Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Month: May 2021

DAY 433

Good evening my Corona friends. It has been twenty-two days since my last post and things are moving quickly, and after this year I would say it is warp speed. I know I live in a place where most people trust the science, or they will do anything to get back in the bar, so they get a vaccination. Last week our Governor announced that as of May 29, there will no longer be a mask mandate, so this weekend it was almost like a gigantic skinny dip party or would have been had the weather cooperated.  Seriously it was like ripping off a big band-aide and jumping right in, at least for the bar crowd that has been denied just bellying up to the bar for more than a year. It was close to a religious experience. For myself, I am waiting to see my beloved Jared behind the bar in my hood before I take a seat, as I don’t want any of those weak pours. We were going to go out with a bunch of friends to celebrate the open borders at a restaurant, but then with the weather not cooperating for Al Fresco, I did a last-minute pitch to move the dinner party to our palatial one room estate and we were also thrilled we did.  I just pull out my trusted friend Ina Garten, Barefoot Contessa books, and just whip up a meal in these situations. I would love to be married to Ina and I don’t know if Jeffrey understands the full extent of how he is the luckiest man on the planet.  Of course, now that I have Techie cooking out of a box twice a week now, I can call upon him to be my sous chef when whipping up a meal for ten people, and because he is the wonder that he gets it done. It was an n emotional evening to just sit next to your friends and hug them. And to think sometimes you talk shit about these guys. That night there were all Gods and old friends are the best, warts and all. Talk to me next month and I will tell you if I am still kvelling so much about them. Of course, I have had a few people over during the shutdown, and we did have our pod, Howie and Lisa, Donna and Jon, Nancy and Pete, and then, of course, there are my work friends, and my nieces and nephews, sisters and brothers and a few of their friends, but other than that we were in a very strict lockdown for over a year, and grandkids don’t count, that’s a given. I mean we saw none other than the thirty or so people, and I never stood that close to anyone at work and had I was always wearing a mask, so like we were super careful. Seriously I don’t know when we started relaxing a bit, maybe last summer, then it was a scary time after Thanksgiving, and no one wanted to be near anyone, and now we find ourselves ripping off the band-aide.  I know this is not easy for everyone and I can tell you after spending some time in Harvard Square today they are not ready, masks are strictly enforced. This is after all the PRC, Peoples Republic of Cambridge and we will probably be masked up outside at soccer games till the year 2023.  Seriously I am really poking fun right now but I totally get it, how do you just jump right in after what we all have been through this past year?  But I have always been a person who jumps right in and doesn’t need to be told twice, feet first I jumped. My grandson Charlie doesn’t find it that easy and not ready to rip the band-aide all the way, but we will take some baby steps until Grandmas pushes him right into the deep end. I am just worried that this glimpse of normalcy will pass and I want to kick it up like the roaring twenties right now………….so judgment-free zone while I break out in song and dance at any given moment.

I want to get back the year that I lost and when I think about how much time I have spent watching the tube with Netflix, Apple, Hbo,showtime, britbox, Hulu, fungu or whatever my brain is fried.  When you get to a certain age you start thinking about the clock is ticking and there are still all these places and adventures I want to do before I leave the planet, I am dam well pissed off that I lost a year to TV, but at the time it was awesome.  My roommate doesn’t really watch TV, he would rather sit at his computer and read blogs from skeptics or who knows what?  But those things can suck you in just as well but you may feel a bit more superior because it is not as pedestrian as TV, just giving him a poke, since he does do my editing.  We both know that we are not going to waste time but rather I am planning our next adventure, biking in either Croatia or Italy but on one of those nice trips where they carry all your stuff and a really nice wine dinner every night. I am thinking maybe an electric powered bike since I am approaching a delicate age and I didn’t just gain the Covid 19 but maybe times two?  Anyway today we are grateful that we can still walk to Little Italy, have a fantastic meal, or better yet Regina’s pepperoni and mushroom and then enjoy the walk back, and that my fiend is heaven on earth.  After all we have been through this past year I do want to give a moment to honor all those brave men and women who didn’t get to experience this past year as they gave the ultimate sacrifice and we salute you and your families.

Just saying………….

DAY 412

Good evening my corona friends and I trust everyone is doing well and almost feeling like we may be getting back to normal or wait, THE NEW NORMAL.  I didn’t realize that it has been well over a month since my last rant. That was Easter so since Today is Mother’s day I guess I am turning into a Holiday scribe. I went out early this morning for a stroll around the city. It was truly a glorious day, and there were certainly lots of people out. Today what was particularly noticeable to me was that people had actually put some serious effort into their attire, almost like their Easter outfits. Maybe because the weather was so lovely and they were taking their Momma’s out to dine, for maybe the first time in a year.  If there was ever a time to celebrate Moms I would say that after a year like 2020, they all deserve a Nobel Prize.  I know it was tough on all of us, but moms with young kids, any kids, or those caring for the ones in depends, it was freaking hard. Imagine having to work and monitor your online classes for the young ones.  I just have to imagine that all those parents who severely limited screen time, like everyone had to give in to it sooner or later, and no one will hold it against you. Heck, I just had myself and my roommate to take care of and I super OD’d on my screen time. I know I am late to the party on this but when I figured out a few months ago that I could watch on my IPAD with earplugs, I was in heaven and I wake up at night with those silly earbuds stuck in my ears, but I love it. I am pretty sure I have watched every BBC crime show for the last 15 years, but that is a whole other rant. Back to Mother’s day, I was thinking about my own Mom on my walk today and how truly extraordinary a woman she was and of course how much we didn’t appreciate it at the time.  She pretty much raised eleven children on her own, working nights in a hospital coming home and getting everyone fed and off to school so she could have some time to clean up, do several loads of wash, hang it outside on the clothesline, and be ready with the after school snacks, homework and dinner, before grabbing a nap before going off to work at 10:30 pm. OMG there is a reason my siblings and I only had two kids and some not any, exhausting and to think I used to cry to my Mom how hard it was with two babies and working. I had a nanny that lived with us, a supporting and very much participating husband, yes techie did everything, what must she have thought?   I know she always thought that I had landed the best husband and Dad in the world, and she always was amazed that I didn’t wait on him and serve him his meals, she often wondered “how does he keep you” her words.  She just never got that the world was changing and men could do their share, and we did try and please her on occasion and do the dishes on holidays because we didn’t want her to do it and God forbid the guys could do clean up. Well, Ma, guess what they are all doing the clean-up now and the world didn’t end.  Mom has been gone for more than twenty years but I still speak with her often and now I am getting to experience her best joy in life, Grandchildren. She was lucky enough to have an abundance of Grandkids and most lived close by so they spent a lot of time with her and reap the benefits of a super generous grandma. I am super lucky to have three grandchildren and come next month I will add another Grandson to the mix.  Charlie and Maisie live nearby so I see them all the time, Tilda is a short plane ride away and luckily I just spent a week with a wild two-year-old.  I have to get back to the gym to keep up with everyone.

I read recently what a lot of Mom’s wanted for this Mother’s day was away or two alone, just some me time.  I know after this past year it was even more important but I can remember wanting that as well when the kids were little, I would say to Techy I go away with the kids and you get to have the house to yourself, can you please go away for a night. Well we were invited to go hiking Saturday up a mountain and then stay in a hut with by daughter, son-in-law and two kids but longing for some me time I opted out but my roommate went along. I was thinking about how we were going to get Maisie, who is three to walk up that mountain when just a few days ago she couldn’t do the fifiteen minute walk to the Aquarium, without me carrying her, aching back was what I was thinking, plus you have to go outside to the composting toilet.  I opted to having this one BIG room to myself and suddenly it was palatial.  I keep the TV on rather loud and just binged on whatever I wanted.  I didn’t even mind when my friends cancelled the pizza party and I could stay in my jammies, heaven on earth is what I say and didn’t even answer the phone, well no one called anyway. I was thrilled to be invited out to Lunch with My niece Amy and family, back in the hood as they were the previous occupants of this big room.  Well what better way to top off Mother’s day than to have a facetime call with my kids Max, Erica, Hugh and Alana, arranged by my incredible daughter to toast all the Moms but what they really wanted to say that they booked a trip for all of us on Thanksgiving to Puerto Rico to kick start celebrating retirement.  Of course I thought they were kidding and didn’t get that excited but later when she sent the itinerary I felt unworthy and very special at the same time. Techie and I are both incredibly fortunate to have these great kids, and spouses, in our lives, plus the biggest plus are Charlie, Maisie, Tilda and the one they are calling Pancake soon to come.

Mom you would be proud and even if I find that they hacked my account and used my miles, I will be Ok with that, I am just glad they talk to me.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you Corona Moms and May the fourth be with you!

Just saying…………

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