Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 33

Hello everyone and how are we all doing?  I hope we are all staying healthy and safe and maybe sane. I have really good news to report today. As you may recall I was very upset last week, when I really lost a day. I spent the whole day insisting it was Wednesday and then found out it was Thursday.  I really thought I had gone over the edge, and I could be heading straight for the Old peoples home. Well today was a special day because a very close friend of ours had a big birthday, and my roommate and I did what besties do. If you can’t go to Regina’s you bring the Regina’s to your friend.  They live out in the burbs so Donna had the lawn chairs all set up in the backyard more than 6 feet apart, and we each had our own little table with a bottle of Corona.  It has not been a particular warm April so we did wear our down jackets, and got right to the piazza before it got to cold. A really fun time was had by all.  So funny thing about these April Birthdays, my friend circle has a lot of them so wondering what was happening back in the fifties, in the middle of a hot summer. Anyway we were just discussing what age all these April people were turning and I discovered that I really was a year younger than I thought. I don’t know where the screw up was but all year I have been thinking and saying I was a certain age, and as it turns out I won’t be that age until this July. So I just got a whole year back and I am going to use it to wipe out this past year, and we can all wake up tomorrow, and it will all have been a bad dream. OK so I can’t erase it, but I still am psyched about getting my year back, and only have a few more months to live it till next Birthday.  I can remember years ago maybe when my son Max was in college or right after he graduated but he said to me, Mom you know how you always said time goes so fast, a year or a few months will just fly by, well now I get it.  When you are younger you can’t get there fast enough and when you are older you just want to slow that train down. The days are long, but the years are short, so enjoy the ride and be dam sure you know what year you were born.   Last night during one of my facetime visit with Max, Alana and baby Tilda he reminded me of how used to make fun of Bubbie along with my kids because she seemed to expel gas without missing a beat, and like we didn’t notice at the checkout line at Target.  My favorite was chewing with her mouth wide open almost spitting at us, and maybe a little belch in between.  He said then you turned into Bubbie, and didn’t even notice when I let out a healthy belch, loud fart and pretended it wasn’t me. I remember when Max  was maybe 8 years old, and had a bunch of his friends over,  and they were all giggling as they were making themselves belch . My son very proudly said my Mom can do it louder than any of you guys. I cried because he was really so proud of me and thought I was the coolest. Well we take those little wins however they come.  Max told us his wife has picked up his mother and Bubbies’ habits and she doesn’t even know she is doing it. Personally I find it hard to believe because she is always pretty well put together and wouldn’t want anyone to hear noises coming out of either end of her.  After all she can’t be that bloated or gassy, she only drinks oat milk and other strange things, so I guess it is not the diet after all. Trust me, what we put in our bodies for sustenance has no resemblance. I can only surmise that this is all a result of the quarantining and a longing to be near the people you love the most.  I just want you all to know but after a pepperoni pizza and two beers I have been belching the night away.

Happy Birthday Jon!!! We love you!

Just sayin……..


Day 32


Day 34


  1. Dorothy

    Great one Peg!

  2. Great way to celebrate a bday

  3. Great way to celebrate

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