Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 302

Good evening my Corona friends and I can only hope that you are happy and well during this most insane time of our lives.  I can’t believe I just put a 3 in front of the days since I started this blog and pretty soon we will be approaching a year, which never in my wildest dreams did I see that coming. Speaking of dreams are we all still having nightmares?  I swear some days I wake up and I have to yell at my roommate for what I was dreaming about last night. He was complicit in those nightmares! I can’t even blame it on the vodka or the chardonnay anymore, but the excellent thing is in a few days I won’t be able to blame it on Cheeto because he will be what I hope is a distant memory. Dam I hope we all wake up this weekend and find that this was all a bad dream, and there really is no virus and we didn’t have a reality tv star leading our country. Anyway moving forward I am not going to dwell on the coulda, shoulda, woulda but now it is a time for a change. There will be no more genuflecting to our fearless leader because that ship has clearly sailed.  As I write this the clock is ticking and let it be noted that it is 1 day, 13 hours, and 54 minutes and 48 seconds, now 39 but you get the picture clearly I am paying attention to the coming change. Hey, do I think there is going to be some miraculous change overnight to take us out of this nightmare?  No, but at least I won’t have to listen to a carnival barker telling us we turned the corner, and we will all be out of it soon.  Listen do you hear the quiet? Yes it has been eerily silent for more than a week, not to say my cable news stations haven’t been ad nauseum with all that has happened in the past ten days but can we move on to our new reality already. I mean when the heck this old lady is going to get that vaccine so I can get on a plane, dine inside and visit my baby, who is going to have a baby come June. I know it seems like it is all about me but right now it is all about my roommate and my kids, and grandkids. I remember a month ago watching early one morning with the whole country as the FedEx and ups trucks pulled out with those vaccines, the whole country felt hopeful but where the hell did they go?  Now they announce there is no backup, but I hear there is something called Vaccine tourism in Florida, could it be true?  How do I book a trip and does this include 7 nights and six days at a beachfront hotel?  Ok, I can’t believe I am going to say it but I may be willing to stay at a Holiday INN Express if it comes with a vaccine, no spa treatments included. Seriously we could breathe a bit easier if we had a date as to when this would be happening, I mean it would be something to look forward to and maybe even get dressed up for the occasion.

Techie and I got all dolled up a few nights ago for our company party and he even wore his tuxedo. We got a few weird looks leaving our building when I mentioned we were on our way to a big party.  I did let people know it was of course a ZOOM party because we are all responsible adults. Just heading to a secure location other than our one room.  I laugh when I think about it because every year I have to run around on the day of the party looking for something to wear and it drives me bananas, but this year I was happy to dress up and pretend we were somewhere else.  I am thinking that I may just have to plan one day of dress-up each week just to feel some kind of normalcy. But who am I kidding most days I have a coffee stain on my shirt, my hair doesn’t look combed in the back and I never wear any makeup. In fact just last week I was working with Brian on an early Saturday morning and after a few hours I realized my shirt was on inside out, I said why didn’t you tell me he said I thought you knew and maybe spilled something. I wish I could blame it on pandemic but this pattern was sealed long before covid, so add it to the list of things not happening after Covid.

Well, one thing techie and I don’t have to worry about is how to entertain kids and see that they follow along on remote learning. Today our daughter told us that she booked an adventure for Charlie, and no it wasn’t Disney world but for a small fee of 30 bucks, you could take a goat for a run. Yes, you heard right a GOAT. That’s what I have been saying this Pandemic has brought out the entrepreneurial spirit in some and if you can get people to come and walk your Goats you are a better man than I.

Just saying….

Now 1 day 13 hours , 23 minutes and 29 seconds


Day 294


DAY 308

1 Comment

  1. Love to see Charlie with a goat
    That is farm life

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