Good evening to all my Corona friends and hope everyone had a great Monday, happy and healthy. Look I even know it is Monday, without having to look at the calendar, maybe a sense of normalcy is coming back?  Although what the heck is normal nowadays, just when you think it can’t get any worse, lookout a hurricane or tropical storm is coming at you, just hold on tight because we have no idea where it will land. Of course these last few days they had to close the testing sites in Florida, so according to our supreme leader, we test too much anyway, so this will be one way of bringing the numbers down, hey whatever works?  Oh, less I forget there is a raging wildfire on the west coast, so yes, we are either drowning or burning, pick your poison because I am not jumping into something like Indiana, no offense to many of the good people who live there, but I think Satan may have been residing there at some point.  Well, I better stop myself from going down that rabbit hole no good can come from that.  Today is our first day in quarantine again and so far so good. I prepared dinner from the box and have enough homework for the rest of the week. Tonight was a delicious vegetarian dish. I should have snapped a picture for my son Max since he wants us to be more plant-based. He got the dinner box a few times but then decided it was very wasteful too much packaging with all the little packets of perfectly measured ingredients, that I find very helpful. They do also pack it in some kind of weird cooling packs that when you cut them open some weird lava pours out, best not to open them I have them in the freezer and found them helpful on the boat. See Max, momma does know how to do recycling and don’t forget kids I taught you everything you know about composting when we used to live in a house with a yard. Techie was feeling good today and wanted to walk over to see his boat and be sure it is secure for the upcoming storm. I didn’t want to do the walk it was so hot and takes about 30-40 minutes but because I am such an incredible wife and martyr, I did the walk with him to keep my eye on him. Well we moved to the city almost five years ago to this nice big room, and the upside was we had a summer home on the water in that shrinking boat, but now they have started a construction project where they are dismantling a bridge that is going to take three years and we will be living with the soot and noise.  We may have to find a new anchorage and if that motor gets fixed, sail away to a new country, but wait no country will take us, well I guess we will have to settle for Maine, just don’t send me to New Hampshire.

I have to share that techie was engaging online with a friend of ours who has been posting things about the evils of vaccines and that Bill Gates and others are trying to poison people to decrease the population so they can have more money. I just don’t know who dreams this shit up and why he bothers, people glom onto something and they are not giving it up, but he tries. When I first knew him and we were living in a ski town in Colorado, some missionary sorts knocked on the door, and where I would have just shut the door he invites them in to discuss and to add to that he invited them back, and I believe they came every week for the month I was there. Techie would even go to the library during the week to prepare for the next meeting. He says he just can’t believe smart people can believe stupid things, and I say then there are supporters of you know who………….

I am missing but sailing adventure and the peacefulness of being out of touch with my cables news, I am so addicted. I have kept it off this evening and letting my roommate enjoy blasting some old tunes.  Oh did I mention we brought our entertainment on our sailing adventure, our very own balladeer who likes to serenade us?

Just sayin