Hello everyone and how we all doing?  I hope we are all happy and healthy during this time of lock up, because we should really call it like it is, jail. The only difference is we all have our own keys. So there are a lot of really good things coming out of this whole experience. I mean there are so many people out there that really want to help you through these trying times. I get so many emails every day from lawyers, accountants, marketing people that just want to help me navigate these unchartered waters of Covid-19.  This must be what happens whenever there is a lot of “free’” money on the line, but they sure come out of the woodwork. I wonder if this is what it’s like when you win millions of dollars in the lottery and everyone “wants to help” you navigate all that cash.  Well now they smell all the government aide in terms of PPP, EIDL, IUD, FICA, FUTA, BUTA, IPAD, and MAXI PAD whatever the latest program is to help small business get you out of this shitshow we are living in, and they are your friends to help you through it.  I never knew I had so many friends and it is good to know “That we are all in this Together” and only a slight fee will get us to the finish line. I mean I can’t really blame a guy for trying because that it is the real beauty of Capitalism, we have all these cottage industries starting up with masks, homemade hand sanitizer, meditation calls, and a lot more ingenious ideas that may be bring in a few bucks and hell we do have to figure this all out. What I think is just hilarious is how all these people that reach out do it on such a personal level, Peggy I have been thinking about you and your family but dam if I know who they are, and it is probably better that way. What I am most excited about is how nice people are being to one another, even in the limited interactions we have with another human being, in person besides my roommate, The checkout guy at Trader Joes that greeted me the other day and said Ma’am did you find everything you needed?  I just get a chill when someone calls me Ma’am because you know I still think I am under thirty. I can still recall the first time someone called me Ma’am, may have been in the waiting room at the car dealership waiting for service. Young man came over and said Ma’am your car is ready. I really didn’t even look up till I realized I was the only woman sitting there. I was in shock. Are you talking to me?   Well water under the bridge, I can answer to Ma’am if that is what it takes to have some real face to face human interaction. Accepting holding the door for you, moving six feet away when they see you coming, and all the things that warm your heart.  Even if on every trip to the CVS and you ask about the hand sanitizer and they heartily apologize that don’t have any, they really look sad. I wonder how many times a day they have to say no to people about hand sanitizer, how did we get here? I guess there has been a real shortage of flour and it is right behind toilet paper and hand sanitizer on the top of everyone’s Christmas list.  I wonder if people have been dusting off all those bread makers and Panini makers that they got for a wedding or house warming present. I bet there are some people who followed Marie Kondo’s advice and got rid of all their unused stuff. That Instapot would sure come in handy today. I guess a lot of people have figured it out, you don’t actually need a bread maker to make the bread, but you do knead flour. I had been on the lookout, because so many people were asking about it, so I felt like I found the golden ticket yesterday and snagged two bags in the market. I was texting my daughter because I was so proud of my find, and then at checkout I turn around and see a mountain of flour at the end cap.  Anyway gave me a good laugh, thinking I had been so stealth and just goes to show that just keep looking the hand sanitizer will show up one of these days.

Just sayin…..