Hello everyone and how are we all doing tonight?  I hope everyone is safe and healthy and staying put. I find it very easy to stay inside when it is raining but when the sun is shining I just want out of my cell, for a few hours of freedom in the fresh air. Yes I will try and keep the mask on but it sure isn’t comfortable. I had a hard time today because it keep fogging up my glasses and can’t seem to figure it out. Normally when you are scuba diving, you would spit in your mask and that would keep it from defogging, but somehow that doesn’t seem like the thing to do in today’s environment.  So instead I play peek a boo, and pull it up and down, depending on when someone is approaching. We took a nice long walk today, and then I convinced my roommate that we should take a ride out to the western part of the state and pick up some Easter goodies. I was feeling really blue this morning, as the Saturday before Easter was always a big deal, when I was growing up. It was the day the Parish priest visited everyone’s home and blessed the table. We would spend days before the priest was going to be at your house, almost like today with the Covid -19 cleaning service, scrubbed top to bottom and better stay that way untill after the priest has left. It was so much fun we used to be on our bikes doing the updates, he’s on North Street, almost to the corner and will be on our street soon. The whole ordeal was literally a few seconds in each home but the prep going in was a marathon, and the after was awesome. We got to go up and down the street and look and eat off everyone’s table, and you knew when to hold and when to fold for the best licks that day. I don’t know about everyone else but it seems we are all doing these trips down a memory lane, remembering a time before Corona, just to keep sane. Yes we once had a life that was quasi-normal and maybe one day it will come back.  I said to techie you can take the day off from all these chores and just drive me to get the damn kielbasa. I need the kielbasa.  Now you have to understand this just isn’t any old kielbasa but we refer to it as fresh road kill kielbasa. Think Carl Hiaasen.  My brother has a friend who smokes them and makes them in an undisclosed location, security is tight so not for everyone.  Apparently he announces when they will be ready and if not there at the appointed time, you lose. Well thankfully my sister picked some up last week and quickly put them in the freezer for safe keeping.  We are so happy because it made for a very pleasant drive home. Last time we picked up was around Christmas, and my car smelled for weeks, as we had the fresh kill in the trunk.  Another one of my sisters made a fresh pot of what we refer to as lazy pierogis.  We did a drive by to snag those as well. I already had a stash of the real deal of pierogis, in my freezer and that will be dinner tomorrow.  We couldn’t wait and immediately devoured all the lazy ones tonight, so there will be a lot of tooting under the sheets.  We always used to say we would never run out of gas on the two hour ride home from Grandma’s, we had plenty of reserves. I did pick up a kielbasa for my daughter and told her I would do a curbside drop off tomorrow and leave mine as well. I asked my son in law to cook mine on the outdoor grille and I would pick it up at a specified time, as I just can’t stink up this one room with a smell that will surely last for days.  Well MacGyver it may be a happy Easter after all and wishing everyone the same.

Just sayin……..