Captains Log on the Corona Enterprise and Captain Kirk we so need you and Spock right now to right this ship. We are in a free fall so beam me up Scottie. Oh I wish we could beam up to maybe like December 2020 and the ship has been righted, but alas we are stuck here on this scorched earth for a while and no end in sight so gear up for the long haul. Day 2 here in our new lock-down while my roommate/lover/techie gets his concierge service courtesy of his amazing roommate and a little help from Dana Farber.  I just want to put it to rest that he will be 100% fine once this is over, and I am a regular June Cleaver taking care of this one large room household. Today I made all three meals, and yes dinner came from the box and that was very tiresome recipe, it was very good but required too many bowls and pans, just too much clean up. Take out would be so much easier just toss out the package, but it is not the same as having your loving wife slave over a hot stove for you, drama queen that I am.  My daughter informed me today that for two weeks as a gift she has hired someone to cook meals for us, daughters are the absolute best, sorry Max I am sure you have some really good attributes, just not coming to me so quickly, just kidding you did contribute with beautiful granddaughter Tilda. I will give you a life pass and my daughter in law, Alana, is pretty awesome {sucking up} you have to do that with the outlaws.  Anyway I got off track but seriously, I used to wish I could be like Oprah, and have a personal chef and then maybe I wouldn’t eat a big bag of Cape Cod chips at one seating when feeling a bit stressed and the whole box of nutty buddies. My dream would be to be a friend of Ina Garten and be invited to one of her dinners or lunch at her home with Jeffrey, I am trying to get to that level cooking for Techie, please Ina, and we can rearrange our schedule anytime and be there on short notice.

We got the remnants of a storm tonight and I have to say it was the weirdest thing, it went from intense wind and rain for less than five minutes to a beautiful rainbow, so I guess there is hope of what is to come. Considering that just a few months ago we couldn’t get toilet paper, chicken or Clorox, and now it is in the stores in abundance, one my think better days are coming, but just keep stocked up because there is a lot of bullshit coming down the pike, between now and November and get your waders out, to get through it.  I mentioned yesterday that my roommate likes to engage with people who have different viewpoints and he is not trying to change their mind but maybe see another point of view, he is hoping they come to that on their own accord. He is always reading his weird blogs and engaging with people on social media, whereas I just kind of give a look see once or twice a day and maybe give a like, but try not to comment too often, because I know something’s going to show up on my feed and I am going to have to buy it, because I am the easiest target.

But help me out here guys what is the proper thing to do when someone post a passing of a loved one, is a like appropriate?  Then there are these challenges, well hell I am challenged just trying to figure out how to do it, so I just ignore it. Then there are the posts about bypassing the feeds, I have no freaking idea what they are talking about, can someone just bypass my feed so I can have more friends? I can’t ask Techie to do everything, can I?  I guess it is a good thing I never figure out Tik Tok since our Supreme leader is going to ban it soon.

Just sayin