Good Evening my Corona Friends and a very Happy Monday to you all. Today will be my last nightly chronicle of Living in the Time of Corona, and I wish I could say it is over and that is why I am signing off, but sadly it is not the case. We here have of course flattened the curve but because so many refuse to subscribe to wearamaskasshole, it won’t be ending anytime soon. Now we have a fresh crop of Karen’s popping up all over the retail world and having some serious hissy fits about having to wear a mask. I thought the one in Trader Joes was especially hilarious as she was screaming rather loudly for a good long time that she had trouble breathing and could not wear a mask, yet did not appear winded while blowing all that hot air. Then there are the gun toting Karen and Ken just trying to protect their property form the great unwashed, by pointing an automatic weapon at peaceful protestors, as it turns out they are both lawyers, probably have some reason to be frightened. May have given some bad representation. These last few weeks have almost seemed normal, going back to our old routines, just wearing a mask and have the cleanest hands possible. I think back to the beginning of this Pandemic and it was easy to poke fun about the severe shortages of toilet paper, Clorox and for all the newly inspired bakers’ flour. It was much more fun back then when you could share sightings of toilet paper on Facebook or with your posse and really make a game of it. I can’t believe how many people are in the mask business now and certainly no shortage of supply or creativity. Remember when there was thought to be a meat shortage and people couldn’t find chicken?  Or better yet in the beginning people were buying chickens so they would have their own egg supply but not really thinking it all the way through. I wonder what happened to all those chicks.  I would say one of the great upsides of this is how many gardens have sprung up that would have never happened before. I heard today that some former restaurant workers have started a new business teaching people how to start a garden. I can assure you if my lover and I were back in our old house in the burbs, I would definitely give it a shot, except I would just pay someone to do my garden for me. Remember I pay the dry cleaners to sew a button. I am sure I would be posting pictures of my tomatoes and squash and maybe even share a recipe, love the food network.

A month ago all those small inconveniences of living through this pandemic changed with the death of George Floyd and have awakened a movement that was a long time coming, and the frustration of living under lock down gave it the perfect launching pad. People are angry and aren’t going to take it anymore, so we all need to figure this out. I am going to be more patient and tolerant, which will be very hard for me, as there are so many assholes, but I have my techie to support me.  

I know there are a lot of great new things on the horizon and tonight at dinner with my roommate, I asked if we will ever go back to a world without masks, obsessive hand washing, and keeping a distance from friends.  He assures me that yes that time will come and he is never wrong so I am going with it.   Since I won’t be doing my nightly journal, he will be able to go to bed earlier, as he does my publishing and it is often just before midnight, so I know he will be happy.  I am hoping to go to a weekly post and I have enjoyed unloading my often incoherent ramblings as my stress reliever of the day.  Hoping there is a vaccine soon so we can all get out of the Twilight Zone. If you want to know my next adventure with techie just click here.