Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 13

Hello everyone and how are we all doing? Happy and healthy?  Well I am sure most of us cannot answer on that happy part in the affirmative, because the fact of the matter it really sucks right now and it is hard to see the light.  I used to think that I could maybe write for Hallmark because I would cry at AT&T commercials but in this new world order I don’t think it is possible.  I actually was missing friends today that I never want to see, or let me rephrase I would be willing to sit down with people I severely dislike.  Today if I was given the choice to have lunch with people I swore I would never give the time of day, to I would jump at the chance. Hell I might even pick up the tab. This is how starved we are to have some human interaction with people besides your one and only roommate.  Honestly the thought of an interview at the DMV for my new real ID sounds absolutely heavenly, dam a root canal sounds awesome if it got us in with another human up close and personal.  I do have to say that the people at Trader Joes, are still really upbeat even though they are now wearing masks and not bothering with the Hawaiian Aloha shirts. Please bring back the Aloha shirts so we can feel some sort of normalcy to this twilight zone.  Here it is Friday night, and I have to check to be sure of what day it is, I am watching SUITS, which apparently is the show that the now abdicated princess of Great Britain, was on before she married Harry. I only had seen an episode or two over the years and now that I am reading people magazine for all my entertainment news, I have decided to start from the beginning. I am on episode 4 of the first series. Oh wait all my plans for the weekend have been cancelled, so I think I will just binge on this TV series and see it through.  Of course I can do this because I have no one to answer to and once I serve all the meals I am free to roam this really spacious one room loft as I see fit. I know for my kids home with their little ones going into week three of lockdown is really taking its toll and starting to wear thin. I know when I was growing up my Mom used to say to me, I only hope one day that you have a daughter just like you.  Apparently she thought I needed a little payback for some of the little, minor incidents I may have tangled with as a teenager. But no I have an amazing daughter, who for some reason likes to follow the rules, and is following all the protocol to keep safe during this time. I am grateful for this and I know it is wearing.  It is one thing for us to take these guys for the weekend and let them eat whatever they want, watch tv, and stay up till all hours but we just have to return them in the same order we received  them and no damage.  I don’t know what would happen if Grandma was stuck inside for several weeks, would I still come out with sunshine coming out of my ass? I don’t think so and don’t know how it will all play out.  Of course this is a different world we live in today and we have Facetime and Zoom so it is almost like being there right?   Bull Crappy, it is nothing like being there and I really do want to get dressed in the morning and put my jammies on at night, maybe wash my hair more than once every 10 days.  Take a shower, where I haven’t been as much, because I hear you sense of smell may be one of the first things to go and I want to know I still don’t have the virus if I stink.  I can get away with all this because there is only other person in my room and we all know techies don’t care much for fashion.  True story when my Mom first met my roommate I asked her so what do you think?  Her answer, “doesn’t care much for clothes does he?”

Just sayin……………


Day 12


Day 14


  1. Jean Schwinn

    Sounds like you need to get out. Let me know if you would like to FaceTime and I could take you for a walk in Wisconsin

  2. Jenn

    They are too cute!! ❤️❤️ I can’t imagine how hard this time must be for you and Rich to not be able to see them in person right now! 😥😘

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