Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 191

Good evening my Corona friends and for my Jewish friends enjoy the break fast tonight, even if you haven’t done the fast.  I guess no big celebrations with friends and family.  I am celebrating tonight with my roommate, lover, and techie as today was his last day of treatment. So he is currently doing the cooking from our dinner box, I decided it is not a bad thing because if one things he knows its reading directions, it all makes sense to him. I may even have to increase the box from 2 to 4, when the cold weather comes and we won’t be able to dine al fresco, but I am prepared to break out the long underwear and with some heat lamps I could go all winter, so please don’t close.

Holy Crap it has been more than a half a year since I started this blog, that I thought would be over in a month or so, but here we are still under siege by a Pandemic that just won’t seem to go away. It has been a really tough these past few weeks, with the passing of one of my heroes RBG and the shit show that followed.  I think we are all way passed anything surprising or shocking us, I know I laughed out loud last week when a friend shared something that was on her mind. She was shocked that I would just laugh at loud when she was surely a bit troubled. Why are you laughing she says and I don’t know it was just a reflex that nothing can shock me anymore and I fear it just is not going to end the craziness will continue, but I keep putting off the date that we can all sit around, inside with friends, with more than a few people, maybe a celebration or a wedding, and laugh and joke about our crazy memories of this time. I know it is coming but right now I won’t even hazard a guess as to when because I have been so off on my predictions.   “Abundance of Caution” seriously how many of us have grown to hate that phrase and want to kick its ass to the curb?  I feel like every time we get some bad news or a delay it starts out with “Abundance of Caution”, why don’t they just say because half the people feel it is a Hoax so now the spreaders have ruined it for everyone else and it is going to take a bit longer. Please people even if you are not a believer just give it a shot and see if it makes a difference because what we are doing right now is just not working.  I know my grandson Charlie just wants to go to school and he is in the first grade and we all know there is a limited time when there is excitement about still loving school and not, so please cooperate.  I hate to say this but I could almost root for the “good old days” in Catholic school when you had to hold out your hand a get a good whack with the ruler if you stepped out of line. I have to say that I was privy to more than a few whacks.  I wish I could say it worked but it never changed my behavior, so let’s just scratch that theory, unless I am the one delivering the whacks to the grownups. Who knows what is going to come out of this remote learning, but I already assured my daughter not to worry because Charlie still loves trucks and UPS and FedEx are two of his favorite so I am pretty sure a job is secure for him in the future, even if it is just programming those self-driving trucks. I did purchase him a battery powered jeep this summer and he loves driving it and I love the fact that he doesn’t care that it is Pink because it was the only color they had left, he wanted the black one but when I said all that was left was pink , his response was I love Pink.  Somehow I could have never seen my brothers going for a pink Jeep under any circumstances so we have made some progress.

Yesterday I  told my roommate that we have to get out of town, I just couldn’t do anymore bike rides or walks around the city and I needed to see something different so we drove to Provincetown, for those not from Massachusetts it is the very tip of the Cape.  Normally we would spend some time there every summer after the Pan Mass Challenge but like everything else this year it was disrupted. We stopped at a few different beaches along the way as I was looking for some big waves, hoping for one last chance to do some body surfing.  Well although I didn’t get any rides in, just being in such a beautiful place was good for the soul, even if there were signs of a shark warning. Heck the ones in the water are probably a whole lot better than the ones on land lately, at least they are not under disguise and they are what they are, just willing to take a big bite.  We got a nice reprieve here on the weather as it was late September but the temperature was definitely an Indian summer. Which is another thing I am not sure if we can use that term any longer and not sure where it came from, but we always referred to temperature coming back in the fall to Indian summer like a little added bonus. I just googled it and I don’t believe it is offensive but I am prepared to amend it should it be offensive. Because I am all about spreading the cheer that will be my new motto, till it’s not and believe me I have a short attention span. So for today I wish you all a Good Evening, Happy New Year, and maybe a bit more of this Indian summer.

Just Sayin


DAY 170


Day 208

1 Comment

  1. Jack ahern

    Thanks Peggy for your hopeful thoughts, and best wishes for success of Rich’s treatment.

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