Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Month: May 2020 Page 3 of 4

Day 51

Good evening everyone and as usual I ask and hope that everyone is happy and healthy, and more importantly surviving sanely. I know it is insane for us to live through something like this Pandemic but what is really fucking insane, is that we have a certified unequivocally mentally ill person who is in charge of our well being and the future of this country. Why aren’t we out in the streets demanding that he be committed?  It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I have a very limited, well let me say no affection, for our failed leader and I have been trying to remain neutral in my daily discourse but the gloves are off. I watched a briefing today, generally avoid them, and when they mentioned the latest on children getting this new affliction, he said  not aware they might die. Seriously that is your best answer?  Yes we can say some people were irresponsible and didn’t follow precautions and may have had the misfortune to get the virus, but children not dying?  My generation has raised our kids and now that are grandchildren may be in peril, the gloves are off, you a much uninformed moron.  Why are we even listening to someone who is orange?  I mean we have red states and blue states, and if you mix them up you get purple, and there is no formula that brings us to Orange so that should be our first warning. I mean think about it they do use Orange flashing lights, when they rig up the caution signs on the side of the road that should tell us something about the danger ahead. I wish the lame stream media would stop going to these press conferences and just report after, and do the fact checking. The people who will remain, are going to believe no matter what he says, so let them have it. They all know if they wanted a test, they can have a test, because Cheeto says anyone who wants one can have one, just haven’t told us where we can get one. Apparently you have to have one of the those Make America Great Again hats, with the secret handshake to get one, but you don’t need one because it is a free country and you are free to spread the virus.  I have news for all you people in the MAGA hats, we didn’t need to make America great again, we were already great, but now it is going to take years to gain some credibility in the world and here in our own country.   Just think it only took a Reality TV star, and I use Star loosely, after never having seen the show, a very short time to put us all down in the gutter. He can grab them by the pussy and shoot someone in central park, without consequence, so of course he thinks he can maneuver himself right out of this big doozy he finds himself.  The really sad thing he has the support of so many people who are more than happy to hold their nose and look the other way, no matter what he says or does.

Ok this was going to be a more uplifting rant as I was visiting my grandchildren today and experienced the sheer joy of having a swing/play set installed in their backyard. You know all our parks have been closed for more than two months and it has been so sad to walk by all these places and not be able to use them, but hey its China’s fault or what Cheeto would have you believe.   My grandchildren are the lucky ones as their extended family could give them this gift, while the parks remained locked up. I was so happy to push Maisie on the swing, and watch Charlie go up and down that Fireman pole just made my day.  I should have never turned on the news, but I would have read about it sooner or later and for my children and grandchildren I will not keep quiet. I promise I won’t refer to our President as Cheeto, if the shoe fits, and I will do as my Mom always said if you cannot say anything nice don’t say anything, but I will call out the untruths and hope for better days ahead. Hoping to get back to America loves you, “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses Yearning to breathe free………. Can we get back to what really made us great?

Just sayin…

To better times ahead!

Day 50

Hello everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate I was super happy to see that the Florists could open, so we could be sure there was a nice centerpiece on all the Zoom celebrations. I believe this holiday is one, if not the busiest day, of the year for restaurants and because of Corona we are once again denied our usual celebrations. I noticed this past week a lot more restaurants that have been shuttered were opening for takeout, probably because of Mom’s day, and anticipation of maybe one day returning to normal. They all seemed to offer a special package, complete with flowers or a special gift. I’m just glad the box didn’t come from Amazon. We had a special dinner ordered from the UMass Club here in Boston, and we were able to deliver to my sister and daughter as well.  My roommate did a very nice job and managed to heat the dinner properly and set a very nice table, even some nice music. I did my son in law a favor and he didn’t have to plan and even though he is a proper cook, this time just reheating was required. This time last year we had a lot of friends and family travel to Boston, for a wedding celebration for my son Max and Alana, thank goodness for those Facebook memory reminders, although I am sure I would have remembered without it. It was such a great weekend, meeting our new Aloha family from Hawaii some for the first time, and the sun actually came out that Saturday, after a month of cold rainy weather. How could we have imagined that was the last big family celebration, we would have for a while and if we do have another soon will we be masked, will there be tape on the floor marking the spot for each person not to get to close?  I am hoping we can dance again and even in a big open space outside. Today we were going to stroll around and find a nice spot where we could safely distance and have a picnic, but the weather didn’t cooperate and then it was naptime. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way, but to see my six year old grandson coming down the street with a mask on, as well as Mom and Dad just about unhinged me, but luckily I was also wearing a mask.  Hey if this is what we have to do to keep us all safe especially my grandchildren I will wear a full size body condom when I go out. I noticed that some states are slowly reopening and find it funny that Nail salons and massages were in the first phase. I get the barbers and hair salons, and no one wants  a Pedi more than me but what about retail that doesn’t require a lot of touching, and can give you space to distance?  Believe it or not in Thailand one of the first thing that reopened were the pet grooming places and they have been overbooked. Apparently pure bred dogs are the favorite, and often the ones that do better in a cold climate, now it is 100 degrees there and these pooches need to shed some fur. I am not sure what the first thing I would do if I woke up tomorrow and found that this was all a hoax or fake news, and we could resume were we left off. I can tell you one thing for sure this cooking thing every day, is the first thing to go and when I go down to my favorite bar, will they make the drinks as strong as I have been making them at home. Doubtful unless Jared is at the bar, he knows how I like them, otherwise I will continue with my own heavy pour. Techie has even managed to have a drink or two this past week, which is not his nature, especially never at home. I may finally be getting to him and he has had enough with this constant tech support and is turning to the bottle, well that would be a switch but a few drinks in more than a week is too small a sample so I will keep my eye on him, we can’t have two booze bags in the house.  May 11th was going to be the end of our quarantine but now we are pushed out a week and I am sure it will pushed out further and before you know it its Memorial Day, and there will be no day at the beach. Damn good thing because I have a monster truck spare tire for a gut right now and keeping me locked up is not going to make it go away. I keep watching the workout videos and nothing changes, going to have to try something different.  Biking doesn’t really burn calories and this gunt is getting in the way big time, so going to have to do some hills. My roommate and I take a lot of walks around the city and try to explore different neighborhoods and we were down near the shipping docks a few days ago and came across these Ducks and their ducklings, so adorable but at the same time thinking of Make Way for Ducklings in the Boston public garden and then these in the yard looked like they had been through pandemic.

Just sayin

Day 49

Good evening and I hope everyone is healthy and happy in accordance with today’s standards and realize there is a bit of adjustment. Today is the Eve before Mother’s Day so I hope everyone has their game plan ready and there is no one freaking out, no excuse if you have not thought this through, unless you are on the front lines and get a pass. You have had weeks to think about how to honor Mom, since you moved back home and have resorted back to High School and eating up everything in sight, and leaving the dishes in the sink.  I have to admit I couldn’t train my kids to put the dishes in dishwasher, but I sure got their friends to do it, a few times of me coming home from work, and finding the sink full, and exploding at all their friends that were there, that the dishes didn’t migrate on their own to the dishwasher, and if they wanted to continue taking cover while eating everything, they better learn the rules. Maybe I am a little bit lonesome tonight because it is just me and my roommate but wait give me a minute, I am OK and sure grateful I don’t have to clean up after teenagers, although I sure miss their company. Ours was the house that everyone came to, and sometimes it could be trying, we were in the woods, near a pond, teenagers not angels, borderline delinquents, but always kept us on our toes. We loved it and true story once a mother said to me, you and your husband are so nice to have all the kids at your house all the time what can I do to thank you, I told her send a gallon of Orange juice it was almost 5 bucks and I was purchasing daily, she never came through but who’s counting?  I was struck by my son this evening when he said it is tough to be with an 18 month old, and try and work but this time with her is a gift. She can be fussy and demanding but then he finds the right food group it can be smooth sailing.  My daughter has two of them, four years apart, same as she and her brother, and she is doing a much better job than I could have ever thought possible.  I may have mentioned before but I have no idea where my daughter came from because she is the biggest rule follower, and I have no idea where I went wrong, must be the techie.  How straight is she? Once she may have been about 12 we were in line to check in for a flight and may have been a little late. I like to cut it close. I went to check in at first class no line, and as she is checking me in, Erica looks over to the long line at check in, and says Mom we are not first class. Does anyone know this child? You get my drift, Miss Goody Two Shoes, and just have to say she has become the most amazing Mom, calmer than I am Dude, and way beyond my patience could have endured. I read today that parents today are letting go of a lot of rules that they held so sacred, letting the kids sleep late, they actually need more than 8 hours. Parents may actually discover that their kids don’t have to run to every extracurricular activity, letter in two or three sports, and do all AP classes available to them every semester. Because whatever job that is in the future your diploma may not be the deciding factor. They may actually get to spend some time at the dinner table discussing work events and even what is happening locally. We raised our kids in a wonderful suburban town, but we knew we were in trouble when in the 6th grade our daughter performed in a middle school play and was asked by some parents were we going to use this for her college application. What I hope we are getting out of all this today is just enjoy this time you have today and don’t worry about the SAT, AP, DDP and PPP, this is time, that is a gift as part of the virus, you get the good with the bad, and will you will never get this back, so suck it up and enjoy.  Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Raise your glass to this random wedding my lover and I can across today at the end of our street, the little church was open and I said let me out. This young couple posed for me and I said I just wanted a picture of what is normal and here again.

Just sayin

Day 48

Hello everyone and I hope we are all breathing a sigh of relief, we made it another week. TGIF.  When I look back at 48 days and I started this about a week or so in to the shutdown, I can’t believe I have made it this far considering I am shut in this one room, albeit a nice big room, with my roommate.  It’s amazing of what we are all capable of even when the thought of being shut in for two weeks a few months ago seemed insurmountable.  You do realize how truly lucky and loved you are, when your lover still thinks you are beautiful and awesome to be around, of course I have mentioned that I do prepare just about every meal, every day, so you don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, in other words beggars can’t be choosers.  Well I choose to be with my techie and today I celebrated that I successfully copied and pasted, something on my own today. I know that is just routine for everyone else but a major step for me, and I am taking the win. I have kind of refused for years to embrace any technology and only learned the parts of our software system that were relevant to my job, today even Techie was very proud of me. Secretly I think he likes it that I have to yell across the room for assistance, even now I yelled for him to ask what you call copy and pasting, and he walked over and said yes that is what it is called. I completed one week of back to work today, and for that time away I almost felt normal, but it is a long way from normal and counting the days.  Good news is they opened up the golf courses today, and I am not a golfer, more of a bowler,  but I know a lot of people were just so anxious for this to happen, and I am so grateful for our beloved JB to get back on the course, he needs to have some joy. He is our most treasured person at work and if it makes him happy, we are thrilled, and love to celebrate the wins.  I understand you may have to walk the course but he has been doing evening walks so he may be ok, but I don’t think there will be the beer cart guy travelling the course but baby steps, soon enough. Just be sure to keep six feet apart and enjoy the winter weather that will be experiencing this weekend. Don’t worry better weather is coming even though they are predicting snow tomorrow, maybe an inch and it melts quickly. I hope we are all stocked up on our favorite snacks for the snow day and I read today that we are all resorting back to some old time favorites.  Forget about the baked brie and veggie chips, bring on the Cheez-its, got to love these I have always kept big boxes at our office because whenever you were feeling stressed you might need an alternative to chocolate. Chex Mix was also mentioned as one and I can almost remember when this was born with those bugle chips thrown in at every Tupperware party, never a big fan but good salt content. Pringles this is one I liked because it kept the chips in perfect form, but pretty sure we only ever ate them may have been on a cross country road trip or when visiting islands in the Caribbean back in the eighties, when they wanted to be sure they would have something their American friends would eat. Pizza combos, I don’t even know what this is but apparently they have a following. Cheez balls, I love these you can buy them at Costco in a huge jug and has it all over that skinny pop that is so popular and tastes like Styrofoam. Lastly Hot pockets, which all I know about is the heir to Hot Pockets is part of the Varsity Blue Scandal, cheaters on college SAT, and she is going to jail. I know they must have been immensely popular because she apparently is an heir to millions, so just have to add up how many they sold. Well Techie and I are sticking with the Trader Joes version of nutty buddie mini cones, and yes now that I think of it, could be just like the skinny pop, tomorrow just going to go back to Ben and Jerry’s. Enjoy the weekend and I hope someday my grandkids will not hold it against me for what I share but Maisie is just following in her Grandma’s footsteps.

Just sayin

Day 47

Good evening everyone and I hope you are still safe and sound, and nursing your second or fourth cocktail during the time of Corona.  I know I joke a lot about the drinking and you know I am only kidding right? People who really know me, will say that I am really a teetotaler. Ok have you stopped laughing yet, just checking to see if anyone is paying attention to who is writing this daily tale.  I feel I have to address it as I read in the paper this morning that liquor stores or “packies’ as we affectionately call them in my fair state, are doing well and their business is actually up about 20%. Quite frankly I think they are bullshitting us and it is probably a lot higher, maybe under reporting?  I was talking to my niece last night and I would never think of her as someone who is a “drinker” I am talking about Kelly, don’t worry Amy no one would think it was you, but she told me she loves the new service at her store. She says the only money they are spending is on food and booze, and it may lean heavily to the latter.  Apparently you place your order and they come out and put it right in your trunk, coincidentally my girlfriend Celia confirmed the same experience as now as any good journalist, I have verified two sources. Well I am still supporting my local store that has no drive up capabilities, but if you find yourself without payment some evenings no problem pay next time, so which would you choose?  I carried my bottle of Ketel One home yesterday and said skip the bag, I just carried it in my arms like a new born baby. I told the guys it is a short walk, and still light out so I don’t think I will get mugged, and out of my cold dead hands, I don’t think so……..

Today was another work day but I did oversleep, I was so mad, I am trying hard to get back into the routine, but not easy. I was up at 5:30 and watching the local news, switched to cable news at 6am and same old crap so just fell back to sleep. Anyway an hour later than expected I was on the road with my coffee in my Yette, that my roommate made for me, but I had to wake him up to make it, someone is getting lazy. I could sense his frustration today when I kept calling him because I couldn’t figure the Sonos out on my phone, and I really want to blast the music when I am working, especially if it is just me and maybe a few others.  I think he was having a lot of techie calls this morning and He was almost a little short with me , I know I am impatient and will just ring and ring, but I need an answer right away. He had to fend for himself today for breakfast and lunch today and I think he was feeling the side effects of not having a personal valet to serve his meals.  Well rest assured we had a very nice dinner this evening, and have to say the routine is not so bad, as the cooking is doable and I love that he does all the dishes, including the pots and pans. We are getting into a routine for meals, but really it is what we have to look forward to, for our activities, and I am profoundly grateful that we don’t have any food insecurities, truly heartbroken when I read and hear about those out there that are suffering, hope help is on the way.  I look forward to the day when I can sit down at our table next to my friends and break some bread, drink some wine and enjoy each other’s company in person and not on Zoom. I know I constantly wish it wasn’t all about the zoom or the distance but dammit it is the world we live in today, so I guess I will just have to figure it out.  Tomorrow is Friday , TGIF, and there will be no Happy hours after work tomorrow, but I can go in and blast the music as loud as I want, and have a dance party with myself, and most people know I love to dance, and I really don’t care who is looking. I want to share a video a friend sent me tonight, it is a bit long, and I know so many people have even shorter attention spans than usual but it is a really good primer to start back to work.

Just sayin

Life Retraining

Day 46

Hello everyone and hope you are happy, healthy and sane.  I feel like we have to check in on our friends and family, every day and not only worry about our temperature but also our mental health. We all have good days and bad days, and those days that no matter how much ice cream and Cape Cod chips we eat, we just can’t seem to feel better. Well now imagine you are a nurse, and you are going to work every day in a toxic environment, and you don’t even get combat pay for going above and beyond what anyone is asked to do in their daily job.  But please don’t fret because today is National Nurses Day, and Hallmark is missing out on this one, because we can’t get to stores or they can’t get to work to make the cards. What we can really do for nurses today is first and foremost a BIG THANK YOU, for doing what you do every day and hopefully with all the PPE you need, in a clean and safe environment. So I want to take a few minutes to personally thank all the nurses, out there who show up every day and do the job that I hope they will still love, when this is all over.  Today was a big day for us in Massachusetts as it was the first official day of mandatory masks and I have to say I am not the most compliant. The Governor did say mandatory when it is not safe to social distance, so I do pull it up and down while I am walking around the city, but I still get my glasses fogged up, and wonder if anyone has found a way to solve the problem?  I know here has to be a lot of us out there that ae experiencing this issue, and I want to know how you are dealing with it. I did see on a news clip today that a woman walked into a store with a mask on but it had a hole cut out over her mouth, and she told the guy working in the store it was because so she could breathe. I don’t believe she realized that her mask was really null and void, but hey good effort. I am grateful for all the masks that people have sent me and also if you have any tips on how we keep the ties tight enough, that they don’t slip down your face that would be great.  I feel like a new person these past few days because I am doing something new, and that is called going to work. This is true I actually get up and leave the house before 8am, and not going to lie the first few days were extremely difficult but I did manage to get out of the house. I am not saying it was easy, the first day was tough, even though I have been working from home every day these past several weeks, it is just not the same when you actually have to get dressed in real clothes, that can be worn in public. I have made trips to the local convenience and package stores shamelessly in my PJ.s, and make no apologies. I mean why bother getting dressed sometimes.  So it was mixed emotions that I ventured out, but I have to say for those few hours spent in the store I almost felt like life was normal and there wasn’t this horrible thing happening outside the door. We are doing a good job of keeping a distance and only one or two of us, so I believe we are following all the rules and guidelines. I am sure the best part about these past few days is Techie gets to have this Loft all to himself, and I won’t be bugging him all day long with my many requests. I did call once today to find out how to connect to Sonos, and happy to report while speaking to him I actually figured it out on my own. Who knows there may be time soon when I won’t need to call on him to put on the Netflix for me, it just doesn’t work every time with the voice activation, and I don’t know what I am doing wrong, but luckily for me I have a very nice roommate to guide me. I did manage to hit a grocery store today, and stock up on treats for my grandkids.  I try to put all the junk food at the end and ask them to bag separately, and of course have to tell the grocery clerks it’s not all for me, sure they have heard that before.  I am doing my grandma duties and bribing my way to be the favorite one.  Of course as I load the bags into the back of the car I do slip half the junk into my own bags.  This crazy thing is happening at our house, that we are just not used to but we are eating our Ice cream sandwiches and Nutty buddy cones late at night, granted they are mini ones. I am thinking it is a side effect of this virus or maybe even a way of combating it because it just overtakes me and I have to have more than a few, I guess I am going to give in and next time I am just getting the adult size, because really nobody is checking on me or shutting me off. Techie is a real enabler because I always pass him one and he never refuses where in the past I have told him to tell me no, but he just says sure.   I wish I could do weight watchers online, but it’s really self-defeating for me as all the points are used up with the first of many cocktails.

Just sayin,

Day 45

Hello everyone and Happy Cinco de Mayo and hope you all had a chance to celebrate with some Tacos and Margaritas. Today, just like we are all Irish on Saint Pat’s day, we can all be Mexicans for the day. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but since I do like to dine out a lot, Mexican restaurants have been the hottest openings in the past few years. The food is usually pretty decent and not that expensive is how they suck you in, but then those Margaritas can really add to your tab. Right in my own hood we have Scorpion Bar, Pink Taco, Bar Taco [love their margaritas the best and music] Lolita’s, Yellow Door Taqueria, so many more. My grandson Charlie’s favorite is Tenoch and they better  always be sure his burritos only have rice and chicken, because he will have a meltdown if he finds any cheese. Well every Tuesday is Taco Tuesday, and so happened that Cinco de Mayo happened to fall on a Tuesday in 2020, but because we are otherwise committed to this Pandemic we couldn’t properly celebrate. Come to think of it we started our shut down of our city on March 16th, the day before St. Patrick’s Day when all the bars were sure to be packed full that day and night.  I wonder what they did with all that corned beef and cabbage that was never served up this past holiday.  Well in my stroll around the neighborhood tonight it was apparent that several places were trying to make the best of it offering their special Taco Tuesday takeout, or some even had a Cinco de Mayo kit that could be pre-ordered.  There were lines of cars outside some of these places with the uber eats, grub hub and others picking up their celebratory dinners for delivery. Pink taco even had their outdoor patio all done up for the celebration but alas it was only a staging area for social distancing while you waited for your order to be called, not even any free tequila shots in the making. We just have to get used to the idea that now all our celebrations will be only available on Facetime or Zoom, until the next big idea comes along and with all this extra time we have on hand, where is it?  You would think we have had two months and some of these Tech geniuses would have come up with a new source of group communiques?  I would like something that automatically does my hair, makeup and picks my wardrobe so I don’t scare anyone, and shaving 10 or 20 lbs. would be an added benny. I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on them as I saw on the news tonight we shouldn’t feel guilty for not accomplishing new things, during this time of isolation and free time. The example being used was about researchers in the Antarctica who when they first arrive have set some lofty goals, of maybe learning a new language or mastering another trait because they have so much free time, but they quickly adapt to the lazy stage after a few weeks. Point being we can stop beating ourselves up, about what we haven’t accomplished and it is ok to celebrate those 10lbs that you know you were trying to gain, or that stack of Thank you notes you were always going to write but just could never find the time. Just think if your wedding has been postponed now is a good time to get a head start on your Thank You’s for when it does happen you will have that much more free time in the future. Sure you don’t know what those gifts will be, but you sure can address all those envelopes today, and your welcome for the brilliant tip. As a matter of fact why don’t you get all those chores done that you never have time to do. Like all your Christmas shopping, Birthday presents, and cards just knock em all out now so when we are let out, we will be free to do whatever we want.  Remember to shop local, or local charity donations in honor of someone would be most welcome. Next big day is coming up this Sunday and yes it is Mother’s Day so plan on something special for all your Momma’s and Moms to be. It won’t be dining out, so look up Ina Gartner or find out who has the best offering to go before Sunday, and don’t wait till the last minute. You have all week to plan or perfect your skills and I know Techie is doing the research as we speak or at least when he reads this he will have no excuse, and if my son is reading please remember there’s your Momma and your baby’s Momma.

Just sayin

Day 44

Hello everyone and hope you all are well, and enjoyed this beautiful day. I would like to with wish you all a very Happy Star Wars Day, and hope you all somehow marked the remembrance.  I was on a Facetime call with my son, daughter tonight along with techie. We were recalling that day many years ago that we first saw the preview of Star Wars and how blown away we were.  My roommate and I were at a Fellini movie downtown Boston, when a preview of the first Star Wars movie came on and after it was over we just looked at each other in amazement. We may have been a bit buzzed, it was a Fellini movie but that preview just blew us away, we thought this will never fly, and boy were we so wrong. It was just do different from anything we had seen on the big screen, and now looking at the special effects, compared to today they look so primitive.  It is just amazing of how many loyal fans this franchise has amassed over the years and how many Darth Vader and storm trooper costumes we have seen on Halloween. Honestly the franchise has been going close to fifty years and remembering that night back in the late seventies, I could never have predicted its popularity. So it was a bit different at our house because years later came Space Balls, and anyone who is a Mel Brooks fan would not have missed this movie.  I can remember the first time we saw it in a small suburban theater, with very few patrons and we howled with laughter till we cried. At the time it seemed like the few people there didn’t think it was as funny as we did that night, but it quickly became our family favorite. In fact we watched this movie so often at our house that my son Max at an early age had never seen the original Star Wars, but his favorite character was John Candy, as a Mawg, half man and half dog. True story, Max and I were in Harvard square one day sitting on the steps eating lunch and there was a radio station broadcasting remotely form the square that day and there studio was a Winnebago type of vehicle. There was a crowd around and everyone was sitting around enjoying their lunch and the beautiful weather. Suddenly Max who was almost 4 years old stands up and starts yelling that there is a space ship next to us, Mom he yells look at the space ship. He is so excited and yelling as loud as he can that everyone is looking around wondering what he is talking about and I ask him what you are talking about Max there is no space ship, but he points to the Winnebago and says there, Lone Star and Barf.  I really started howling with laughter that tears were streaming down may face as I tried to calm him down and convince him this was not a spaceship. When I saw my roommate that evening I told him we may have done a disservice to our son, letting him watch the parody a dozen times before he actually saw the real movie. Yes we were truly bad parents, and didn’t monitor the screen time, like parents do today and that may account for some missing brain cells in our kids today, but it is what it is, and no turning back. Maybe because we were retailers, and recognized the importance of the Power of the Schwartz and the importance of merchandising, that made it such a family favorite. It stuck me today how important these family memories are and how much we want to cherish them, as I don’t want my grandkids to be about Family Facetime visits during the time of quarantine. I wonder what kind of movie will come out about this time of our life. Will the movie even ever play in a theater, will we ever go the movie theaters again?  Imagine if a few months ago we had seen a trailer of a movie about a pandemic that was shutting down the country and killing people?  Wow that would have been seen as a really scary movie coming soon to a theatre near you and would have been viewed as a true work of fiction. Imagine something so scary that it has forced adult children to move back to the suburbs and ensconced themselves back in their parents’ home.  What nightmares this would bring for the empty nesters who may have thought it was fun to be snowed in for a while but then they never left and there was no end in sight. Just kidding it is only a movie and no one would believe it……..

Just sayin

Day 43

Hello everyone and hope you are well and enjoyed another beautiful day in paradise. I am pretty sure we have established the correlation to beautiful weather, and how we feel during quarantine. I know for me personally, any day with the sun shining and gets me out of our one room loft, is a really super good day, and today was one of those days. I think we all like to have a routine, gives us some semblance of normalcy, so when I established that yes today, was Sunday, I could get on Sunday routine. I go down to the lobby and get my Sunday Boston Globe and New York Times. Remember I still love to hold that newsprint in my hand, and till my dying day that will be the case.  Well it is well established in my building, I believe I mentioned mostly millennials, but three people on the 5th floor read the paper and then theirs’s us on the second floor.  Most of the old timers hardly ever get the amazon packages or whatever else that fills the lobby on a daily basis, but a few papers on the bench says some old souls live here as well. Anyway I get my papers, and spend a few hours reading and enjoying my coffee because it is Sunday and no need to rush off to work. Of course I am in retail so it doesn’t necessarily mean a day off, just doesn’t start till noon. Today is just too awesome a day, to spend too much time reading at the dining room table, we can take these papers outside.  I know it has a lot to do with the weather but I haven’t seen this many people, in my part of the city in a very long time. Nice to see, people are wearing masks, even though I freaking hate it and wished with all my heart it didn’t have to be , I comply. My roommate was super stoked today to walk over to his boat and just sit on it. Really I don’t know what it is with boat people but if they can sit on it for any length of time, perfectly happy to never take it out on the water. Seriously over the years I have witnessed loads of boat neighbors never actually leaving their slip. Not being a boat person I actually don’t get the same thrill, of just sitting there, but today I am grateful that we have another place to go that has plumbing capabilities. It is a 25 minute walk to Charlestown and my depends only go so far, so grateful for the use of the facilities afforded to me on Techies yacht.  The social distancing dilemma has made it abundantly clear that I am not the first mate material he was hoping for, and I think he is keeping fingers crossed that he will be allowed another person to join him and not rely on me to perform any of the duties to get on the water. I convinced him today that I could rise to the occasion and perform a perfunctory of duties, to get out on the water and thank goodness he trusted me. I know it is incredibly hard for so many during this time, and I know I should be grateful for what I have and believe me I am. Today was a great day and for a few hours we just enjoyed how fortunate we were to be on the water, in Boston Harbor and really enjoyed the quiet as there were no planes taking off from the airport. I also have to add not any power yahoos strutting their stuff. Kind of scary and sad, but also nice that we only saw one plane take off during the few hours we were out there. Normally there are so many you can see the lights in the distance of the planes heading to the runway. We like to line up in the runway path, so you can get a major rush when they fly over.  Seriously we always take visitors over the flight path, and best to be a little buzzed to get the full effect. Oh it’s the little things that we take for granted and now they are gone, only one today and it never even came close. We have to get back to flying and I know no one wants to take the first leap, but sign me up for the 5th leap.  Today pretty much our only method of transportation is our own two feet and I know that is still the biggest difference from moving from the burbs, so car dependent.  I don’t believe I have filled my car since the shut down and I call that a win. I walk to the grocery store and never get more than two bags that I can carry the few blocks home, and all I need is a short walk away. Yesterday the people that bought our house a few years ago reached out about our electric fence for their new dog, Techie has that all in his head, and I did detect that he may have been a bit melancholy talking to them about the walks in the woods and around the pond. You just have to be satisfied that your new pond walk is called the Harbor walk.

Just sayin

Day 42

Hello everyone and how are we all doing today? Thankful that you woke up on the right side, and yes there is a pulse so get up, and get out it is a beautiful day. Today was a glorious day to be outside and thankful to hit the ride on my bike and get some exercise, at the same time enjoying the sights of the city. I may have mentioned that is almost joyous to ride your bike in the streets of Boston with so little traffic. We have lived in the city for five years and love to cycle but the move brought its challenges, and often on weekends we would leave the house by 6 am so we could get a jump on getting out of the city, to some bike trails. Well put one in the plus column for the virus, boy that sounds obscene even saying it, but we have to look for the good in everything and anything, lest we go mad. I rode around the city today and decided to take the leap and cross over the Mass Ave Bridge and see what was happening in Cambridge. For those who are not familiar with our fair city, the Charles River divides Boston from Cambridge, and hello you have crossed into another country as far as the cultural divide.  My heart will always be in Cambridge and I truly love the culture of Birkenstocks with socks, and I hope my final days will be living in 02138.  If you were living in Cambridge today you would be perfectly comfortable in your pandemic wardrobe, as a matter of fact it probably wouldn’t look to different just indoor and outdoor leisure attire. The “high tech” is located in Kendall Square as well as a great movie theater that serves up a mainstream and and alternative film, along with the best fresh popcorn at the Kendall theater.  Cambridge has their fair share of the “hottest restaurants” but you don’t have to dress and the conversations will be much more cerebral but none the less, just as expensive. I am sure Cambridge people have more bookcases in their homes because it may be in the purchase and sale when you buy a home about how many bookcases you have to have per square foot. Cambridge has a few colleges you may have heard of Harvard and MIT and across the river we have Boston University, Boston College, Emerson, Suffolk, Northeastern and I can’t even begin to name them all, but I can tell you their styles will be different. BU will be more the NYC higher fashion crowd, BC is total prepster, the Dave Mathews concert crowd, and Northeastern has had a makeover and so many more. I can venture a guess that there are more Vegans in Cambridge than Boston but then I could be wrong because Cambridge has Bartley’s Burger Cottage AND Boston has Chloe. I generally like the live music better in Cambridge but then Boston has Symphony Hall. Anyway enough about the tale of two cities, I got off track, and I hope someday we can all come back to exploring both sides of the river at our own pace. I want to see the boats back on the river, having launched at community boating where I learned to sail, about 40 years ago for a few bucks, I am sure it is more today but still open to the community. I just want you all to realize that you don’t need a passport or visa to go between the two cities there are no border agents and it is glorious.  If I may add one more difference Cambridge has more Bike lanes, so you can make your own deduction.

We got home late today and made a frightening discovery really nothing in the fridge for dinner and really need to do a grocery run, have to set the alarm for the elderly tomorrow morning. I am getting so full of myself, because normally I would say to Techie where are we dining tonight?  But I went through our limited pantry and once again I created a feast for my roommate and Mom I am spoiling him rotten. When will this end?  I am using leftovers and veggies that are close to getting tossed, I am a regular freaking Martha Stewart. I don’t even know if she uses leftovers but you pull it out of your tuchas and get it done. It doesn’t look like this lock down is going to end soon , so no dining out anytime soon, and when I start talking about the sour dough starter someone please shoot me.

Just sayin

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