Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Month: June 2020 Page 2 of 3

Day 89

Good evening my Corona friends and foes and hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful day, and guess what you get to celebrate another beautiful day tomorrow. Now that summer is upon us I am sure we all wish we could figure out how to keep the shutdown in place, but only for work related activity, and a nice big beach for all to enjoy with 12 foot circles. Today was an absolute great day for those who have been living under DACA. The second time in a week that the Supreme Court gave us great news. Gives me hope for the future. If we can make it through this Pandemic and a November election, things just might be looking up. I can’t imagine the fear these young people have been living under these past few years, wondering if they would be forced to leave the only country they have ever known, to return to a place they have never been or even speak the language.  I heard some of them interviewed on the radio today and one of the guys said he didn’t even know he wasn’t an American citizen until he was eighteen, and needed some papers. His Mom then told him they came here illegally when he was one year old. He holds a very good job here and still some would prefer to see him get deported and then try the legal way, REALLY.  I just wish we would just grant them all Amnesty and let them go on and live their lives not under stress and fear. I honestly don’t know how we became viscous and vile in this country, but with all this unemployment coming up I am sure it will only get worse. Namaste!!!

We had our grandchildren overnight last night and my roommate is giving our 6 year old advice about thinking of five things to be grateful for every day. First time it was easy, mom, Dad, Maisie, Rex [dog], Lais the babysitter, we didn’t even make the cut. Today of course it was different because he was at grandma’s house and I have a YES button, purchased at a novelty store. It is there for Charlie to push whenever he wants anything and it is amazing he doesn’t abuse it. Basically he asks can I watch a fire truck video, and he pushed the button the answer is always yes. Can I have a sour patch kid, what do you think?  Can I have one of those mini ice cream cones, push the button. Can we order Trolls 2, push the button.  He really doesn’t want to push it very often and I don’t know where he came from. His mother wasn’t much of a rule breaker and goody pants, unlike her brother who would have blown up that button in the first few hours. Just goes to show that often if it is offered, instead of denied you will take only what you need.   That is exactly how I have been dealing with how much Ketel One to drink during this time. The dam has been opened but there is only so much you can drink and like I have said going out will be hard with those weak pours. Walking around our neighborhood it is really coming to life and so many people are out and about. Restaurants have expanded their outdoor seating into every available parking spot and you just want to join in the fun, but you wonder is it safe?  I wake up at night with nightmares of forgetting my mask and not washing my hands often enough and wonder is this what retirement will look like. I just better keep working, so I can still count among the living with a place to go every day. Oh yes I can tell you being a retailer there is no working from home, and the dream team that techie I lived for a few months was gladly put to rest, once stores reopened. He sure does know his techie stuff but merchandise not so much, for once he needed me for those answers, and I guess he will keep me a bit longer.  He did prepare dinner tonight from our box delivery and it was quite good, he is getting better and better.  Even the mess in the kitchen was minimal tonight. I am cutting back to only two days a week on the delivery of meals, not because it is not good, but starts to feel like you have a paper due and have to get to it, and have always been a procrastinator. Talking to my nephew and his family tonight on my way home and Mike, Delaney, Jackson and Jill were on their way to pick up take out, while I told them I had a personal Techie cooking my dinner. Anyway I was intrigued by their dinner choice in Raleigh, North Carolina, Poke Burri. They were getting Sushi corn dogs. Now I love corn dogs and couldn’t figure how you could get sushi in a fried corn dog. Nonetheless they claim to be delicious, along with sushi Nachos, which I have had just the other night at Lola 42. Well imagine my delight when I googled them and as it turns out they are expanding to Boston. Didn’t say where or when but imagine it is probably not the best time for restaurant expansion but I know they will be very welcome here in our fair city.  Corn dogs and doughnuts will do very well here…………

Just sayin

Day 88

Good evening my Corona friends and hope everyone is happy and healthy this evening. Techie and I have an added bonus tonight as we are quite fortunate to have some very special company, Charlie and Maisie are spending the night. It probably has been five months since they last were here overnight. We can’t be more excited and after an evening of Shake Shack and Cars 2 the movie we are calling it a night.  I am pretty sure I fell asleep before they did, and now access to my computer is not possible.  So I will say hello and good night and glad we all got to live another day. Today I feel like one of the luckiest people in the world, having these two beautiful creatures here with us.

 Love to all and Good Night!!  A great new future awaits us in a few short months.

Just sayin

Day 87

Good evening my Corona friends and I hope everyone is happy and healthy today. Things are trending up for us here in our great state and hope it will remain that way if we all do our part, wear a mask and wash our hands. Some will, some won’t, but as they say we are all in this together, so just choose who want to be together with during this time. Tonight we had the pleasure of spending some time with some college friends as we bid one of them adieu, as he is going to retire and relocate to the west coast. I was thinking tonight a lot about friendships and how they start, end or just keep going. My friend David I met about twenty years ago in college or maybe it was forty, time goes by so fast.  It was summer school and I was taking a Russian history class and for the life of me, I can’t recall why.  Probably had something to do with just getting enough credits or some nonsense. Anyway I keep feeling his eyes on my paper during a quiz, and knew he was cheating off my paper. Good luck with that, taking a big chance. It was months later that we would become friends and he denied the cheating, but I know differently. The amazing thing is he turned out to be my now lovers, roommate, who I would go onto meet months later when I picked him up hitchhiking. We all went to the University of Massachusetts so it was easy for us to stay together as a group, as most stayed local or always had family here, so we could keep a connection. We have been pretty lucky to weather these friendships for so long, and even when a college friend got divorced, we kept the wife as part of our group, and now we always just assume she was with us back then. Just feels right. College is where you do make lasting friendships, and I often wonder if I met this person today would we be friends?  Hard to say but you choose to love them, and stay with them through thick and thin. I was thinking of all the friendships I have made over the years and it isn’t always the case that you can just click with someone that you will know this is going to last. One of my best friends today, I met years ago when we were roommates in the hospital giving birth to our daughters. That’s right ladies you are missing out because now it is pretty much a forgone conclusion you will be in your own room, come birthing time.  You won’t experience getting wheeled into a room in the middle of the night with a shower curtain separating you, and you share with a total stranger about your hemorrhoids and episiotomy. It was good to know I wasn’t the only one with the ‘roids. Luckily we managed to stay in touch and even ended living close by. Those two angels that were born that day have remained close. There are the friends you meet through your kids and they are mostly social, but I lucked out and got my friend Celia, even after our kids drifted apart, so great. I am lucky enough to have worked with so many great people and even after they have moved on, they just can’t get rid of me. Before you know it some of them had babies getting married and graduating. How did that happen?  I know we all live such busy lives and not always easy to connect with old friends or meet new ones. It was very special tonight to make it a point to get together on a school night, to wish our friend goodbye, and good luck. Of course most of them are retired so it’s not like they have anywhere to be tomorrow but good effort. Techie and I are still working and do have to be somewhere tomorrow but wouldn’t have missed it for the world.  I hope I can continue to make friends, but I am getting very crotchety the older I get and if I didn’t have this nice roommate, I probably wouldn’t be invited out much. I was hoping for more time of reflection under corona virus, but with what is getting thrown at us every day it can be tough. We did consider renting an RV to head to Oklahoma but that plan was vetoed pretty fast, because of the virus spreading and I am not talking Corona.  Davie we wish you well as you trek across the country with Paul and Diva, but do you think it will be as much fun as you and I had back in the 70”s driving to San Francisco it that old Buick. I am glad that trip didn’t end our friendship.

 Just sayin

Day 86

Good evening my fellow Corona friends and I hope you all had a great Monday. Today was actually a really fabulous day and to the surprise of some but more to the delight of many good news came out of the Supreme Court today. They ruled in favor of protection for gay, lesbian and transgender workers who would now be protected under the Federal Civil rights law. It almost seems silly that in this day and age we are still trying to figure this out. Really all we want is Justice for all. I know that for most in the millennial generation they have grown up with or personally know friends and family that may be gay or transgender and personally it isn’t an issue for them, but workplace equality is the bigger issue.  It seemed like a big surprise today that conservative judges would see it as an inequity in our society, but I say there is hope for our future. It is only a matter of time when the Congress will change it’s demographic of old, rich, white men and real progress will become the reality.  Tonight I am going to savor the moment and celebrate this victory for all those who have been denied access under the law. I am sorry that some of these people who brought the cases to the Supreme Court did not live to hear the ruling, but their legacy will live on, and we should celebrate this victory. I hope, my friends that you all sleep a little easier tonight and know that change is in the wind.  Let’s keep the conversation on race going and find more understanding.  Oh Happy Days…………………….

Just sayin

And speaking of changes. Would ya look at this!

Day 85

Good evening my Corona Friends and I trust everyone enjoyed this beautiful day. This is the kind of weather I love the best, not too hot and no humidity. Today was a beautiful day for a sail and Techie would not be denied. He just doesn’t get enough of these, and we had the pleasure of sailing with our friends Nancy and Pete, who we have been missing during this time of a lockdown. Like I said we are all dipping our toes in the water trying to figure it all out. We can all be considered in that vulnerable demographic, over 60, so have to be a bit more cautious who we can let in our pod. We are all happy that we live in our state, and paid strict attention to the early rules of the shutdown, so we may be going into a summer a little bit easier. Judging by the amount of people out today and all the new Patio places just spilling over into any available parking spot, things almost seem normal.  We took a nice long walk this evening before dinner, have to get back in the routine, we have been slacking and ok it wasn’t that long, but felt good to move those legs . Problem being we thought we had plenty of time to grab dinner at The Barking Crab which opened its tent this week, but at 8pm the sign was up and it was closed. I was so bummed, I could smell those fried clams. I couldn’t complain because they had a sign that said BE Nice. They listed the rules, what the wait time would be, no more than 4 people at a table, and yes you had to be nice or you’re not getting in…tomorrow’s another day. Today was our box delivery, but we were just too lazy to make dinner tonight so we did find a place to feed us. I know first world problem, but at that moment it was important.  I can really tell things are different because not every day feels like Sunday anymore and you can kind of feel those Sunday night blues when Monday is coming and back to work. I am a retailer so often work on weekends, so I am sure myself and colleagues loved the weekends off most about the Pandemic, have to find the high points.  Reading my Sunday papers today came across a story about all the big shot journalists and where they are riding out the Pandemic. I guess a lot are really suffering in the Hamptons where they have to golf without a caddie. I don’t know how they prepared for that it must have just been so terrible. Apparently the talk among themselves is to be very careful what shows up on their Zoom calls or video, don’t get caught with a pool in the background or a yacht. I am sure not all have run out of town as a true journalist wouldn’t you want to be in the center of what you are reporting in the epicenter of NYC or Minneapolis?  I want to say that my roommate and I have stayed in our large one room apartment so we can observe firsthand first when the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was getting delivered to CVS and be the first in line. We were available to give firsthand accounts, to those who needed to know how long the line was at Trader Joes and Shake shack.  We could coax our friends to come on over to sit by the harbor, as public drinking was allowed and everyone was doing it without any cares.  Of course we had no vacation home to flee to, but we could walk or bike over to Techies boat and sit on it without a worry about a restroom. A few days on a boat and trust me this place feels like a mansion. I especially love my indoor plumbing. I know we haven’t had it so bad during this time, and I am pretty sure Techie is going to continue to put up with me, but I am waiting for the day I come home and he has moved onto his boat. There is not much in the way of Wi-Fi TV and with that head, it is a safe bet I wouldn’t be joining him. I am not sure what the word up is on divorces or break ups during this pandemic but I am sure for some it must have been very difficult. Luckily for me and my lover we are getting on in years and we could easily “not hear” conveniently at times when it made sense to avoid any conflicts and we could always blame it on “old timers”.

Just sayin……..

Day 84

Good evening my Corona friends and I trust you have all enjoyed this beautiful Saturday, and have stayed healthy and sane. We would all have to agree that this one of the perfect early summer days, 70ish and really dry, perfect weather for biking, hiking, running or just parking yourself to watch the world. I find that techie and I have become a bit complacent, and not chomping at the bit to get out the door for our daily exercise. Early days we knew it would just be the two of us and would wander the city, exploring and putting in 4-6 miles of walking, but now we struggle to get in half of that, and we need to make some changes. It occurred to me on our bike ride this morning that things are returning a bit more back to normal. By normal I do admit that there are a lot more people moving around, but at least they are all pretty much wearing masks and trying to distance themselves.  I had been thinking of the movie Jaws, as it was well over 40 years ago, but dipping my toes back in the water was a phrase that came to mind. I know people are anxious to get out and live a little more than they have been lately. Just trying to decide just how much we can dip our toes.  If you recall that scene in Jaws, when no one would go in the water, but the mayor or someone comes through and asks his family to get in the water, so they all start going in the water.  I feel with so many venturing out now, that we are all unsure of just what is safe. If you recall, that shark was still in the water.  So we each have to decide if we can’t outswim that shark or at least keep the coronavirus away, as we venture back out into the world. We are lucky in that we had some good friends that invited us to their patio for dinner tonight. We didn’t have to decide about getting an outdoor table where they might be nipping at your toes. It was definitely a much more enjoyable evening and you don’t have to worry about your wine pours as you can make them as heavy as you would like. Back home tonight I find that our neighborhood is coming back to life after having been silent for three months, and I find I don’t mind the noise outside my window. In the past if it was past midnight on a weekend there would always be some commotion on the pathway outside the window. There is a bench for a lovers quarrel, or some drunk I love you man shenanigans, going on into the early morning hours. It doesn’t happen obviously in the winter, but tonight for first time but it was over by ten so it is a start. We live very close to the airport as well and as we all know nothing has been happening there for the past few months. I actually went the wrong way the other day and ended up at the airport before I could turn around, and just decide to a little drive by at some of the terminals. I am usually going to terminal C as I mostly fly Jet Blue and since I am always late it is very annoying to see the back up trying to get in. Not any longer! You may zip right up to the door. If only I could go somewhere, it would be a very pleasant drop off. I want to start dipping my toes back in the water and take a trip somewhere or anywhere, but it doesn’t look like that will be happening anytime soon. I guess I will have to settle for National Geographic to take me away to some exotic place, because my roommate won’t be taking me anywhere anytime soon. I guess we are going to have to get out a bit earlier and longer every day when we mount those bicycles, but with no public restrooms, depends can only take you so far.

Just want to say that I heard from a friend Donna#2, as I have more than a few Donna friends and she observed that I had few typos and wondered if I had a new editor. Well my editor has always been my Techie and I was upset to know that I had a lot of typos. I am a catholic school girl, hence the potty mouth, but was always the Queen of the spelling bees so was sad to hear about the mistakes and we will try harder.

Just sayin…..

Day 83

Hello my Corona friends and TGIF, hope it is going well as the sun was shining, and we lived another day. I don’t want to get complacent but we are starting to step out and I absolutely love it. At the same time I am a bit worried. Are we stepping out to fast?  We seemed to have flattened the curve finally here in Massachusetts but now the rest of the country is feeling our pain or are they?  I know we were buttoned up pretty tight here and it is only recently that we are busting out. Retail opened this week and outdoor dining, so shopping and eating it is my oxygen, and I don’t know about anyone else but I was slowly evaporating without those real time adventures. Of course we were enjoying them as I learned to navigate the online shopping adventures. Still waiting on some refunds for my returns, so scaling back on that hobby.  Tonight we had one of our dinners from the box and it was Chicken sausage Bolognese and I have to give it an A.  A lot of the grade has to do with I don’t have to prepare it, my roommate has been doing an exceptional job and really seems to enjoy it, so I let him run with it. If I ever come into a lot of money I would definitely employ a personal chef who prepares super fabulous meals that absolutely had no calories, but living in the real world Hello Fresh, is the next best thing. I know I have vacillated about doing the homework but in the end it is a really good thing. Our neighborhood is opening up for outdoor seating and it is great to support these places that have been shuttered but at the same time they can only accommodate so many so we do the best we can and get a few drinks while waiting. Got to love those to go drinks, could be their savior. I am keeping my flask handy to make sure I can enjoy my cocktails the way I like them while supporting these guys. Ben and jerry’s has opened in our hood, so unless there is a reason we can’t step out in the hood, say good bye to those mini cones at TJ’s. Now we are talking about some real ice cream, Cherries Garcia, I love you.  Today was a good day as my friend Donna and I went to the beach without an umbrella, sunny and beautiful. This was a first for me, no beach sticker, and unsure of any parking we just headed to Revere Beach, and found a spot on the street. Donna jumped out of the car to claim that spot, and I never saw that girl move so fast. I believe the parking Gods were looking out for us and I am truly grateful. I will say a thank you prayer later tonight.  We had a great day sitting on the beach in our chairs, just the way two old ladies like it, blah, blah, blah all day and water was warm enough to relieve ourselves, and Kelly Ice Cream on our way home.  I don’t know if anyone else was on the highway today but there was something on the road that we have not seen in months, TRAFFIC!  It was both a relief but at the same time a total drag. I have been able to get to places in 15 minutes where it used to take me well over an hour. It is kind of weird because we had no warning about it, we could see dribs and drabs the past few weeks and then BAM, total beach traffic. Yes we are happy that things seem to getting back to some normalcy, but at the same time just not the perks, we have gotten used to with the light traffic. I do notice that we still have some of the biggest asshole drivers in our state, who think nothing of getting right up on your butt when you are both going 80. Obviously he is in a bit more of a rush than you, or the other dipshit, who won’t let you enter into a lane of traffic when they clearly see you coming.  I myself have to remain calm and remind myself this is why I could never own a gun. I know I am just kidding, but I don’t want to find out. NAMASTE, as my techie will remind me, and I wish I could react that easy but I will work on it for a better world.  I came across a few places today that people are creating their own happy place and both are very different but I think they work for each of them.

 Just sayin…

Day 82

Good evening my Corona friends. As always I am hoping you are all well, happy and safe. I noticed that it is less than two weeks away and I will be at 100 days and I never thought possible but I am beginning to feel like Charlie on the MTA. If you are a Bostonian you know the song, he could never get off because he didn’t have the nickel for the subway.  My intention was to write a daily blog about the lockdown, never thinking it would ever get to 50 or 60 never mind a hundred. I am going to need someone to spot me the nickel to get off or otherwise I am going to need another bottle of the goose, Donna are you listening? Here we are the first week of retail opening and outdoor dining, and I applaud all the restaurants that threw caution to the wind and opened up their own version of outdoor dining.  Give me a little time and I will get to them I did scale back on my dinner box for next week.  I just want you all to know that I cooked the quesadillas tonight as my roommate was a bit late to the table and they were delicious, probably the easiest one out of the choices so far, but really good. I have to say not even much cleanup so techie had an easy night, and that is a good thing because he had a lot on his plate today. Imagine a lot of old ladies like me, that all suffer from CRS, (can’t remember shit) needing him all day to help with passwords and the like, can be exhausting. Luckily for him I was able to deliver on the box dinner, and the cleanup, so we are all good. I heard from my daughter-in-law tonight that they have begun receiving their boxes and really enjoying them. They actually bought for 4 people so they would have leftovers to take to work the next day.  Those young people always thinking ahead. The problem with us doing something like this, is I guarantee that we eat it all at the same seating, just because we can. We do have a restock on the mini cones from Trader Joes tonight so dessert is on the horizon.

We took a walk in the rain tonight so we could see what was happening for outdoor dining and was happy to see so many places taking over space for dining. I know it is a learning curve so probably a good idea that the rain slowed the whole implementation of pop up dining. I couldn’t help noticing on our walk all the attractions that we take for granted to be open in a city that has always welcomed tourists year round and now they are shuttered with no visitors. The trolley and double decker bus stands are empty. I always thought that would be my retirement someday, I would ride around on the bus with the microphone and talk about our fair city. Probably would have never worked as no one wants to ever give Peggy the microphone, as that is an accident waiting to happen. I would sign a waiver but I could never guarantee what my interpretation on the history of this fair city would be on any given day. We did take the head off Christopher Columbus the other day in the north End and no telling who is next but I guarantee I could come up with a good narrative. Perhaps there is hope as I would never use their handbook.  We did stop by and visit with the sea lions at the aquarium. I can’t help feeling that they are lonely and sick of barking at just each other.  The boats that tour the harbor or the islands are all buttoned up and not sure if they are going anywhere this summer, but I predict they will. So many people won’t be taking a vacation this summer I suggest they explore their own city and visit all the tourist places you would only normally visit, if you had out of town relatives.  I guarantee it will be an adventure for all those involved and a way to help all these businesses who have been shuttered for so many months. Let’s all get off our butts and make it a point to do a tourist thing wherever you live that you have never done before and I expect a report on it by Monday morning in less than one hundred words.

Just sayin……..

Day 81

Good evening my Corona friends and hop all is well. On day 81 on life in the time of Corona, and I think we are beginning to get the hang of this whole pandemic thing.  I feel like people are really getting in the groove.  Maybe they are feeling a bit more like stepping out. Hey we were out till 10pm this evening and it is a school night after all. My roommate has his first day on the water with his crew. They even attempted to do some racing tonight but I think it was more than a bit chilly. Also a heavy fog rolled in to call it an early night. Generally they all convene at a bar in Charlestown but it closed for renovations last year, and still has not reopened. Luckily for the crew, Howie and Lisa live right nearby with a nice patio to host post sailing evening. I was lucky enough to crash the BBQ, all safe distance apart. We still have two dinners in the box waiting for chef Boyardee to get to it and I knew this would happen as soon as we had alternatives for dining besides our own kitchen, these would go wasted. I am going to have to scale back to two dinners as that for sure would make it more likely to make it to the frying pan. Today was a good day as I made it to a few stores and visit with my colleagues who have just returned to work, and so much fun to catch up. We all feel like it has been a very long snowstorm, and happy to be able to venture out even if we still have to mask up. Great to be out and about among people that you haven’t been with 24/7 for the past few months. I love how some of the local restaurants in different towns, are adapting to the new phase of openings and setting up their outdoor seating however and wherever they can find a spot. Some of the local craft breweries are putting picnic tables around their buildings and partnering with a hot dog vendor to sell some food. These picnic tables are sprouting up on little side streets in the city and for once it looks like the people who make these decisions about who gets to serve outside are tacking a more lackadaisical attitude, and I for one applaud it and hopefully it will continue, as I have gotten used to taking my cocktails in my own sippy cup on my nightly stroll. Today down on the south shore I found a local pub set up quite a few round tables and picnic tables right out back in their parking lot, and were doing brisk business. I even spotted a makeshift bar at the end made out of plywood. A few ladies were just bellying up to the bar enjoying a bit of day drinking.  It must be their first few days out of hiding, and very excited about actually finding a bar, albeit a plywood one, that was serving on a nice sunny day. I definitely get the vibe that loosening the restrictions slowly has made us all more appreciative of all our new found freedoms after having been grounded. We are all going to have to take some time to figure out how to navigate the world during and after Corona and how to address the issues of racial inequality, and first just by acknowledging it, speaking about it and understanding. Just like these restaurants are trying to reinvent the way they can still be relevant and succeed, we can find a way to talk about it and try to heal all the hurt we are feeling today. I hope this has not been in vain and living under the shutdown has given us more time to think about it and I know there is a way we can build our way and it could start with some plywood.

Just sayin…

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