Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 151

Good Evening my Corona friends. I trust you are all doing well and enjoying what is left to the summer. Funny isn’t it that for so long we never knew what day of the week it was and now that we are coming to the end of summer we are just chasing those last days like nobody’s business.  During these crazy times, we thought we had all the time in the world and now we have to scramble to get in all that we had planned for the summer. We are doing pretty well here in Boston and they are letting some college students come back to town. We all hope they do better than those down in North Carolina and Georgia who didn’t play by the rules and now all have to go home. There was a young group of young ladies down near the waterfront on my walk this afternoon and they were new freshmen taking photos of themselves in a group without a mask. I snapped a picture as I walked by and said I was going to post on social media and they would probably be sent packing, surprisingly they didn’t even give me the finger. Please don’t let us lose this opportunity to go wild in College, is what I saw on their faces.  Seriously I know that the college-age me would not be able to follow the rules, hell it’s hard for this old lady to follow the rules.

We just went through a three-week lockdown with my roommate, who had some ups and downs but happy to report that Techie is doing very well and anxious to get back on his boat.  I did have a week of dinner from the box and yes I did my homework every night and just longed to go to one of our outdoor cafes, but did my June cleaver routine. This week and next our daughter has sent us dinners from a private chef that prepares dinners as her full-time job. I know I am going to sound ungrateful here, but she was just rubbing me the wrong way. My dinner box just lets me check it off and shows up on your doorstep. She insisted on a 45-minute interview to get to know us and had to answer about our likes and dislikes. I mean she could have sent us a form and we could have just checked off likes and dislikes about the veggies, but know we had to go down the list and say yay or nay, beets?, Onions? Peppers? Bok Choy? And on and on, I said we just don’t like tarragon or liver but we eat everything else. Anyway, I think I was just not in a good mood and just didn’t want to bother. Just give me some Cape Cod Chips and some pickles and booze and say good night. But we have to take good care of Techie so we soldiered on and yes we did have two nice meals so far this week and one more to go, no cooking or mess just heat up in the oven, so that part works for me. This is a good week and we are doing some walks and noticing that there are a lot more people in our hood and of course, a lot more “Corona Puppies” and tell me this just isn’t a bit ludicrous but more and more Puppy strollers. I kid you not they are strollers made specifically for small dogs and they can be quite extravagant, these dogs are surely living a charmed life. Have you noticed how many more commercials there are on TV for dog food that comes out of the gourmet food section in the supermarket?  I remember a few years ago being stunned when I saw pet food in the cooler section at whole foods, wow these dogs are eating better than a lot of people.  Here I am complaining about my interview with the chef and these dogs and their owners have probably interviewed many personal chefs for dog food, wouldn’t put it past anyone. Most of the strollers I see have generally been being pushed by someone in the latest Lululemon outfit, and the proper running shoes. These dogs could never keep up on a leash with these CrossFit culture types.  I know that when we had a dog we just sent her out in the backyard to do her business and maybe catch some dinner.  We were spoiled out in the burbs with a dog door and electric fence and Lucy was the best dog ever. It was only after she passed that I could convince my lover to move to the city, before that he said he would never have a dog where he would have to pick up poop in a plastic bag and carry around with him, just call him old fashioned. I have even entertained for a few fleeting moments getting him a small dog so he could have someone to get excited when he walks in the door, but like I said it is a fleeting moment. Well, tomorrow marks a big day for me and Techie. We will celebrate 42 years of being married and considering we spent the last five months living in a one-room loft, and he always returned when he said he was just going to CVS to get half and half for the morning, pretty big accomplishment. Of course, I was a child bride and he did have that cute little Triumph Spitfire that made him even more adorable, I am so lucky that I decided to sail away with him forty-two years ago on that Sunday afternoon in Boston harbor. Sometimes things just work out.

Just sayin………………….


Day 144


DAY 170


  1. Barbara Rosen

    Happy Anniversary Peg and Richard💕

  2. Kara Consigli

    Happy Anniversary!! Wishing you a wonderful day!

  3. Colleen J O'Connor

    Happy Anniversary!

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