Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 27

Hello everyone and how are we all doing?  Staying safe and healthy is what I hope for everyone in these trying times. I know it is getting more and more difficult to follow the rules and we all ache to return to a life, we were living a month ago, but I guess we will be hunkered down for at least three more weeks and probably longer. UGH!!! The new reality is we have to wear a mask on the outside, and I am trying but it just totally freaks me out, and not comfortable. I was on my way today to meet my friend Sarah for a walk, whom I haven’t seen for a very long time, and as this woman approached me with hat, mask, sunglasses I start yelling expletives at her and turns out not Sarah.  I am sure she thought I was just another casualty of a person, who talks to themselves and just yells out at anyone.  We finally sort out who’s who, and begin our walk around the city trying to keep the distance between each other and the rest of the walkers and runners. Sarah is much better with the mask and keeping it on, while I keep pulling it down because I am trying to keep conversation going and I can’t hear.  I know you hear with your ears not with your mouth, but for some reason I hear better when I can get fresh air.  Sarah on the other hand is very strict with keeping her ask in place and I try  not to poke to much fun out of her mask, made from her bra. I am all about utilizing the bra, after all it is my office, but kind of funny as someone’s mask. Anyway we have a nice walk and great again to have some time, even at a distance with another human besides my roommate. For the record I did invite him today, but he chose to stay home and work, so no comments about ditching him. So funny thing happened on my way back to my place, after saying goodbye to my friend, I stumbled upon a Trump rally of sorts and you have to know in this city it is rare. I was very curious so I hung out for a bit, keeping my distance and tried to learn more of what was happening. First and foremost no social distancing protocol, no masks and no regard for public gatherings, as clearly more than 40 people in the pack. I was thrilled and wanted to find out more because I have never been up close to any of these people who are willing to regale themselves in all the paraphernalia and march for their cause. I sent pictures to my kids, and friends, and all immediately said get out of there now. I wanted to know more, and then realized they were really more concerned that these good citizens, were not practicing today’s norms and only one or two had masks.  My kids also thought Momma may go off the deep end and get all heated, well like I say I may be crazy but I am not stupid, and the odds were not good. Luckily I was wearing my mask so they could not see my expression and had a few conversations.  Morons, psychopaths and mental defectives is what I was thinking, but today it was truly about the total disregard for public health, safety and not about waving their Trump flags, we are after all the third highest state, affected in the nation. I went home and started to ponder on days long gone past, when we would love to hit the streets for a protest and frankly I wish we had more of these today. It was the seventies and there was a march every weekend and of course it didn’t hurt that usually, there would be a really good live concert tagged onto that protest.  I am pretty sure we wouldn’t have had the crowds for a carnival barker, but we sure had them for Crosby, Stills and Nash, the Rolling Stones and CCR and many more.  We are lacking an Anthem and we are so horribly divided, how are we going to come together to solve this crisis we find ourselves living. Today we are find ourselves in a ship without a rudder and we look to a whole new breed of healthcare professionals, grocery store clerks, delivery people, friends and family that come through with masks, and anyone willing to lend a hand to a neighbor, as our heroes. As I continued on my walk past the protesters there was this huge flag and thought this is how we ae all going to get to the other side by uniting and not dividing. So how am I going to get those guys to come onto my side?  Sorry I just couldn’t help myself.

Just sayin……….


Day 26


Day 28


  1. Bruce Levy

    Well written, Miss Peggy.

  2. Nancy

    Would love to see a pic of Sarah’s mask

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