Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 22

Hello everyone and how re we all doing?  Happy Easter to all those who celebrate today, and I know for sure this is not the way you thought you would be sporting your Easter bonnet  this holiday.  But hey this is our new reality so if we want to see our family, chances are we do a drive by wearing a masks, and waving at our kids as we throw those chocolate bunnies out the windows.  I did my kielbasa deliveries early this morning and have still yet to have a taste so maybe later this week, on the other hand all those cabbage delights have been completed. I took to my two wheels today and rode around the city, I needed a break from my roommate as he went to tinker on his boat. Let’s just say we are roommates today who are very cordial and I didn’t need any technical assistance so we had a good amount of social distancing. It sure was the strangest Easter I have ever celebrated and I am sure it was the same for everyone, unless you lived in bum$&% somewhere as your Pastor still wanted his flock to come to the Church. I will let that go because it is after all Easter, and as a friend once said sugar, fire and lightening you don’t need to say those curse words, so I am trying. I don’t know about everyone else but during this strange time we really long for the ways things used to be even if they haven’t been that way for a while. I think I may have mentioned that I had ten brothers and sisters, so yes we had a lot of people when celebrating these holidays and think about it, we probably all complained at one point or another about having to hang with the family.  But I am sure today given the choice we would all give anything to have some of those family compulsory holiday celebrations, back on our calendars without many complaints.  Easter was always a big deal at our house and my Mom served dinner in shifts, because along with all her kids came the outlaws and the grandchildren, and we were more of a Schitts Creek family as far as the Homestead. My family was almost always on the third shift because we came from further away than everyone and were usually late.  This of course is because my mother always wanted dinner served at Noon for any special occasion and mostly so she would be ready for round 2 at 230 for snacks before a full supper at 5, as every holiday was a marathon eating day. I can remember the first Easter bringing my roommate home for dinner, and my brother Mike was sitting next to him and said, to the last few pieces of ham on the platter. “Are you going to eat that?”  Let me back up by saying Mike was always there for the first shift, and then continued to sit through all shifts, while his mother waited on him.  The thing with techie ,is my brother had never met anyone Jewish before, and figured he had dibbs on that last bit of ham, but Roomie just said yes I am, and put all the rest on his plate.  Just for the record they became and remain the very best of friends.  I missed seeing everyone today, even those siblings that just run on and on and on, I could have sat through dinner and promise to do better next time. I don’t know about everyone else but I couldn’t stop thinking about all our Easter holidays in days past and longing for the good old days. We often used to do  pub crawl the night before, when everyone came back to town to visit and was so fun to celebrate with my nephews and nieces who were now old enough to join the in the adventure.  I can remember a time when my brother in law told his wife you better go check on your sister because I think she is sleeping while sitting on the toilet, after one of those crawls.  I am not the sister he was speaking about before you get any ideas, I told you I had five of them. The thing is that Easter Sunday we were all at Mom’s eating our Spiral ham, along with the creamy potatoes, kielbasa and pierogis and we and we were the happiest tribe at that point in time. Some of our clan has left this planet, but I just want to say when this is all over we are getting together and it won’t be for a wedding or a funeral but because we all want to eat some really good food in honor of Grandma, and I will learn that recipe for creamy potatoes. We know Mike has the capusta recipe down, and Kathy knows the polish ladies who make the pierogis and the underground kielbasa, so no excuses not for everyone to show up and it won’t be on Zoom. We just want to be transported back in time when things were normal and here are some pictures of some serene and happy shots of this beautiful city that I call home. You are all welcome to visit when the Corona clears.

Just sayin…….


Day 21


Day 23


  1. Leslie Carothers

    Peggy ~ I wanted to make sure you had at least one comment on your blog, itself, instead of all the comments you are getting when you post these on Facebook.

    Comments on blogs are a good thing – your techie will know that Google loves comments on your blog, itself, vs. on Facebook.

    Why? Google’s algorithm reads *comments on a blog* as a signal that people find your content interesting…and therefore when people are searching for *what kind of food do you feed families of ten for Easter* (which a certain percentage of people will search, believe it or not!), your blog will be the one that Google returns as the one with the best information.

    And did you know that if you get 35,000 page views on any website or blog, per month, you can join an ad network..and put a few ads on your blog… and those pay you whether you make a sale of any sort ..or not? Yep, they pay on impression…not purchase. I have a friend now, a blogger only, making almost 200K/year this way. She’s in her 60’s, started about 5 years ago.

    And there is no doubt that your blog DOES have the best information, couched in warmth, love and smiles….

    That word… though…couched..reminds me of something else….like sofas…and did you know that a friend of mine who owns a store up in Maine sent an email blast out with the words THE SOFA STIMULUS in the headline and her promo was this: the first five people to reply could purchase the sofa of their choice at 50% off and then she donated 100.00 of their purchase to a fund to feed hungry kids. She said it was a smash hit…and she’s doing it next weekend with CHAIRS.

    Love to you and your techie….Peggy. I hope he enjoyed his day tinkering on his boat.

    • Miss Peggy

      Hi leslie,
      I appreciate the feedback and I will get my techie on the case. Would love to learn from you how to get some readership. i hope you are well.

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