Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Month: March 2021

Day 366

Holy Shit! It has just passed over one year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good evening my Corona friends. I can’t believe we have passed the one-year mark and still living in the twilight zone.  So much for that 2 week lockdown. It has really found a home with us and just won’t leave. The good news for me and my roommate is that we have had both our shots and now we feel totally invincible, totally weird feeling but right now I am digging it.  I know some of my friends have traveled south this winter and it is like we live in two different countries and no masks required but here in our beautiful city almost 100% compliant with mask-wearing. I did even break down and order a bunch of new styles as for sure we will be wearing them for a while. If I paid attention to my fashion I would do better on the coordination, but right now just want one that won’t fog up my sunglasses. Is that too much to ask?  So we had a great experience this past weekend, we actually had our friends Howie and Lisa over for dinner in our one big room. I was so excited to cook a meal for the company I broke out Ina’s best recipe and went to town. Wow, we got our dining room table back as it has had two computers set up as our work from home station, it was like a whole new place. I always loved having people over for dinner and I didn’t realize how much I missed it and how good it felt to actually feel like a regular human being, well maybe not regular?  It was a lovely evening with cocktails and wine and even gelato for dessert, heavenly.

Today my roommate and I had a life-changing event happen for us and we celebrated by actually dining inside at our favorite Pizza place, Regina’s.  You know you are really simpatico with your lover when you both come up with the perfect celebration spot for all your life-changing events.  I was walking back home this afternoon and I was thinking to myself Techie and I should go out and celebrate big time tonight, feeling very emboldened with my double vax.  Plus the fact that I wouldn’t have to get out my sweatpants sealed the location, and happy to report that we were not disappointed and didn’t have to worry about popping the button on my pants as they were already pretty well stretched. Well, that life changing event I was speaking about is that we will no longer be working together as our business changed hands today and now what am I going to do?  Well I have seen all the Law and Order so that is out and now I picked up another British crime show “Dirty tricks” which is about a bunch of retired old geezers who get hired back as consultants to the Police department, there is a parallel theme here with the old geezers maybe I will get an offer?  I may have some time to get back to the gym, no excuse now got all my shots!  Funny how we all seem to want to know who got their shots?  It’s like I can only play with those who have had their shots, well it makes it easier to decide on who you are letting in or who wants to come on in for now anyway.

Walking around my neighborhood today I came across a flock of Pink Flamingos and took it as a sign that it is time to dust off the travel bag and explore the world. We visited the Galapagos a few years back and came across these beautiful birds a few times.  I have to heed my lover’s advice and maybe look at this change as a good thing and those Flamingoes just may have sparked the fire.

 Just saying…………………..

DAY 352

Good evening my Corona friends and yes it has been almost one year since I started this blog and I never thought in a million years, I would still be carrying on about Corona virus, WTF???? It was supposed to be like the flu and when the weather got warmer it would disappear, well it sure wasn’t and is still with us today, Mask or no Mask?  I know a lot of places are doing away with the mandates for a mask but I know I am going to keep them in place till it is safe to go back in the water. I went this long and hate to blow it now because of mask fatigue, so I guess I can stick with it a bit longer. Besides I just read a post that said don’t get all shook up about masks required for entry, because just imagine what it was like when the sign said “whites only” how would that fly today, you would be outraged so just suck it up, and walk in someone else’s shoes, it’s not that hard.

I am sure everyone does the same thing but I got to thinking of all the things I missed getting accomplished this year during a year of the shutdown and that list is pretty small. I did find a whole new genre of murder shows, and of course, the British ones have it all over us, with a lot of murders happening in these small quaint villages. Just goes to show things are not always what they seem and these idyllic villages have a lot of bad things happening, just ask Harry and Meghan. Seriously I often worry that when I retire I will be on the couch with a bag of Cape Cod chips binging on Law and Order but now I have a whole another genre of British crime shows and on Amazon or Netflix there are no commercials. This past year I learned that I can watch from my IPad with my earphones so I can be in bed and watch all night, before my discovery I was sleeping on the chaise part of my sectional. Speaking of which I got into this feathering your nest thing and got a new sectional, mind you the look is killer but there will be no burrowing into my chaise in the middle of the night and finding just the right spot to be at my moment of Zen.  No, this one is all about the look and trying to be cool in my loft, and guess what Techie hasn’t even noticed it yet.  He never watches TV or if he does it is on his laptop, he is such a millennial.  Mostly he spends a lot of time reading weird blogs or listening to podcasts that are more intellectually stimulating than Law and Order or City Homicide but murder gets my attention and my fantasy but lately, since the last election, I don’t feel like killing anyone and I will take it as a good sign. The weather is getting warmer and daylight savings time is coming this weekend and even though I know I shouldn’t be tricked into this Fools spring, I have lived here long enough to know snow could come any day by the feet, I can’t help but feel a spring in my step. I am getting my second dose of the Moderna vaccine this Friday and just can’t wait. When the last time people is were so excited to get a jab but hell we sure are and then some.  We heard tonight that we may get together with others who have been vaccinated and your grandchildren if the pod is safe. well, we are lucky as we all just got to celebrate Maisie turning three with fire pit and s’mores, so let’s not rush back to anything we used to do as I like these ‘Hot Toddies” and the campfire. Tomorrow night I will celebrate my sister Debby’s Birthday with 4 of my five sisters and we have all been vaccinated, up until now it was a good excuse not to see them, just kidding. Soon enough we won’t have that excuse not to get together but maybe can we scrape by with missing one more Passover or Easter??  I love hosting or attending but I have really grown to love not getting dressed on said holidays and just eating take out, maybe because with my Covid 19 I can’t fit into any of my clothes. I am trying to psych myself into going back to the gym but always think of a reason not to go, just don’t have the right mask.  Plus I do have that second shot on Friday and I heard it can be a setback so best not to overdo it before I am fully vaccinated.

In the meantime my roommate gave me a few days to myself and I knew just what to do with my free time.

 Just saying………….

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