embarrassed a young cashier when I wasn’t ready and pull my cc out right on the spot.  Of course that was before you just put the card in yourself and someone had to actually touch it.  Now if I could just get apple pay on my phone, I could eliminate another item form the office. I was with my friend and her daughter a few weeks ago and she was showing me that I do have apple pay on my phone, just download the app, when techie here told me I didn’t have it because my phone was old.  As it turns out he just was worried that I may take to waiving it everywhere and rack up all kinds of charges.  I wonder what else he has been keeping from me, $$$ stashed in a Swiss bank account, another family, a gambling problem, maybe on sports betting. Doubtful but now I am getting paranoid because I don’t even know the passwords to anything. Every time I log on to something that I want to do on the internet I almost always have to click forgot password and do it again. I swear Jet Blue must have wondered how a person needed to change her password 4 times in one day, but she did.  I like to keep it simple like 1 2 3 4 but now they throw me off with has to be 8 characters and has to be some numbers and different characters, I mean really give a gal a break. I suffer from CRS, can’t remember shit, and it is approaching a dangerous level, in fact I forgot what I was just talking about. It may just be the beautiful Pink moon out in spectacular display tonight and just making me howl at the moon tonight. Quick go check it out and let’s all just give a big howl and say go away corona.

Just sayin…………….

Day 16

Hello everyone and how are we all doing? Have we all come to grips with the new normal?  This has just been a dress rehearsal for the new reality that is coming so just hold on to your seats.  Today was an absolutely beautiful day here in Boston, and I took to my two wheels to see what life is like outside of my four walls.  I felt like I was on furlough for a few hours as I cruised around the city and even crossed the bridge into Cambridge today.  If you lived here you would get the gist of the two cities that are separated by a river.  I know people who would say why on earth would I cross the river when I have everything I need right here, and that could be from a Bostonian or a Canterbridgian.  Cambridge may be the PC capitol of the world so there is no confusion there as to which side of the river you find yourself. Picture Birkenstocks with socks, always have the reusable bag for trader Joes, latest talk at the Harvard book store, and wearing LL bean attire in a 5 star restaurant, Boston they upgrade to maybe Lulu lemon or Patagonia with a slight heel on the foot fashion but no Jimmy Choo’s here but we think we are fashion forward.  So Cambridge definitely had all the Farm to Table places, before anyone knew what they were, and now Boston has them and they cost three times as much. But hey we are all in this together, as they say. I could really go on and on about the differences but I may have to save that for another time because it could really get heated.  But I will just add one thing and then move on ,, best Cheeseburger? Bartley’s Burger Cottage, Harvard square or Bristol Lounge Boston a really tough call and I don’t want to be the judge, but if asked may have to have several vists to determine the winner.

One of the big differences from my old life in the suburbs and my city life has been the yardwork, and absence of my gas grille.  Let me just say right up front there is nothing I miss about the yardwork, and if you have been paying attention and reading this blog you know my ideas on composting. My culinary skills would be greatly enhanced if I could just throw that nice piece of fish on the grille, but I can’t. There is no way I am grilling that fish inside this one room, I mean I would have to live with that smell for days on end, and then I might wish for the virus.  We have no green space at our city place and there is no way I am cooking down in the courtyard with charcoal. I mean really I have my standards, and the fact that I am impatient has nothing to do with this offering. Speaking with some friends tonight they were sitting outside lighting the grille and getting dinner ready for a family of five.  Well I think I have been doing pretty well since I only have to prepare for the two of us but it occurred to me if I was back in time and I had a house full that I was trapped within the same location, cooking all the meals things could go south real fast. I was remembering years ago when my son was a young teenager and really couldn’t understand why he couldn’t have a gun because he liked to target shoot.  I came home one day after a particularly exhausting day and I was at the end of my patience, as I climbed the stairs to our back deck and heard the neighbors yippy yapping dog barking nonstop which was a new habit he had taken up. I walked in slammed the door and my son was sitting in the kitchen and I said this is why we don’t own any guns because if we had one your slightly deranged Momma would walk over to that closet grab it and  shoot the dog.  He looked up at me and said Mom you are just crazy and went back to what he was doing, obviously he didn’t believe me and I am sure I was joking , but …………..

So it occurred to me tonight that after all this quarantining and we really don’t know for how long, besides the run on hair and nail salons, the next run may be the Rehab places, and if you at all drinking at the levels that we are talking about you may want to reserve your space at Betty Ford or whatever place that will work for you. I would book it quick because I see it as another business that may benefit from all this craziness. Myself I don’t have to worry because I live with the most incredible guy and he gave me a gift certificate to a really nice spa for Christmas and I know where I am going when this is over and I am taking my daughter and daughter-in law with me.

Just sayin……………..

Cambridge on the left Boston on the right

Day 15

Hello everyone and hope are happy and well, or at least happy as we can be during this time in the twilight Zone.  Today this shit is getting more and more real, by the minute. The news is we should be wearing face masks when we go out in public, and today on our daily walk with my roommate MacGyver we spotted quite a few, so people are taking heed or practicing being ready for a hold up.  Now on social media and DIY sites it is all about making your own face masks and can happen in a few easy steps. Well that may happen for some, but we are talking about a gal who drops things off at the dry cleaners when I need a button sewn. Years ago I took a sewing class at Cambridge adult ed and the instructor told me, he never said this to anyone before, but give it up.  We had to take turns on the machines in class and if I touched one of them, he had to spend too much time trying to untangle it for the others to use. Like I have said before I may be crazy but I am not stupid, and packed up my sewing kit and never took it out again. I may dig out a ski mask or for right now a cowgirl bandana will have to do, until one of my crafty friends comes through with something they found on Etsy.

Tonight was a big night here because we decided to splurge on our favorite treat, Pizza from Regina’s in the North End of Boston, and yes it was well worth it. By far, hands down, the best pizza you will ever taste. Of course it is the best when you experience it in the little bar/joint with the extra hot oil at the table, along with a cold pitcher of beer. Well these are extraordinary times and we have to adapt to a whole new normal if we want to enjoy some of life’s simple pleasures.

I call in my standard, a large pepperoni and mushroom. I once brought some friends and they ordered the veggie.  We warned them that is not the kind to order here, but sure go ahead and don’t touch ours. What do you think happened, ya I will tell you, just can’t resist this gorgeous pepperoni and mushroom. Getting off topic, ordered pizza and pulled up right in front of Regina’s, which is amazing that we could park, right there and anyone who has ever driven in the North End knows what I am talking about. Lucky to ever do a quick double park, let alone right in front. Scene right out of the latest sci-fi movie, security guy outside wearing a mask. A small crowd of people, 6 feet apart all with masks or some type of scarf around their face.  Guard asks your name he yells inside large pie for MacGyver, ok you can pass, and you do a quick pay and get your pizza. I then realize that under this new take out deal you can also buy beer to go, and I do prefer beer with my pizza and I will forgo the chardonnay and/or vodka. I asked for a 6 pack of corona but settled for bud light, Beggars can’t be choosers. I felt so much better leaving with my beer, almost like I pulled a sneaky Pete of some kind. Let’s just say that getting the booze along with your take-out is going on the plus side of this all new “only Take out’ service.  We brought that pie home and immediately had to text pictures over to those who we know would appreciate the sacredness of this meal. My roommate and I have been going here since the seventies and on every special occasion that is where we celebrate, no white table cloths for us. Pizza and beer, and half the fun is often waiting in the line to get in and you start salivating thinking of that first bite. I am a real Commandant about the wait and being ready to order as soon as we take a seat. The wait staff can be a little gruff, although they are nothing like the old days! We’ve got pizza, we’ve got beer, and what do you want?  Once my roommate and I were sitting next to these two women who were not enamored with the wait staff and they turned to us and said I bet people never come back here a second time. We said your right not a second maybe 200 times. We came here the day after my daughter’s wedding with the outlaws as they had never had the pleasure and it was a bonding event. A few years back we were there with friends, and he said he wished his son was dating someone and I said please don’t turn around but he’s at the bar and I think on a date. Well we celebrated at his wedding this past September, because that is the kind of thing that can happen when you introduce someone to the best pizza.  We brought a friend form San Diego and she went bonkers, because she said they would never serve this kind of heavy oil on pizza in SoCal.  She went a little bit overboard drooling over the spicy oil she asked the bartender for some to go, I believe he thought she was planning some kind of sex act with it. So that is what I am doing for all of you tonight introducing you to the best and when this is all over, and we can hang out again, we can meet at Regina’s and I am buying. Don’t forget no hesitation have your order ready and sans the mask. Sorry I have to share the picture, but can’t share the pizza.

Just sayin…………….

Regina's Pizza
Boston's best pizza
North End

Day 14

Hello everyone. Hope all are happy and healthy.  Today was a good day. The sun came out in the afternoon and I was dressed before noon after several cups of coffee that my roommate brewed for me this morning. Today was Saturday which I only deduced because we had no Zoom meetings in the morning, so almost no reason to get out of bed.  I have dialed back my cable news watching so did not have it on this morning and instead read the newsprint, even if most is not what you want to read there are some uplifting pieces.  I am reverting back to a time when I was a kid and bath time was Friday night, I don’t remember what we did the rest of the week but Friday night we all got a tub.  Mom filled that bathtub with some nice hot sudsy water and two at a time we got a good soak. Dam there were no tubby toys but we had a lot of fun with our squirt guns and just splashing. I know I am really going to date myself here but it was bath time and then Rawhide on TV! Rowdy Yates a real cowboy, google it. It won’t be the same, you really had to be there. I mean it doesn’t compare to the reality TV we have today with the Bachelor and the Kardashian, but if Wishbone cooked up those beans around the campfire you could almost recall a scene right out of Blazing Saddles.  I digress because what I really wanted to say is I had a twenty minute shower and it was almost heavenly and before eveyone goes crazy about my abuse of water, remember this is the only shower I had  this week.   Dressed and ready by noon we embarked on our walk in the city to map all the places that you could maybe use the restroom, but have to settle for depends. Today was a beautiful day so more people out than I have seen in a long time and about half wearing masks, Twilight zone, shit is real. My roomie and I walked for hours as we explored neighborhoods we only rush through. I know this is a celebratory moment to be able to enjoy these walks but they still really spook me. I have a lot of friends that are retired.  They are used to having this time and have been filling it in different ways for a while now whether by travel, babysitting, gardening or volunteering.  But hey I am still working because I know myself to well. If I am home I see myself with my ass parked on the sofa watching episodes of Law and Order, and I have seen everyone one more than a few times. I continue working because what I am living now has always frightened me, eating and binge watching.  Techie has a lot of interests and hobbies, so he is safe but for me, not so much…. I have a friend who is just freaking amazing. She paints a room, bathroom tile needs re-grouting no problem done and done. Knit a hat for the whole family two days later 8 hats done. Me I would think of all these great things I should be doing but they wouldn’t get done.  Truth be told that is why I pushed to downsize into this smaller space so less to take care of and more time on the couch. We have no yardwork, no maintenance, you pay a fee for that, basically all the time you want to park your ass on the sofa. Today techie and I did the cleaning here and took about a half an hour, he was actually vacuuming, and empty the dishwasher. It is amazing how much use that dishwasher is getting these last few weeks, more than the 5 years we have lived here.  We got spoiled living in a hood with so many places at your fingertips. In fact a few weeks ago my daughter asked me if I was stocked up, in case there was an emergency, and I said no problem I am within striking distance of a dozen hotels and they all serve food we will be fine.  She thought that was rather an odd way to prepare but she is my daughter and she has learned to roll with it. I didn’t think much about it although she said maybe not such a good plan. Well here we are in a new reality and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be cooking and planning meals in my old age. That is why we resisted those independent communities.  Although I must admit the one thing I did find appealing was they served meals, but soon realized a Big beef cheeseburger probably wasn’t one of them, dinner tonight, so that would be a no.  I will take this time of living in Corona to carve out my new normal and let me reiterate I am not retiring anytime soon.

Just sayin………..

Found this Mother’s Day card while cleaning out my drawers tonight.

Hello everyone and how are we all doing? Happy and healthy?  Well I am sure most of us cannot answer on that happy part in the affirmative, because the fact of the matter it really sucks right now and it is hard to see the light.  I used to think that I could maybe write for Hallmark because I would cry at AT&T commercials but in this new world order I don’t think it is possible.  I actually was missing friends today that I never want to see, or let me rephrase I would be willing to sit down with people I severely dislike.  Today if I was given the choice to have lunch with people I swore I would never give the time of day, to I would jump at the chance. Hell I might even pick up the tab. This is how starved we are to have some human interaction with people besides your one and only roommate.  Honestly the thought of an interview at the DMV for my new real ID sounds absolutely heavenly, dam a root canal sounds awesome if it got us in with another human up close and personal.  I do have to say that the people at Trader Joes, are still really upbeat even though they are now wearing masks and not bothering with the Hawaiian Aloha shirts. Please bring back the Aloha shirts so we can feel some sort of normalcy to this twilight zone.  Here it is Friday night, and I have to check to be sure of what day it is, I am watching SUITS, which apparently is the show that the now abdicated princess of Great Britain, was on before she married Harry. I only had seen an episode or two over the years and now that I am reading people magazine for all my entertainment news, I have decided to start from the beginning. I am on episode 4 of the first series. Oh wait all my plans for the weekend have been cancelled, so I think I will just binge on this TV series and see it through.  Of course I can do this because I have no one to answer to and once I serve all the meals I am free to roam this really spacious one room loft as I see fit. I know for my kids home with their little ones going into week three of lockdown is really taking its toll and starting to wear thin. I know when I was growing up my Mom used to say to me, I only hope one day that you have a daughter just like you.  Apparently she thought I needed a little payback for some of the little, minor incidents I may have tangled with as a teenager. But no I have an amazing daughter, who for some reason likes to follow the rules, and is following all the protocol to keep safe during this time. I am grateful for this and I know it is wearing.  It is one thing for us to take these guys for the weekend and let them eat whatever they want, watch tv, and stay up till all hours but we just have to return them in the same order we received  them and no damage.  I don’t know what would happen if Grandma was stuck inside for several weeks, would I still come out with sunshine coming out of my ass? I don’t think so and don’t know how it will all play out.  Of course this is a different world we live in today and we have Facetime and Zoom so it is almost like being there right?   Bull Crappy, it is nothing like being there and I really do want to get dressed in the morning and put my jammies on at night, maybe wash my hair more than once every 10 days.  Take a shower, where I haven’t been as much, because I hear you sense of smell may be one of the first things to go and I want to know I still don’t have the virus if I stink.  I can get away with all this because there is only other person in my room and we all know techies don’t care much for fashion.  True story when my Mom first met my roommate I asked her so what do you think?  Her answer, “doesn’t care much for clothes does he?”

Just sayin……………

Day 12

How is everyone doing today? Still happy and Healthy, or at least healthy? I know it is getting harder and harder to maintain a positive attitude but what choice do we have, misery or the pure unadulterated state of inebriation?  I don’t know about you but I know which state I am choosing and it may involve some alcohol. I had a happy hour night tonight with my girlfriends and it was rather sober tonight, I only had 3 drinks.  The conversation was really all about getting your groceries and the safes way to do it.   I had to shut it down the other night when everyone was bringing up their health issues, and we all know Boomers love to talk aches and pains and Medicare but I wasn’t having it.  It was a more somber happy hour as we discussed the ins and outs of instacart, elderly hours and just plain visits and it was all over the map.  There is a lot of advice out there on the internet and you can literally lose your mind, if you haven’t already about the safety of grocery shopping. Apparently there is a video on the internet that has you washing all your fruit and vegetables in soapy water and washing down with Clorox any place a bag, may have touched in your house. I am not doing this and won’t commit to it either, so call me an asshole, but it is just too much. I am doing the whole hand washing thing and they are a bit raw, and staying in this place with the walls closing in, but seriously?   Dr Fauci who is my new hero has said, and I saw him on the Daily show, may be a good idea but didn’t think it was necessary, so going with him. So for the better part of an hour we discussed when to go to the market, should we wear a mask? Twilight zone is a coming and which market should we go to?  My friend lives out in the woods west of Boston an honestly there aren’t many street lights on a good day. So imagine this instacart driver being a little freaked out by these rural roads in the dark and he leaves it at the wrong house, Can you blame him?  He just wanted to get out of there fast before the Coyotes bit him in the ass.  I just wonder who got her groceries and bummer for them, because unlike my cart there would be no nuttie buddies or cape cod chips……..Listening to all this tonight I was suddenly reminded of a memory from way long ago when I first became a Mom and had my baby girl. Suddenly I find myself home and it was a whole new experience for me.  I had always had a job since I was fourteen years old and now found myself with a bit of time on my hands. This was back in the day before you had internet so there were no “mommy and me” groups to reach out to, so on your own. I ran into a woman I used to work with a few years ago who had just had her second baby and was thrilled that I was living nearby. We made plans and one night I went over for a glass of wine so I could hear about all the fun things new Mommy’s were doing in the neighborhood. Things started off great as we sat around with our wine and then I said now that I am going to be home for the next 3 months what do all you Mom’s do?  Imagine my disappointment when she started listing off a ceramics class, swap meets and dare I say it a group that met after Church. I didn’t, but I almost cried on the spot and wondered what did I get myself into, I hate ceramics, I got nothing to swap and I am a lapsed Catholic married to a Jewish fellow. I was going to have to make my own way with this new baby, and it was going to be an adventure, and it has been since day one, she was right from the get go bring your baby to work. I met one of my best friends that day I had my baby girl, lady with the instacart groceries in the woods, we shared a room in the hospital and friends still to this day. Yes back in the day you almost always shared a room and worse than that you wanted a “natural’” childbirth, no freaking drugs, what idiots we were.  If I had to do it over give me the drugs. Today I am grateful that I have these friends and we can share our shopping stories, while tipping back a few, and escape the reality of what is going on in the world, with these first world problems. Who knows what tomorrow brings.

Just sayin……………

P.S. if you have read my previous blogs you know a few days ago I mentioned Ina Gartner,, is my absolute hero and that has been solidly proven that she is freaking awesome.

Day 11

How is everyone today?  I hope all healthy and staying put, following all the guidelines. I have to report today that this sheltering in place, along with having to be a regular Betty Crocker or June Cleaver, has taken a toll on me and my roommate.  We are currently in separate corners and the temperature in here is running high, and I don’t mean in a fever way. I just can’t do it anymore, you start cooking and cleaning and the next thing you know they expect to have this service every day. I told my Mom that way back then, when she wanted me to “take care of” my husband. I just didn’t want him get used to it and for over 40 years he didn’t. Now two weeks into this quarantine and all I hear is what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner?  Is the laundry done yet and did you take out the trash?  He thinks because he has been my techie all these years and been at my beck and call, that this is pay back.  I started looking for apartments today or better yet maybe an assisted living that supplies all your meals.  I wonder if those places have a bar.  Oh wait he doesn’t really drink much, so he will be fine and I am sure he can make friends fast when he shows off all his technical skills.  Because I am really all nicely settled here and I am not going to be the one that has to leave.  Today I have taped off the area in our one room loft, and the only two way path is to the bathroom and the kitchen which been divided, he can have the dishwasher. I knew things were going to get tough living in this small space under quarantine but I didn’t expect it to go south so quickly. I have been trying to be quiet watching shows on my IPad, with earphones, and keeping the TV off but not appreciated. I mentioned wasn’t it nice that I kept the TV off most of the time and he said it’s on all the time, so if he didn’t notice. What’s the point?  I only watch it from like 2am till 5 or 6 am before Morning Joe comes on, but now I am snoozing right through this because it is always the same news.  Today I decided to make blueberry pancakes which I always make when the grandkids stay over, but offered them up to my roommate, as maybe his last meal at the hands of a crazed woman, who is putting all his stuff in garbage bags in the storage unit downstairs.  Just waiting for the call back from a few places for his new home.  April Fools!!!!

Honestly I bet most of you were not falling for it and it was even hard to write, imagine putting out this sainted one. How does the saying go, I may be stupid but I am not crazy, no wait it’s I may be crazy but not stupid. I mix these up a lot I remember once yelling form my deck in the suburbs as my daughter was taking her younger brother to a concert, now remember don’t smoke any beer and drink any pot.  They waved and said sure mom we got that down, no worries. I would have had to have totally lost it, to think I could survive another month of quarantine without my personal techie, and of course my mad love. I even just ordered a new grill pan specifically to use on an induction stove, because I am sure the inferior ones I have been using are holding me back, and keeping me from achieving greatness in my culinary pursuits. I am going to start on a delicious dinner tonight, and under normal times he would have come home and said it must be April fools, because dinner is on the table. But we all know these are not normal times, so smoke em if you got em.

Just sayin…………….

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