Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 324

Good evening my Corona friends and I hope everyone is doing well, happy as one can be under the circumstances. In less than two months it will have been one full year since I first decided to chronicle this adventure of Covid-19. Holy shit! I just never saw it coming, figure lock down a few weeks or months, and it would all be in the rearview mirror, but this virus is really a mean bitch and just won’t go away. Now she is morphing into something new because she isn’t through messing with us, or just not ready to let it go. The whole world seems to be paying the price, and we must have done something horrible to have her mad at us this long. Apparently, Australia and New Zealand are not on the naughty list or maybe just getting teased about it.  I swear I often wonder if I am living in a different world when I watch the news or get a view into other parts of the country. There seems to be no stopping those Tampa Fans from celebrating their first Brady win Sunday night. I am not sure we could have kept these fans in lockdown if he was still in New England.  Of course, they would have been in the streets because unlike Florida, our bars are closed, locked up tight. Oh well, I have gotten used to my own pour and drinking alone because my roommate is a bit of a tea tootler. Now that the weather has turned and more snow is on the ground, my walks have gotten shorter. A few blocks to pick up my take out is all I am good for lately. Techie is still out there for his daily constitutional, and he is losing weight, and I am picking up his lbs. This just doesn’t seem to be fair, we have the same things for dinner, and Vodka is supposed to be calorie-free. I do admit I should have never have started back on the chardonnay but once you let that old friend back into your life hard to throw her out. My friend Eileen, once told Celia and me, on one of our travels that we were drinking dipshit juice. I should have listened to her. Lately, I feel like a woman on a verge of a nervous breakdown, as I am sick of Facetime, Zoom, and Instagram. Never tried Tik Tok, nor will I for everyone’s sake. Again living in another world when you see people posting while traveling and out to dinner, I just want to go somewhere, preferably a sunny beach.  Remember I live in one large room with my lover but after being closed up for almost a year, the walls can shrink like a Fellini movie.

Alright enough of the self-loathing and pity because I actually have it a pretty damn good, nice warm loft, beautifully furnished, stocked Fridge, liquor cabinet, so many restaurants for takeout within walking distance, and most importantly Techie reluctantly signed me up for a lot of streaming services that he never wanted, but anything to keep me quiet. He just puts on his headphones and goes to his blog sites, I am pretty sure it’s not porn but rational thinking sights, that’s what he says. If you know him, you can trust that they are just that.

Well, the latest crisis here is that our dishwasher broke and we have had to wash by hand for the last few weeks, oh the suffering…  But actually, it got us thinking that we can survive with just a few coffee mugs, plates, 1 set of utensils for each of us, a wine glass, and a drinking glass.  When we moved here from a place that had five bathrooms to one, we gave away a lot of towels, because you only really need one each, as you throw it in the wash every few days. So now we wash out our coffee mugs every morning and use the dishwasher as our drying stand with the evening plates. Sometimes we don’t use plates and just stand over the sink, crack some lettuce and pour a little dressing on and no need to dirty any dishes. Yes this minimalist lifestyle can grow on you, but I just don’t know how I keep accumulating more stuff, I just don’t know how it gets in here. The craziest thing is when you lose something that you just had your hands-on. There aren’t that many places it can be, it’s one room.  Last week my granddaughter Maisie couldn’t find her shmata, Blue, and we had just had it. Took us an hour to locate it and I swear I looked under the sheets several times but then on the last try there it was, mind-blowing.  Well, it was not like we had anything else to do being shut-ins we played hide and seek, where she hid in the same place every time it was her turn. She had a hard time grasping the concept, but fun, never the less.

This weekend coming up is Valentine’s Day and I am going on a vaccine hunt. I read about the vaccine hunters that show up at places and wait to see if there are any leftovers. Maybe Cupid’s little arrow will strike me with a dose of Moderna, so I can be set free.

Just saying………


DAY 308


Day 329 – Ode to Peggy, A Love Story


  1. Judy murdock

    You definitely need to get out of town. It is good for psyche

  2. I agree with Judy. The time is ripe for a road trip to Florida. Get vaccinated there where it is easier, restaurants and bars are open, and join in the revelry with the Brady Bucks fans. Or travel by plane to Aruba – sun, fun and a place where Covid is on the back burner.

What do you think?

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