Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

DAY 134

Good evening my Corona friends. It has been a while but I hope you are happy, healthy, and safe. We are now into August and I wonder where the summer has gone, albeit it is different this year because most days, I don’t know what day it is, never mind the month.  Did anyone notice that we are experiencing some of the hottest temperatures in years, yes Dorothy we have landed in hell and resembles it more every day in more ways than the temperature?  So last I left you all I was embarking on a sailing adventure with my Lover, he has been elevated this week, and my friends Howie and Lisa, and happy to report that we were successful in having a relaxing and cable news free five days, aboard Charisma 3.  You know when you have truly really good friends when you have to change the plan on a dime, and no one gets upset about it. We fully provisioned the boat, both with Tuna and thanks to Lisa, both types of peanut butter crunchy and smooth, and we were off………… OK, the first day out no wind, no sail so we had to motor and a few hours in the newly repaired motor overheated, so that put a major cramp in our plans. We were only going to be in Scituate for the first night, and my friend Celia was going to host us on her deck for dinner, SDR, in place but had to bag it. The thing you have to love about sailboats is that we were going to a place that we could drive to in an hour but with a good wind maybe 6 hours, or motor 5 hours, but the day we lost power, the wind would have been 12 hours. I know first world problems, but we rerouted and found a nice place to hang out for the night, and the next day went north, instead of south, and went wherever the wind took us.  I am not going to bore you with details but we ended up in a fabulous anchorage and we are grateful for Steph and Michael for helping us out, I feel like a politician in it pays to know people.  Hence anyone thinks it was luxury we could tie our boat to a ball and sit in the water and only use that one head, somehow we managed. There were no spa treatments, but there was a lot of jumping in the crisp cool ocean to cool ourselves off, and it was a little bit of heaven. Except did I forget to mention it was 100 degrees and there is no AC, and no breeze but no worries, we pretended we were in one of those sweat lodges and we had revelations and breakthroughs.

We cut it short a day or two but it was awesome and grateful that we had the time to kick back and relax.  I may have mentioned that we participate in The Pan Mass Challenge every year and ride our bikes for almost 200 miles to raise money for cancer, but like everything else, it was not what we are used to, but we had a Reimaging of what it could be and thanks to our team leaders and volunteers we had a rewarding ride. The PMC is usually a ride of several thousand people with a sleepover one night, definitely 2 * at best accommodations, but all the $$$$$ goes directly to Dana Farber research, last year we raised over 60 million and 100% goes directly for research, 100% guaranteed so give some money honey. I bring this up because myself and friends have been posting pictures of us riding and asking for donations on social media and people are liking our pages, ya that is great but do you see the link about donate, click and donate just don’t like it, give us the money honey. Do you think I squeeze my fat ass into spandex for two days and humiliate myself for a like?  Just sayin,

I was on my ride yesterday morning and I have to say it was a Saturday, I checked and was riding through some of the more affluent suburbs of Boston it could be pretty comical.  The first thing that stands out is old men in pajamas walking their dogs, and might I say I know I am going to sound sexist and politically incorrect, but have you no shame? You looked like you were walking a kitty or miniature dog, could you at least get a real dog.  I live in a small space in the city so I will cut some slack, as there is not a lot of room, but we are talking very big homes with very large manicured yards. Seriously Dudes have you no shame?   Just want to say I was keeping tabs in my head along the ride and it was just the old men walking the dogs and it is usually hands down, a lot of old white guys riding their bikes on this weekend, so not sure if they turned in their bikes for a little dog. I am pretty sure I know the answer, either kids came home, or were already there and during the Pandemic begged for a dog. I am sure they promised to take care of it till it came to walking it at 7 am, SUCKER!!! Corona Puppies!!!

So one last thing before I go, I thought we had lived through everything in the twilight zone, but then I came home to this, and I think reality is putting The Onion out of business, because for sure you can’t make this shit up about the Voodoo Doctor, being presented by our dear President as a cure for Corona Virus, doesn’t he have a vetting staff?  What can possibly happen next?

My roommate and Techie is going to have some treatment starting this week at Dana Farber, did I mention why we ride?  We may be in full lock down mode so look for some tales from the crypt and hit that donate button, Dammit.

Just sayin


Day 124


Day 135

1 Comment

  1. Judy murdock

    Love to hear about your life and experiences
    Hope donations flow in -rich is an example of Dana FArber research saving lives

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