Good evening my Corona friends and hope everyone is happy and healthy tonight. Well, what can I say I am more than ECSTATIC about the results of this ongoing election. Can we please just say it’s over? Anyone wanting to contest the results there is a meeting at the Four Seasons Resort in Siberia and if you hurry you can catch a ride with Rudy on the Siberian Express.  It is no secret that I have never been a big fan of the current occupant of the Whitehouse but just the fact that I won’t have to see him or listen to him speak is ever so comforting to me. I am so tired of people making excuses for his rhetoric and dismissing it as “locker room” talk or just the way guys are, well they are not, and if you think it is ok if your husband, sons or family communicate that way then you are just an asshole. I have never been known to be politically correct and I am not going to start today. It has been a very tense few weeks around this household and for more than 72 hours I had the cable news networks on just waiting to hear the results. I was sure it could go either way. For the record I did not watch any TV Tuesday day or night, in fact, I left it with my friends to text me when it was over. Imagine my anxiety when I was checking my phone all night and it was deadly silent and I was freaking out. I did watch 4 episodes of Silent Witness to take my mind off the election. Like I said blood and guts do the heart wonders and waiting for results can be painful. I spent Tuesday with my Grandchildren and like all really great grandmothers, I tried to teach Charlie to be open-minded about the election, and by that I mean Joe Biden had to win by a landslide, and he was very upset Wednesday morning when there was no landslide and no winner. Note to myself I have to remember that he does take everything to heart and is way too serious for a 6-year-old, plus he worries about me imploding. Techie gets a bit annoyed with me when I yell and swear at the TV so he has taken to wearing earphones in the house, maybe now he can take them off.

Yesterday was an amazing 75-degree day in Boston which made it a double treat because 1 week ago we had 5 inches of snow on the ground, so we headed to the ocean. New England is a place like no other and we are very fortunate to live here, we have mountains, ok they’re small, but more importantly, we have the ocean. We heard the news while we were driving to walk some trails along the ocean, so it sure made it for a very serene day. It couldn’t have been more beautiful. My girlfriend Donna and I climbed out to the edge on these flat rocks and we were admiring the beauty. I turned to her and said I have never felt this euphoric and then a big wave came and knocked me right on my ass. If it was only my ass that got a bruise but I knocked my head pretty hard that I thought I heard a crack. Sure enough, I had a bump the size of an orange on the back of my head and was soaking wet. Well, I dried fairly quickly and we stopped off later to get some frozen peas for my head and continued on for some outdoor dining. My roommate was worried and wanted me to call the nurse hotline but I was coherent and no blurry vision so still standing. Woke up this morning thinking it was groundhogs day but a quick check on the telly and yes we still had a win, so a little headache I can suffer. I have to say that the city of Boston was alive and kicking right onto the night and don’t ever say the cities are dying because you just don’t get this kind of humanity in the suburbs. People were dancing and singing in the streets and of course, it didn’t hurt that the weather for November was amazing.  Now can we please take down all the Plywood and save it for our winter campfires?  I don’t think anyone on either side wants to continue this unrest, I think we have way bigger fish to fry in getting rid of this Corona thing. I want to put this Living in the Time of Corona, to living without the latest fashion accessory of masks. I know it is getting worse again around here so mask up and behave people. I want to give the biggest shout out to our new Vice President, Kamala Harris. I can’t believe in the year 2020 we have to acknowledge this as a first, we are not as progressive and cool as a country as we would like to think. Well look out world I have two incredible feisty Granddaughters and they are ready to take on the world. Tilda was dancing in the streets of Philly last night and Maisie continues to dance as often as possible, and no one is going to stop them from doing what they want, especially their Grandma.

Just sayin………………………………….