Hello everyone. Hope all are happy and healthy.  Today was a good day. The sun came out in the afternoon and I was dressed before noon after several cups of coffee that my roommate brewed for me this morning. Today was Saturday which I only deduced because we had no Zoom meetings in the morning, so almost no reason to get out of bed.  I have dialed back my cable news watching so did not have it on this morning and instead read the newsprint, even if most is not what you want to read there are some uplifting pieces.  I am reverting back to a time when I was a kid and bath time was Friday night, I don’t remember what we did the rest of the week but Friday night we all got a tub.  Mom filled that bathtub with some nice hot sudsy water and two at a time we got a good soak. Dam there were no tubby toys but we had a lot of fun with our squirt guns and just splashing. I know I am really going to date myself here but it was bath time and then Rawhide on TV! Rowdy Yates a real cowboy, google it. It won’t be the same, you really had to be there. I mean it doesn’t compare to the reality TV we have today with the Bachelor and the Kardashian, but if Wishbone cooked up those beans around the campfire you could almost recall a scene right out of Blazing Saddles.  I digress because what I really wanted to say is I had a twenty minute shower and it was almost heavenly and before eveyone goes crazy about my abuse of water, remember this is the only shower I had  this week.   Dressed and ready by noon we embarked on our walk in the city to map all the places that you could maybe use the restroom, but have to settle for depends. Today was a beautiful day so more people out than I have seen in a long time and about half wearing masks, Twilight zone, shit is real. My roomie and I walked for hours as we explored neighborhoods we only rush through. I know this is a celebratory moment to be able to enjoy these walks but they still really spook me. I have a lot of friends that are retired.  They are used to having this time and have been filling it in different ways for a while now whether by travel, babysitting, gardening or volunteering.  But hey I am still working because I know myself to well. If I am home I see myself with my ass parked on the sofa watching episodes of Law and Order, and I have seen everyone one more than a few times. I continue working because what I am living now has always frightened me, eating and binge watching.  Techie has a lot of interests and hobbies, so he is safe but for me, not so much…. I have a friend who is just freaking amazing. She paints a room, bathroom tile needs re-grouting no problem done and done. Knit a hat for the whole family two days later 8 hats done. Me I would think of all these great things I should be doing but they wouldn’t get done.  Truth be told that is why I pushed to downsize into this smaller space so less to take care of and more time on the couch. We have no yardwork, no maintenance, you pay a fee for that, basically all the time you want to park your ass on the sofa. Today techie and I did the cleaning here and took about a half an hour, he was actually vacuuming, and empty the dishwasher. It is amazing how much use that dishwasher is getting these last few weeks, more than the 5 years we have lived here.  We got spoiled living in a hood with so many places at your fingertips. In fact a few weeks ago my daughter asked me if I was stocked up, in case there was an emergency, and I said no problem I am within striking distance of a dozen hotels and they all serve food we will be fine.  She thought that was rather an odd way to prepare but she is my daughter and she has learned to roll with it. I didn’t think much about it although she said maybe not such a good plan. Well here we are in a new reality and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be cooking and planning meals in my old age. That is why we resisted those independent communities.  Although I must admit the one thing I did find appealing was they served meals, but soon realized a Big beef cheeseburger probably wasn’t one of them, dinner tonight, so that would be a no.  I will take this time of living in Corona to carve out my new normal and let me reiterate I am not retiring anytime soon.

Just sayin………..

Found this Mother’s Day card while cleaning out my drawers tonight.