Good evening my Corona friends and I hope everyone is healthy and happy.  I really can’t believe what is going on out there in Covid world but it seems to have gotten much worse, and this after great news about a vaccine. I guess we never really did turn the corner and looks like a lot of sharp curves ahead till we get to the other side. I really don’t want to sound like the grim reaper but man oh man the world has gotten really freaking crazy. I mean it wasn’t enough that we are still going through life as the masked bandits but then we had an assault on our nation that really shook us all to the core. I am all for protesting, as one of the best points in this country that we can do it in a very public venue, but holy shit what happened?  I have never been a fan of the Orange one but this time he really was off his rocker. I mean if you looked at some of the get-ups on these people, you really could have some fun with a commentary, but the violence and death just knocked any joy of making fun of the “deplorables”.   Really we are approaching a year anniversary since we went into lockdown and every time I think of anything worse that can happen, it happens but this was the Topper of all. I have been to a lot of protests in my day, but none that turned so ugly and incited by the Dude who lives in the White House, WTF? can he exit fast enough?  I really found it very hard to stay away from the news channels this week and every day I saw a little more that I wished I hadn’t. Apparently, people found it convenient to defecate in the hallways and even my grandson Charlie who is a big fan of nature pee knows enough that it has to be outside. I have visited the capitol building a few times and if I ever get the chance to go back, I will be thinking about where I might step, not a good visual.  I hate to say it but I wonder how many Halloween costumes next year will be like that guy with the Rams head?  I wonder if he was in full regalia when he was arrested.  Apparently, he is some type of Shaman so I hope it works out for him in prison and he can start a new cult following. Anyway, I shouldn’t even joke about it but sometimes when it is so tragic you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I was lucky on Wednesday as I was at work and could tune out what was happening until that is when everyone’s phone started pinging with news alerts and I couldn’t wait to get home to watch it on TV. Luckily that evening I was lucky enough to be invited to yet another Zoom cocktail party, but this time for a very fabulous occasion of my friend Lisa’s Birthday. I have to say I was thrilled to have such a pleasant distraction. She has a group of women friends that call themselves the Foxy ladies. They are a sassy group and when I became friends with her, through another fox, I managed to wiggle myself into an honorary Foxy position. There is nothing better than being part of a group of very supportive women who love each other and are there for each other. So thanks for allowing me to be a part of it and I love all the stories. Lisa, we promise there is an in person celebration brewing in the future. Well needless to say it was a rough week and I was at a real low come the weekend and what I really wanted was to go somewhere and not just a 5 mile walk around the city, where I peek in the windows of restaurants and see diners enjoying a night out and knowing that won’t be me anytime soon, I would go in but my roommate is a definite no so will have to wait for the vaccine. Techie decided Friday night that he would set a nice table and got some delicious take out with candles and all. We could have our own restaurant right at our kitchen counter and he even agreed to a dance party and we cranked up the music. What better way to end the night but smoke ’em if you got em and my son in law keeps us in good supply? The only problem is we couldn’t find a proper receptacle to use and MacGyver was thinking the old tampon and tin foil routine would work, but hey there are no tampons in this home any longer so he was improvising with the paper towel holder but anyway we worked it out. Finished the night with Junior Walker and dancing with my lover, ok I can do another day.  The world is going to be a better place because I have to believe for the sake of Charlie, Maisie, and Tilda that it will be.

 Just saying……………………..