Hello, my corona friends and I hope you are all happy and healthy and all snuggled up for a cold winter’s night. Yes, I daresay the temperature has definitely gone down around here and not just because it is January in New England but could have something to do with those snowbirds flying south to Florida. Oh, I can see clearly now the sky is blue and it sure has been so very blue, but more importantly crisp and clean this past week.  I might even say I have a little kick in my step, even with the news that double masking may be best at this crazy time. Seriously I just want to throw this dam mask off and never see it again and especially here in this cold damp weather, we go for a walk and that dam ting is soaking wet when we get home. This is especially relevant because we all know that the only enjoyment or visit with our friends is an outdoor stroll or a many mile walk as that is the only activity we can look forward to besides the fantasy of what is for dinner today?   Well, last week the Boston Globe published an article about supporting our Restaurants with take-out, and being the good citizen that I am I was happy to oblige. I told my roommate that it was our civic duty to do the research and support those small businesses that really needed the help and it was a culinary delight.  Of course, it did happen to coincide with me getting shut off from hello Fresh and there was no delivery box waiting for us at our door last Sunday. Imagine our surprise when upon entering our building last week there were three boxes for our floor and ours wasn’t one of them, for the record there are six units on our floor. After further investigation, it turned out that I had neglected to update my credit card on file, as I had to cancel mine and get a new one. This is something I do about 3 times a year and often wonder if they are thinking what is with this lady and why can’t she keep track of her cards?  Funny now they actually ask you do you want to put it on hold and see if you find it or just send a new one, pandemic changes everything, as they even ask if you want it to a new address? Now you know we live in one room so there are not that many places to look so pretty safe bet it is gone for good, but wouldn’t you know techie was looking for his shoes under the bed and found my card last week, how it got there I have no idea. But I can tell you that search led to throwing out a lot of stuff that had piled up in a very short time. My roommate came home from a dental procedure and looked in our medicine cabinet and found that all the Advil, Tylenol, etc. was years past the expiration date and I had to make a trip to CVS.  Well seriously we have only been here a little over 5 years so how bad can it be? I really don’t pay attention to the dates but he thought it was important so now all replaced. I will not replace them with any Costco versions of the super-size as we will never go through them fast enough, as I never get headaches I only apparently give them. Of course, this go-round led me to my kitchen cupboards and the expiration of some foods and if it was only two years past the expiration date it made the cutoff remain, hey it is still a pandemic. They hit the fridge ok there may have been a few salad dressings with a few years past but they had never been opened so they were deemed safe. The freezer was not too bad considering everything gets pile onto the old but maybe just tossed a few but I am drawing the line at my precious pierogis may have been a few years but I think it will only make them better.

This brings me to my conclusion tonight and must say with maybe a bit more abundance of joy that was necessary I was more than happy to throw out the Cheetos that have been living under my cushions and in my head for the last 4 years and yes that is one expiration date that I will wholeheartedly honor.

 Just saying………………………….

Of course, even if you don’t like Bernie he definitely stole the show this past week and I loved it.