Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 23

 Hello everyone and how are we all doing? I hope we are still healthy and staying put. First of all I just want to say that I’m in crisis right now as I have just emptied the last few drops from my Ketel One vodka, and no chardonnay in reserve. The weather was very bad today so did not venture out to restock, sure won’t let reserves get that low ever again. I just want you all to know that I have moved my techie back into Lover category because he offered to go out in the bad weather to replenish my stock but I declined.  Of course I was in the middle of cooking dinner so that may have been an influencer in keeping the chef happy. I think I may have mentioned that I have assumed the role my Mom always wanted me to have, and that was making sure my husband is well fed. I can do this as long as I have internet and all the help with navigating the Netflix, Amazon, HBO, ShowTime etc. I need not to freak out when I lose my episodes. I don’t know what is was like for everyone else today but we started getting warnings via phone calls and texts from early this morning ,that we most likely would lose power at some point. As if a plague isn’t enough we also have to add a bad storm to the mix? First thing you think about is better power up all our devices, where as in our old life it would have been fill the bathtubs with water because if we lose power we can’t flush, and yesterday was Easter. Can you imagine not having the ability to flush after all that cabbage and kielbasa?  Well thankfully we are city living now, and we don’t have to worry about the septic.  While making breakfast today for the help/techie I had what I would say is an amazing happenstance because I had two eggs in the same pan that were double yolkers. Two in the same pan what are the chances of that?  Well I assumed it could only mean good luck but then I looked it up and it said maybe the female in the house was pregnant, so Erica and Max you are going to have a baby brother or sister just about 33 years younger.  So I sat down to read the paper, while eating my fertility breakfast and what is on the front page, people are rushing to get their wills completed. OK this shit is really getting real, and my immediate thought is I don’t even know what the passwords are or where to find them?  How do I gingerly approach this conversation with my techie, I mean I have been on a need to know basis and now I need to know? Luckily for our children we downsized a few years ago and really got rid of a lot of stuff, some of which I wish had now, bread maker, fondue pot. Seriously we did them a big favor we did all the work so they wouldn’t have to and you are welcome. I also want to point out to my kids that when I jokingly said Dad and I we were spending your inheritance, I wasn’t joking.  Anyway the point is there is a run on getting this stuff done. It is more complicated by the fact that you need witnesses, to validate your will. There may be a lot of contested wills out there at some point. My friend Donna suggested that we should have them say now items, they want after we are gone. Of course she never read any of those articles that “your kids don’t want your stuff” and her basement is riddled like a serious hoarder, and believes they want it.  I definitely think they want those workbooks from K thru 8 and of course the essays from High school, not to mention all the art projects, not just her kids but she also has hers as well. I bet they are looking forward to taking them home with them someday.  They love to hang on to things even old cars, her  husband kept an old Volvo in their driveway for about 15 years because he just couldn’t part with it for sentimental reasons, and I think the neighbors held a wake for it when it finally got taken away.  I think I am going to send a note to my kids and just ask them what they would like to see in their corner when the time comes, just to see what they say. In fact I think it is a good idea that we all pick something pick that one thing that we would like to keep. I wonder if the answer today, would be different today than a few months ago. I know I am getting a bit mushy tonight but after all I just learned I am pregnant which could explain the nonstop eating, but the truth is there isn’t any one thing. I just want to be able to be with the people I love and hug and kiss them and even swear at them but I want to do it while standing next to them so I can get right up in their face. It is definitely going to be a very long nine months and hopefully we will be let out of jail before I get committed.

Just sayin……..


Day 22


Day 24


  1. Timothy P Lauzon

    Prego means no Ketel One. Things are going to get worse.

  2. Erica

    Just leave me the vodka.


    My son works at a liquor store!!

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