Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 17

Hello everyone how are we all doing?  I hope everyone is healthy and as happy as one can be during lockdown.  I don’t know about you, but one of the first things I would do when I got home from a long day at work was to immediately get into my sweats, and oh yes ditch the bra. Now I am fully aware that 90% of women would also agree with me although maybe not all willing to state it publicly, but trust me it’s true. Now that joy has been taken away, as most days I don’t bother with the bra and have a wide assortment of bottoms.  What used to be a highlight of the day is now another fallout of the corona virus. I know this this phenomenon is happening everywhere because I came across an article about the pros and cons of wearing a bra, which included bad posture, back and neck aches, and let’s not forget they may someday end up in  our lap, should this go on indefinitely. Now if you have been reading my previous blogs you would know that I do use mine as a fully functioning office and it holds my phone and other things. Now I can’t take credit for “brafice” because I first heard it several years ago when the Divine Design Diva, Candice Olsen was giving a talk and I was introducing to one of her youngest fans, who skipped school that day to see her idol in person.  I had sent a note to Candice ahead of time with her fan’s name so she could give her a shout out. As we were walking over to where she was going to give her presentation, I stopped and introduced to her youngest fan and before I could say her name Candice says wait just a minute, I have it right here in my brafice, nice to meet you Julia. It was priceless to see this young girl look up at this 6”4’ tall Diva in utter amazement and pull her scrap of paper out of her travelling office.  I said right there on the spot Candice, we should trademark it, but I am going to use it. Sure enough I like to keep all my essentials right there next to my heart and occasion have sometimes embarrassed a young cashier when I wasn’t ready and pull my cc out right on the spot.  Of course that was before you just put the card in yourself and someone had to actually touch it.  Now if I could just get apple pay on my phone, I could eliminate another item form the office. I was with my friend and her daughter a few weeks ago and she was showing me that I do have apple pay on my phone, just download the app, when techie here told me I didn’t have it because my phone was old.  As it turns out he just was worried that I may take to waiving it everywhere and rack up all kinds of charges.  I wonder what else he has been keeping from me, $$$ stashed in a Swiss bank account, another family, a gambling problem, maybe on sports betting. Doubtful but now I am getting paranoid because I don’t even know the passwords to anything. Every time I log on to something that I want to do on the internet I almost always have to click forgot password and do it again. I swear Jet Blue must have wondered how a person needed to change her password 4 times in one day, but she did.  I like to keep it simple like 1 2 3 4 but now they throw me off with has to be 8 characters and has to be some numbers and different characters, I mean really give a gal a break. I suffer from CRS, can’t remember shit, and it is approaching a dangerous level, in fact I forgot what I was just talking about. It may just be the beautiful Pink moon out in spectacular display tonight and just making me howl at the moon tonight. Quick go check it out and let’s all just give a big howl and say go away corona.

Just sayin…………….


Day 16


Day 18


  1. Barbara Rosen

    Always wondered why your boobs were so lumpy.

  2. Jane

    CRS!!!!! And I thought it was dementia. Thank you Dr Burns. 😘

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