Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 15

Hello everyone and hope are happy and well, or at least happy as we can be during this time in the twilight Zone.  Today this shit is getting more and more real, by the minute. The news is we should be wearing face masks when we go out in public, and today on our daily walk with my roommate MacGyver we spotted quite a few, so people are taking heed or practicing being ready for a hold up.  Now on social media and DIY sites it is all about making your own face masks and can happen in a few easy steps. Well that may happen for some, but we are talking about a gal who drops things off at the dry cleaners when I need a button sewn. Years ago I took a sewing class at Cambridge adult ed and the instructor told me, he never said this to anyone before, but give it up.  We had to take turns on the machines in class and if I touched one of them, he had to spend too much time trying to untangle it for the others to use. Like I have said before I may be crazy but I am not stupid, and packed up my sewing kit and never took it out again. I may dig out a ski mask or for right now a cowgirl bandana will have to do, until one of my crafty friends comes through with something they found on Etsy.

Tonight was a big night here because we decided to splurge on our favorite treat, Pizza from Regina’s in the North End of Boston, and yes it was well worth it. By far, hands down, the best pizza you will ever taste. Of course it is the best when you experience it in the little bar/joint with the extra hot oil at the table, along with a cold pitcher of beer. Well these are extraordinary times and we have to adapt to a whole new normal if we want to enjoy some of life’s simple pleasures.

I call in my standard, a large pepperoni and mushroom. I once brought some friends and they ordered the veggie.  We warned them that is not the kind to order here, but sure go ahead and don’t touch ours. What do you think happened, ya I will tell you, just can’t resist this gorgeous pepperoni and mushroom. Getting off topic, ordered pizza and pulled up right in front of Regina’s, which is amazing that we could park, right there and anyone who has ever driven in the North End knows what I am talking about. Lucky to ever do a quick double park, let alone right in front. Scene right out of the latest sci-fi movie, security guy outside wearing a mask. A small crowd of people, 6 feet apart all with masks or some type of scarf around their face.  Guard asks your name he yells inside large pie for MacGyver, ok you can pass, and you do a quick pay and get your pizza. I then realize that under this new take out deal you can also buy beer to go, and I do prefer beer with my pizza and I will forgo the chardonnay and/or vodka. I asked for a 6 pack of corona but settled for bud light, Beggars can’t be choosers. I felt so much better leaving with my beer, almost like I pulled a sneaky Pete of some kind. Let’s just say that getting the booze along with your take-out is going on the plus side of this all new “only Take out’ service.  We brought that pie home and immediately had to text pictures over to those who we know would appreciate the sacredness of this meal. My roommate and I have been going here since the seventies and on every special occasion that is where we celebrate, no white table cloths for us. Pizza and beer, and half the fun is often waiting in the line to get in and you start salivating thinking of that first bite. I am a real Commandant about the wait and being ready to order as soon as we take a seat. The wait staff can be a little gruff, although they are nothing like the old days! We’ve got pizza, we’ve got beer, and what do you want?  Once my roommate and I were sitting next to these two women who were not enamored with the wait staff and they turned to us and said I bet people never come back here a second time. We said your right not a second maybe 200 times. We came here the day after my daughter’s wedding with the outlaws as they had never had the pleasure and it was a bonding event. A few years back we were there with friends, and he said he wished his son was dating someone and I said please don’t turn around but he’s at the bar and I think on a date. Well we celebrated at his wedding this past September, because that is the kind of thing that can happen when you introduce someone to the best pizza.  We brought a friend form San Diego and she went bonkers, because she said they would never serve this kind of heavy oil on pizza in SoCal.  She went a little bit overboard drooling over the spicy oil she asked the bartender for some to go, I believe he thought she was planning some kind of sex act with it. So that is what I am doing for all of you tonight introducing you to the best and when this is all over, and we can hang out again, we can meet at Regina’s and I am buying. Don’t forget no hesitation have your order ready and sans the mask. Sorry I have to share the picture, but can’t share the pizza.

Just sayin…………….

Regina's Pizza
Boston's best pizza
North End


Day 14


Day 16


  1. EileenSorella

    I will send you a mask!! And one for MacGyver too!

  2. Barbara Rosen


  3. Scot Kanaly

    ohhhh Regina’ s and that hot oil………killing me Peggy…..People can argue over “New York Style” or “Chicago deep dish” all they want…Id take a Reginas with hot oil and a pitcher of Beer anytime!

  4. Janice

    Love Reginas. Haven’t had in a few years. Am making masks this week. Can send you some. Janice

  5. Jenn

    Peg!! I feel honored that you mentioned me in your blog! And you know me by now to know that I would never waste that delicious Reginas oil on SEX!?! 😵👎🏼🙄😂 When this is all over I’m flying to Boston and meeting you at the long line again so we can laugh over that delicious greasy ass pizza!! 🍕❤️😘

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