Hello everyone and Happy Earth Day!!! I can assure you 50 years ago when this movement started no one in their wildest dreams could have ever envisioned the world we live in today April 22, 2020. It started out as a call to action, from a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara in 1969 with an idea to harness some of the student activism going on in the country, and pretty sure they managed to get agreement on both sides of the aisle on this one.   We went on as a country to put in place the Clean Air act, EPA, Endangered species act, and many more, which saved many human lives and saved protected so many from extinction. I don’t want to go dark here but WTF, where did we go wrong?  As much as I would like to blame the Orange man we can’t give him all the credit but he did manage to escalate our downward spiral these past few years.  Like anything, and now may be the perfect example we demonstrate that we can do whatever it takes to to bring ourselves out of the hole we may have dug ourselves into , but then soon as it gets a bit better all those practices are out on the window.  I am just as guilty but I do want to say that my car is now a hybrid and I can sneak up on people with my silent panther SUV.  Just for the record, it is earth day and I did take a 15 minute shower but I am down to one a week, so I figure I am saving it up for that one long shower. I may have mentioned that I heard sense of smell, is one of the first to go, so I want to be sure I can detect if I have the virus. I don’t know what the hell happened here on earth that we were sent this pandemic, but I hope people will realize there are some benefits from this whole ordeal.  Let me just say I am by no means making light of lives lost during this time, we all know someone affected and you have my condolences.  I see reports that the smog over LA has lifted and people can see the blue sky, that should be a reminder that maybe we can figure out a way to have less cars on the road. I was reminded several years ago we were visiting my daughter in Oakland and they had signs for casual car pool, pretty much it was legal  hitchhiking but more civilized. You went to a place and stood in line and waited for a spot in a car, going over the bridge to San Francisco, drivers got to drive in a certain lane and not pay the $6.  I say bravo, I used to just stick my thumb out and hope I didn’t get a pervert or a Psycho and most of the time it went pretty well. I am sure like all parents who grew up in the 70’S it may be a blur, but we wouldn’t condone hitchhiking even if was our standard operating procedure and good for the environment. When I saw pictures today of New Delhi, India I was so inspired by the clean air and you could see the Himalayan Mountains. I had the immense pleasure of visiting India several years ago and was inspired by so much of the beauty of the country, and colorful textiles that brightened up even the dirtiest parts, so much potential for true beauty. I do remember the signs that were everywhere that said a clean India in 2020, maybe not the right year, but the point is the wanted to honor Mahatma Gandhi, just don’t think they wanted to achieve it through the virus, but we should all work with what we got.  I don’t believe people are driving their cars as much, I know other than groceries or drug deliveries my roommate and I are hoofing it around the city and we love it. Yes we are a bit addicted to that odometer or step counter, his not mine, but I get really pissed if it comes in under 12,000 on a walk that I was sure was at least 15,000. The birds seem to be singing a different tune and I can only hope they are happy and not planning an Alfred Hitchcock coup, because I swear no one could handle it today, particularly my sister Judy, who must have shit her pants, during that early movie, because to this day she freaks out if a bird gets close to her.  Think of all the time we are getting to spend with our pets, cats and dogs living together, with human’s home all day kind of freaky but working. I do think we need to put a curb on those rushing out to get chicks, because they were concerned about the egg shortage.  They just don’t start dropping eggs, but cute nevertheless. People are planting their home gardens just remember all those critters out there think you are planting for them, so just add a few extra rows.  Lastly I want to thank all those in the younger generation especially Greta Thunberg for giving everyone a royal kick in the ass, we dropped the ball, and just got to comfortable and lazy.  Wake up people get off your asses and work to save the planet………

Happy Earth Day!!!!

Just sayin….