Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 12

How is everyone doing today? Still happy and Healthy, or at least healthy? I know it is getting harder and harder to maintain a positive attitude but what choice do we have, misery or the pure unadulterated state of inebriation?  I don’t know about you but I know which state I am choosing and it may involve some alcohol. I had a happy hour night tonight with my girlfriends and it was rather sober tonight, I only had 3 drinks.  The conversation was really all about getting your groceries and the safes way to do it.   I had to shut it down the other night when everyone was bringing up their health issues, and we all know Boomers love to talk aches and pains and Medicare but I wasn’t having it.  It was a more somber happy hour as we discussed the ins and outs of instacart, elderly hours and just plain visits and it was all over the map.  There is a lot of advice out there on the internet and you can literally lose your mind, if you haven’t already about the safety of grocery shopping. Apparently there is a video on the internet that has you washing all your fruit and vegetables in soapy water and washing down with Clorox any place a bag, may have touched in your house. I am not doing this and won’t commit to it either, so call me an asshole, but it is just too much. I am doing the whole hand washing thing and they are a bit raw, and staying in this place with the walls closing in, but seriously?   Dr Fauci who is my new hero has said, and I saw him on the Daily show, may be a good idea but didn’t think it was necessary, so going with him. So for the better part of an hour we discussed when to go to the market, should we wear a mask? Twilight zone is a coming and which market should we go to?  My friend lives out in the woods west of Boston an honestly there aren’t many street lights on a good day. So imagine this instacart driver being a little freaked out by these rural roads in the dark and he leaves it at the wrong house, Can you blame him?  He just wanted to get out of there fast before the Coyotes bit him in the ass.  I just wonder who got her groceries and bummer for them, because unlike my cart there would be no nuttie buddies or cape cod chips……..Listening to all this tonight I was suddenly reminded of a memory from way long ago when I first became a Mom and had my baby girl. Suddenly I find myself home and it was a whole new experience for me.  I had always had a job since I was fourteen years old and now found myself with a bit of time on my hands. This was back in the day before you had internet so there were no “mommy and me” groups to reach out to, so on your own. I ran into a woman I used to work with a few years ago who had just had her second baby and was thrilled that I was living nearby. We made plans and one night I went over for a glass of wine so I could hear about all the fun things new Mommy’s were doing in the neighborhood. Things started off great as we sat around with our wine and then I said now that I am going to be home for the next 3 months what do all you Mom’s do?  Imagine my disappointment when she started listing off a ceramics class, swap meets and dare I say it a group that met after Church. I didn’t, but I almost cried on the spot and wondered what did I get myself into, I hate ceramics, I got nothing to swap and I am a lapsed Catholic married to a Jewish fellow. I was going to have to make my own way with this new baby, and it was going to be an adventure, and it has been since day one, she was right from the get go bring your baby to work. I met one of my best friends that day I had my baby girl, lady with the instacart groceries in the woods, we shared a room in the hospital and friends still to this day. Yes back in the day you almost always shared a room and worse than that you wanted a “natural’” childbirth, no freaking drugs, what idiots we were.  If I had to do it over give me the drugs. Today I am grateful that I have these friends and we can share our shopping stories, while tipping back a few, and escape the reality of what is going on in the world, with these first world problems. Who knows what tomorrow brings.

Just sayin……………

P.S. if you have read my previous blogs you know a few days ago I mentioned Ina Gartner,, is my absolute hero and that has been solidly proven that she is freaking awesome.


Day 11


Day 13

1 Comment

  1. Erica

    Guess I am going to have to return that ceramics class I booked us for mothers day…

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