Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 31

Hello everyone and hope we are all doing well because it is Day 31, and I only thought I would be jotting down a few thoughts for a few weeks, and now I can’t see an end date and it really upsets me. I mean it was a lot of fun the first few weeks hunkering down with your sweetie and waiting out the snow storm, but damn this shit has gotten old. I think it is especially hard when the weather is damp and cold, and I don’t get my daily walks, dogs have a better chance of getting their steps in every day. My roommate went out for his walk early but I got a call from his elderly cousins who are a bit challenged, go get my ADD pills. No hello or can you do me a favor, but I get it and I drive to her Doctors office and at least no traffic, because they live off the southeast expressway which is usually a bear, so I make really good time. Her Doctor handed me the boxes of pills and I am not going to lie, I was studying the label and wondered if I could feel better taking it. Well fortunately those days of pill popping are long gone and continued on to CVS for the rest of the meds, and potato chips for the driver. You are immediately greeted by a sign that says we are out of hand Sanitizer, toilet paper, Clorox wipes, but they still have chips so I enter the store. I grab the prescriptions, add some junk food, what the heck if they are going to be medicated you need snacks. I must be projecting. Anyway mission accomplished and head back home, but by now it is raining and I missed my opportunity for my walk, and since I ate a large bag of chips for lunch, I really needed it but Se la vie. Look I am learning another language… So I came across this article today that said one of the items in short supply during Corona is oat milk, I mean holy shit freaking oat milk. This world is even crazier than I can fathom. The last time we visited my son and his family in Philadelphia was Christmas week this past year, and my daughter in law, Alana who I adore, she’s my favorite daughter-in-law, asked if we could pick up some oat milk on our way home from our walk. We were pretty close to their home and we just didn’t see a market that may have Oat milk or so we thought. They live in South Philly and I am not sure if anyone reading this can understand what life and culture is like in south Philly, I can assure you, you don’t think you are going to find Oat milk in the corner Bodega. I actually dared my husband to walk into the corner bodega and ask him if they had oat milk, I stayed with the stroller so missed the conversation. Funny enough they didn’t have it but the owner knew all about it, because he said his daughter uses it, so he directed us where to buy it and all had a good laugh. I looked up on the internet today what is the best alternative to dairy milk and was blown away by what is available, Soy, Almond, Oat, Rice and even a new one Pea. I was so pleased that one site said the best alternative is Hemp Milk, and that is one I can surely get behind. I was curious about the Almond milk because I think it takes a boatload of water, to grow almonds and just don’t see how that helps the environment, never mind how we squeeze milk out of the rest of the choices. I also discovered that Starbucks charges a bit more, if you order any of these alternative sources in your latte, thank goodness I am always a cream no sugar, oh wait that is what bothers me about Starbucks, you have to put in your own cream, this is where Dunkin beats them, if only the coffee could compare. My son Max was telling me about the benefits of maybe looking to a more vegetarian diet and even if I did consider it, does this mean I have to take the shake shack app off my phone? I can remember my daughter Erica’s horror when she saw the app on my phone and I said Dad put it there, I don’t even know how to use it. I can report they we live within striking distance of the shack and 40 days in we only got take out once, when you are standing in line in front of Trader Joes the beef smell is so strong, doesn’t have the same appeal. Any way big news tonight the young couple on my floor knocked on our door this morning and brought us a chicken pot pie that they guaranteed to be the best and don’t have to think what’s for dinner.
Just Sayin……..

May the 4th — our potential release date!


Day 30


Day 32

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    How nice a. Neighbor brought you a chicken pot pie
    I guess they are being kind to the “elderly” residents

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