Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 36

Hello everyone and hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. It is something that we know add “Stay Safe” to all our goodbyes, instead of see you soon.  The reality is we are pretty much living in a war zone and are given limited access to our world, as we once knew it.  We don’t see our friends or family in person but now everything is lived through a screen. I know a lot of us were used to keeping in touch with people, this way but that was for ones who lived far away, and you wanted to follow along their daily lives. Now unfortunately these people, on our screens are only a short distance away and we have to keep them that way. We can be walking down the street or in the market but we won’t even recognize our friends because we are all wearing masks, and kind of all look a bit shlumpy. Let’s face it I know so many people that would never have gone out in public without their hair and makeup perfectly coiffed, fortunately I have never been one of them, so not too far to fall.  My kids have made fun of me for years, saying that I don’t comb the back of my hair, I do, and often what I had for breakfast or lunch is now part of attire. Let’s face it I have turned into Bubbie.  Well is this a blessing or a curse?  I say I am doing ok on the hair front, as I was only on highlights, my nails are trimmed nice and short, the only thing is I have enough hair on my chin, I could be resembling a Billy goat. I used to have my friend Sarah, who also worked with me do my chin plucking, and she knew she would always have job security. Well it has been years since she left me high and dry, and when I do see her she freaks out.  We used to have a pact with girlfriends that we wouldn’t let each other go out of the house like this, but the problem is none of us really have that good eyesight to spot it right away. I know I have been told electrolysis is the way to go but just have never been able to get myself to do it.  I do have a daughter with some young eyes, but she has her hands full with working from home and wrangling two young ones to really care about her mother turning into a goat. Ok I have properly chastised her for not looking out for Mom, but she does notice my flathead in the back. I guess you are all wondering what about my roommate, after all he is MacGyver but he doesn’t notice, or doesn’t see it. I did have to enlist his help the other day to do my toenails, taking off the polish and cutting them he was surprisingly not that good at it, because he is terrific at almost everything else, except cooking.  He said I should see a Podiatrist, no darling just get a pedicure. That is one of the things I miss the most. Just love a good foot rub. Of course I may have to travel to Georgia if I expect to get one anytime soon, and kill two birds with one stone and get my tattoo, at the same time. Everyone is probably already familiar with the notion that when you look up something on the internet, all of a sudden all these hair removal products start stalking me, kind of freaks me out.  I was doing research on the most comfortable bras and the next thing it’s on my phone. My IPad, my computer and relentless stalking. Probably doesn’t help that I am constantly filling the cart with all kinds of things and then never check out. Yesterday I was reading about Bobby Flays secret to scramble eggs is a nonstick pan and crème fraiche, so looked up a few nonstick pans. Today I was being stalked by at least four different sites trying to sell me the best pan in the universe and they are all sitting in their respective carts. I have resisted learning a lot of technology, because really I have techie and he does it all for me, even now loading all these apps on my phone, I even did a few on my own. Which is a darn good thing because if you want take out now you have to do it on your app, don’t try to call on the phone even if they are staring at you from inside, got to use the GD app. I usually take at least two or three times to get it ordered correctly and I am not very patient. It is a good thing they keep the credit card on file, because when I order anything online it is a minimum of three times entering the card and I just want to scream.  Probably a good thing and safe to say that is why a lot of my carts are never completed, and I say just kidding. Good night all I just heard the buzzer on my face mask go off…….

Just sayin,


Day 35


Day 37


  1. Millie

    Thanks again for another laugh. From one Bubbie to another….

  2. Judy

    Love hearing how you are “really” doing

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