How is everyone doing today? Better than yesterday?  I decide to try a new routine this morning and limited by screen time on the cable news networks and as a result a lot less foul language and a bit less volume. I am trying to wean slowly and read the newspaper, I get a real newspaper, I like to turn the pages and besides I am a Boomer.  I found a couple of really ripe avocadoes in my fruit bowl so I decided I better use these up before I have to toss them. I decide to go with a millennial recipe and have an avocado toast and you know what? I am sticking with the peanut butter. My husband had his usual bran flakes, got to stay regular. So reading the paper I came across an article that says the biggest contributor to deaths in this country are poor diets, which lead to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.  This I am reading while dipping a fat chocolate chip cookie into my coffee, remember I like breakfast desserts.  While I am totally screwed because I check all the boxes, diet, wine and now CORONA what’s a girl to do when you in lockdown.  Anyway had a zoom meeting and that will be a whole other blog entry. I know I have mentioned I live in a large 1 room apartment but did I mention that I also work with my husband?  What were we thinking?  I am so very lucky because the guy could be called a saint and I know a lot of people are thinking that when I write about pestering him to help me with technology.

My next biggest decision was deciding should I shower before or after I go for a walk, well I chose the latter and now I am going to be late for girlfriend’s happy hour. I really wanted to get dolled up a bit tonight but now I am going to show up with wet hair. As long as the wine is chilled we will be ok and hope we can do a better job than the last one. Nothing is more hilarious than having several women get on a zoom and only one or two have any idea how to use it. Lower left is the unmute button, wait I can’t find it, which one has a picture? Everyone talking at once and of course for me am very spoiled because I have my own personal attendant. I want you all to know that I have been making meals every night now for a week and often lunch and feeding the help A.K.A my techie.  I was having a laugh to myself today when I was recalling my Mother being annoyed with me because I didn’t cook for my husband. She actually said to me one day I don’t know why he keeps you?  She was definitely of a different mindset but now I find myself in a position that I better feed him or he is going to cut off my support.  Mom if you are looking down you must be smiling.

Just saying……………………………