Good evening my Corona, Delta, and Omicron friends and I hope you have all started the New year with a Bang and not a virus.  I have resigned myself to getting it in some form or another and just believe my vaccines and booster and voodoo will get me through it.  It seems every day someone I know is getting it. This seems to spread really fast but thankfully no one that I know has been seriously ill and I believe it is because we are vaccinated. I know we are doing the right thing wearing a mask taking all the precautions but damn I am sick of it, especially when I see those in our southern hemisphere just going about their business. I am not going all shut down again and yes have even been inside a restaurant, hope my kids aren’t reading this, they are much more cautious than me.  We survived New Year, Day 666,  and seems to have slid downhill, but today I read that the wastewater in Boston was showing less virus. Who would want that job?  What do you do for a living?  I comb through wastewater, enough said.

  January 2nd my Vodka was empty and I haven’t replenished, was going for a “Dry January”, well not really intentionally but you know trying to keep up with the trend. My roommate brought back the food box so he has cooked a few meals, the dishwasher is still broken, and you know what a mess he makes while cooking, but he is trying.  When this all started and we were doing a lot of take-out, we could add a few drinks to our order so I am going to have to get with “hello Fresh” to step up their game and include some nips in the box. I am sure biz would improve quite a bit if we could get all the ingredients needed to enjoy a nice dinner. We had our first official snow day of the season last Friday. It just wasn’t the same. They didn’t even preempt the morning shows to watch storm team 5, always cracks me up we have a morning off and we just have to watch reporters on the snowy highway, while I am missing Morning Joe. I used to love the snow day, forced to take a break and do some kind of cleanup you have been waiting to get to but we all have had a lot of days to reorganize these past few years.  I honestly wished my closet reflected some of that organization but sadly it does not.  I did clean out the drawers in the media cabinet and tossed out quite a bit, I don’t know who keeps filling it up. I swear it’s like gerbils multiplying in there, I thought they had left us.  I did find a lot of newspaper articles, yes real newspaper, that I have stashed for the past few years almost all about travel destinations that I planned to visit and take techie with me of course, always need help with my devices. I always go for the travel section first and have been saving all these, hoping someday I would make it there.  I started putting them all in a journal, and like baby journals in the past, off to a good start but hope to keep it current, hoping for the best.  My roommate and I were off on a good clip before the plague hit and managed some pretty spectacular trips around the world, but like most people have been sidelined. I had hoped to be on the road at least a year ago. I want to keep going before I really am in adult diapers and not just Depends for the long Covid walks. I have it down for some stays in airstream parks out west, a cool place in Uruguay and of course, that bike ride in Croatia is still on the table for this September.  We are so lucky that we just snagged a cabin on a sailing vessel in the BVI at the end of the month, Techie skills came in handy again they were looking for an experienced sailor. I already introduced myself to my cabin mates via email that I will be perched on the front trampoline of the Cat, reading my book and being served painkillers 24/7, sounds heavenly?  I just need to get this Covid thing out of the way, as I surely don’t want to test positive on my way down but of course on the way out and they have to keep me a while, I will survive.  I really hate to leave when the weather has been so lovely, I mean it was a high of negative 2 yesterday but the really great thing about temp being so low when it gets to 25 is it feels positively balmy like it did this afternoon.   Sun was out, beautiful day and wastewater says it’s going down so all in all a good day.

Just saying…………………….

Not today