Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 25

Hello everyone, and everyone take a sip from their drink, and then deep breathes, we are still living in the time of Corona and no end in sight. I see I am at day 25 and I started a week after the shutdown so that just means we are over a month into this nightmare and frankly no end in sight. I am actually amazed how quickly we are all adapting to this new normal, wearing our masks, 6 feet apart, no gatherings and sheltering in place.  I am just going to say it, and I don’t want to wear a mask and I am having nightmares of losing mine or leaving it, on a park bench and then getting a fine about it or even jail time. I think I may have mentioned that Techie and I may be some of the oldest people in our building, and now we are getting close to being some of the only people still living here. I think most of the Millennials have flown the coop and gone home to Momma for the duration.  Fine with me never a wait for the elevator, it is almost like it might be a private elevator right to our apartment. My roommate and I were discussing today, on our daily walk of at least 10,000-16,000 steps after all we are boomers and we have Fitbit, that it has been a month since the shelter in place took effect and what do we have to show for it?  First off I was going to learn a language and I have signed up and taken the introductory shot on babbel for Spanish probably over twenty times, haven’t gotten past that first shot.  Hablo espanol?  I wish I could answer in the affirmative but alas I am a lazy ass and just can’t seem to move on to the next lesson.  Read I was going to read at least a dozen novels, as generally I am a voracious reader, but I haven’t even finished one book. I just don’t get it, but I think I do better when I just don’t have time and then I squeeze a lot in to one day. I planned to write letters, even have some nice stationary, but just sitting at my desk.  Going to keep a journal and write some chronicles for my grandchildren but the first page is still blank.  I do have to share that when I first met my daughter’s outlaws, before they get married I was in their summer home in Maine, and being the insomniac I am reading through their journals in the bookcase. Her Mother –in-law kept composition notebooks on all four of her four sons and they were filled with their histories and pictures of their growing up. I have to say when I found them I was wowed and would have been easy to say oh well what else did she have to do, but she was just amazing, a full time job and raising four boys a lot on her own, as her husband travelled a lot, but did she have to be such a show off.  So there are those over achievers out there, just not me and even given this gift of time I still can’t get it done.  Does anyone remember when they first had a baby and the first time you may have been home and not working? I feel like I am living that same scenario today.  I get up very early maybe 3- 5 am, and then back to sleep at 6 ,to an almost coma on the coach till techie puts the coffee down in front of me, similar when he would have been on his way out to work. Most of your clothes had burp spots on your shoulders, now those same stains are all over, and you don’t give a damn. You go through the day feeding and changing diapers, and then all of a sudden its dinner time, and you don’t know where the day has gone. This is similar to what I am experiencing today but only I am the one burping, eating and changing my depends all day long.  I ordered this exercise ball, and techie blew it up for me but I have yet to even sit on it, I just stare at it across the room. I miss my old machine that I had to leave behind during the downsize, where I would go to basement every morning where I would do my sweating with the oldies in my underpants, not a good visual. As a matter of fact I was delivering groceries today to my husband’s elderly cousins  and they came to entrance of their condo one of them in her underpants, with a short jacket on and the other geared up to the max. One of them was taking casual living to a whole new meaning, shirt no pants. Starting tomorrow I am turning over a new leaf and have a list of tasks right here to start in the morning, NOT. I just want to say that I did have a visitor tonight, who texted me can you come outside right now and low and behold Donna and Steve were curbside delivering a handle of kettle one, and apparently someone out there is listening.  Still waiting on my masks… I can’t sign off without mentioning that today is April 15th and seven years ago in this fair city we were shaken to the core with the Marathon bombing, I have changed my home page picture to depict Martin Richards Park that opened last summer to commemorate lives lost and to strive for Peace.  We are resilient, and this too shall pass and we will always be Boston Strong and America Strong.

Just sayin……..


Day 24


Day 26

1 Comment

  1. Diane Blumenthal

    all those folks that aren’t riding your elevator are at their parents vacation home at Mt. Washington

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