Hello everyone and how are we all doing tonight?  I know it sounds like a broken record when asking how everyone is doing and I am sure we all have a lot to say, and our answers would all be very different and the same. Today was a good day, and most of that can be contributed to the weather as it was a particularly beautiful sunny and almost warm day here in Boston today. My roommate and I took a nice long walk and looked at the boats in the harbor, as everyone is getting ready to get out on the water and head anywhere but here.  Saturdays really do bring out people, as I never see this many people walking around the city during the week, so I guess I can confirm they really are working from home.  Now being of a generation and the fact that I am a retailer, I never quite got this working from home bullshit, or I guess I was just jealous. I mean why do you need to have these expensive offices, if most of your people are going to work from home?  I guess you needed them for when you may have an important meeting, or needed to bring your people in to have some team building.  Well now it becomes obvious these small spaces will not work, and everyone is going to need some type of home office, separate from the kitchen table. Right now at our place, Techie sits at the dining table, or our only table, and I am in the opposite corner where we used to share this one desk when we needed it. I worry about the future of our workforce when you think of all the people who are not changing their clothes as often as personal hygiene demands.  They are eating all the meals at their keyboards and those must be really disgusting, oh look there is a bite of yesterday’s lunch stuck to the letter k., and may not be washing their hands after bathroom breaks, just have a gallon of sanitizer spitting it at them every hour.  Well I hope what I just described is not what you want for your future, so get up, get dressed go for your morning walk before you sit down at your desk/table all day. I have been watching a lot of food network as I try to avoid the news cycles, plus I have short attention span for anything but Law and Order. I started watching food network years ago, when I really never cooked much but I liked the idea of cooking. I of course fell in love with Sandra Lee on Semi-Homemade, for a lot for reasons, all the shortcuts but mostly because of her tablescapes.  I loved them because I was always reminded of my cousin Janice, who was like a sister to me, and how much she loved to decorate for every holiday and they had similar taste, a bit on the tacky side but wonderful. Of course we cannot ignore the real reason I hung on every word of the show is Sandra was always going to deliver, on a signature cocktail that came at the very end. Well now I find myself watching the Food Network a lot during this down time and I have to say can Guy Fieri please go away. Seriously does he have to dominate every hour, does he own the network, and does he have some incriminating goods on the network that we have to see him for the majority of the air time. I can’t take it, please give me Ina, Giada and I would even settle for the Ranch lady with the hair and the dimples. I don’t know maybe I am jealous of him constantly stuffing his face and pouring it on so thick of the as best he ever had, and then he has these people running around a grocery store and cooking up a storm.  This is all great but I am saying it has now become almost like a mad snowstorm, when you are all stuck at home and all they show on the TV is the freaking weather reports. Enough already take the guy with the spiked white hair, and limit him to a few hours a day and give me a Barefoot Contessa marathon.  We could be like the USA network when they have marathons of Law and Order and we know when to tune in or not.  Surely there must be some young chefs out there with some personality and a little sex appeal wouldn’t hurt, after all we are shut in, to pick up the slack on this guy, Guy.

Ok I have enough rambling about food and I am going in for my nightly Nutty buddy mini where we each at a lot more than one.  Today was one of the best days in a long time because we got to celebrate Charlies 6th Birthday in the backyard and if social distancing id what it takes today then bring it on………….

Just sayin