Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 37

Hello everyone and hope we are all still sane and feeling well. Listening to the radio today they were talking about Quarantine fatigue, as apparently it is really getting to people, as we are now at least a month longer than we expected, and certainly no end in sight. Phrases I just hate and don’t want to hear anymore are the “the new normal” and “abundance of caution”, as soon as that pops up in the beginning of a memo, I just want to scratch someone’s eyes out. Yes it is getting that bad, I want to actually do bodily harm to anyone, so I will have to settle for my roommate. He is going to bear the brunt of my fury and he so doesn’t deserve, it but he’s all I got right in front of me. The vodka fog is not working, as well as it should and I may be developing an immunity, I found that to be the case with my beloved chardonnay.  I just don’t know if quarantine is the right time to start a new relationship, and I just want my standbys, to do what they are supposed to do to get me through these long days and nights. Techie rarely enjoys a drink, maybe a beer with pizza, occasional shot of tequila, but I am drinking alone here, of course there are these girlfriends zoom happy hours but not the same.  I guess it’s worse today because it is the end of April and its freaking freezing out and raining, maybe even snow. This can put you in bad mood because like prison, we get yard time, going out for our daily walks and when it is pouring there is no yard time.  Of course there is no cocktail hour either, so I have to remember to count my blessings. Well today was my grandson Charlies official birthday and the “new normal” is a drive by, parade of friends and family with banners and balloons.  I took a leap and went into Target today, because I may have said in the past crafty is not part of my DNA, and have no materials to make any kind of banners. I have heard from people that they have been shopping at Target for their groceries and whatever else they need. I ran in today on the way to the drive by and bought some coffee, half and half, and Birthday banners and Balloon. I just don’t get it why can Target be open to shop for whatever they offer, but all other retail is shuttered?  Just like everything else “rules are made to be broken” but I was glad I could get my banner, because I am sure the outlaws were going to show up with something they crafted, and I didn’t want to look bad. We lined up eight cars deep and did our little drive by in the pouring rain and were handed some cake in a covid safe baggie. I know the kids got a thrill, rain or not but now the new Birthday party routine is going to be limited to drive by’s and makes me so sad.  Last year, my roommate and I had the incredible privilege of taking Charlie to Disney World to celebrate his fifth birthday, it was my dream not Techie, whole other story about how they drain your wallet, but another day.  We took our kids when they were young and Techie had a breakdown on 20,000 leagues under the sea when the fake fish drop down and declared no more fake adventures, from now on only real adventure. I have always loved amusement parks, roller coasters, carnival food, fun houses, and I just love all the thrills. I am so happy that we took this trip and even more grateful, that his parents handed him over to get on a plane with me, knowing that I would never follow any of the rules they may have told me were important.  It occurred to me of how many missed opportunities, we as busy humans have lost, because we were just too tired when an old friend reaches out and says I will be in town Tuesday night, can we meet for dinner?  A lot of people decline because it is a school night and they are tired, plus some stupid to show, is on they don’t want to miss.  Well we all wish we were getting that call this week, and that a restaurant would be open so that we could meet for dinner. But alas the new normal is we have to meet in the parking lot, eating our take out parked next door to each other. I am sure there are a lot of us regretting putting off things they had planned on doing once they had the time, well now we have the time but we are sheltering in place. So I suggest we all make a list of things to do before we die, oh wait they have a book, but let’s make our own list. When we are told it safe to come out and play, let’s hit the road and see the world or at least a 50 mile radius.  Good news I hear that Drive In theaters may be coming back this summer and how great is that? I know I am dating myself but I can remember pulling into the Drive In with about 6 people in my trunk, only to pop it and let everyone out once we could hit the snack bar, probably why they looked the other way.  Back in the day they charged by the person not the carload, just in case you were confused by the people in the trunk.

I am sharing Maisie singing Happy Birthday to her brother after waiting in the Rainy Birthday parade tonight and you have no soul if this doesn’t melt even the most frigid of you out there.

Just sayin


Day 36


Day 38

1 Comment

  1. Goldwin Dorothy

    Maisee and Charlie are so precious! Love them!

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