Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 24

Hello everyone and how are we all feeling tonight? I hope we are Covid free and all safe and sound in quarantine village.  Today was an almost glorious day after the howling winds and rain from yesterday, the calm after the storm instead of before, if you get my drift.  First let me say that little pregnancy scare was just that a little scare, and we are all good and I can continue on my nightly cocktail habit without any worries.  I must admit it was kind of fun for a little while to think that you may actually be expecting, does anyone remember those days?  I don’t want to make little of what people go through today, to get pregnant or poke a little fun at the planning but we can actually remember a time, when you may wait to see if the stick turns blue or pink and sit in panic. I have totally gone off the deep end as I am talking about a pregnancy scare because of a double yolker and I think I have crossed over into the twilight zone. I actually woke up this morning with a bit of morning sickness, but turns out it was a false alarm.  Once we knew that there wasn’t going to be any additions to our family we decided to take a nice long walk this morning. I must admit getting out of this one room apartment gets harder and harder every day.  We go out and sit on the bench and put on our outdoor shoes, start down the elevator or we need sunglasses, hat and Mask, check, check, just not that simple any longer. It really took us like 20 minutes to check all the boxes this morning and I am not sure who was the pokey one today me or Techie.  We walked over to my Techies boat today and it was just lovely that we had another place we could walk to and hang out for a bit.  This is where he is in his glory, and the biggest reason I got him to move to my room apartment five years ago, because he would be close to his beloved boat.  I guess it is a thing you just have to understand that they just love to sit on the boat doesn’t matter if it ever moves.  So you can understand my confusion a few years ago when he came home one night and said I sold the boat.  WHY??  I told him he better find another one, because come the summer he better have a place to go because he couldn’t park his ass here.  Well anyway a few years later of being boat less, he got the picture, and now he has another place to tinker and putter, after all he is MacGyver.  All boat owners know things are always going to break. It takes about 30 minutes to walk over and we picked up some lunch and had a nice picnic. I have to say it was really nice to be able to take a walk and have a place that you can take a pit stop. No worries I am a depends kind of girl, so take no chances on the longevity of those walks. Luckily the boat has a funny little head so we can have a bottle of water at lunch.  My friend Cindy called while we were hanging out, and said she was coming into the city to walk and did I want to do the distance with her, YES I sure did and that may have been the first non-zoom, Facebook girlfriend contact, in over a month, Hallelujah.  We met up close by and I had to tell Techie this is girl time, so please leave us alone.  We walked for more than a few hours around our beautiful city, safe distancing and just to walk next to a girlfriend while blabbing the whole time is a wonderful feeling.  We were not toasting cocktails on Zoom or Facetime but just enjoying the time of being next to another human that you haven’t been with every minute of every day for the past month.  It’s funny because we both had the same concerns as we were into the last hour of our walk ,what were we going to have for dinner, and really I was so thrilled that I wasn’t the only one who frets about that when the dinner bell gets closer.  As it turns out take out is not available at a lot of places on Tuesday so we were both going to have to make do with leftovers. I was pretty beat and actually just now I get  a text from Cindy, that we walked about 6 miles and the 4, I did earlier I earned a few extra nutty buddies.  Here’s the thing you know from yesterday’s story that I was wiped out of Vodka and Chardonnay and when I got home I was just too pooped to walk the 10 minutes to the Packy.  Well guess who is back in the lover category because he made the run.

Just sayin……


Day 23


Day 25


  1. Scot Kanaly

    Really, the eggs got me reading this at night now..Feck sakes . anyway, you didn’t leave techie hanging for dinner did you? Glad your making it though with just the harbor look at( rough)… it was great talking with you guys today and glad your finding your way… take care.

  2. Dorothy Goldwin

    I laughed out loud with this pregnancy scenario ! Too funny!

  3. Dorothy Goldwin

    Good laugh with this pregnancy story!

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