Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 38

Hello everyone and how are we all doing tonight, adjusting to the new normal and snug as bugs in a rug, at home?  Yesterday I mentioned I am suffering from quarantine fatigue, and the same holds true today, but I decided tomorrow I am turning over a new leaf, or at least by May1st. I am going to get dressed in the morning, as if I had a very important appointment, which could require a shower and maybe a bit of makeup. I attended several zoom meetings today, and apparently that is the key to feeling whole, is pretending we have someplace to be, and pretend these meetings are in person. I would like to thank all those personally, who sent me notes about their personal grooming and I appreciate it, but don’t really want to know about trimming the hair in your ears or nose.  You will all be pleased to know that I did click buy, on one of my carts and chin hair removal strips are on their way, and will give an unbiased review once I give it a shot. I am going to even do something with my hair, well probably put on a hat for the time being. I am going to have my coffee at 630-7am like I have been doing for years but that means I have to get Techie out of bed in the morning, because since this thing hit, he doesn’t get right up to make my coffee, like he used to, that is the only thing I ask him to do, since he knows the recipe and he does wants to share in the cooking. I also learned today that I should be doing some meditation every day and think of the things I am grateful for, and I am pretty sure I tell everyone every day that I am grateful for Techie, and now you know about the coffee as well. My roommate has been into meditation for a long time and most recently the last 5 years since we moved to this loft, it has become increasingly more important. He will always say to me is there anything else you need, because I am going silent for the next half hour and he puts on his headphones and turns his stressless chair to look out the window.  Sure sometimes I forget and find myself yelling over at him for no good reason, and then remember off limits. I have to to tell you all when I first met techie many, many, many years ago a few years in, he decided he wanted to practice Buddhism and took up Nichiren Shoshu where he did a lot of chanting and meditating.  I remember when I would visit on weekends he built this case to house his Gohaonzon, not sure of the spelling but basically it had two doors that he would open when he was doing his chanting. He had made a really nice oak case as he used to be a really good woodworker, till he shredded his thumb and finger on a tool.  I am sure he can still run a really good sander and pound a few nails.  Anyway I came to visit one weekend and there was this really nice oak cabinet on a stand in his room and he told me, please whatever you do, do not open that cabinet. Say no more, I can certainly respect someone’s privacy, but you just shouldn’t phrase it that way, under no circumstances, because now for sure I am opening those doors. Imagine my surprise when it was just like a scroll or something, and I am not demeaning anyone’s beliefs here just putting it all in context to someone who doesn’t get it, over and done, there wasn’t another girl’s phone number in there and I was moving on. Of course as our relationship continued and I got to know what I was up against, serious Jewish mother afraid of her son marrying a shiksa, I realized why he turned to meditation, both to tune out his mother and to take up a new religion to relief stress and achieve happiness. One thing about my roomie he doesn’t want to be part of any organized semblance of a religion so that soon went by the wayside but I know from experience it has helped him navigate the roller coaster of life.  I have been trying to subscribe to some form of meditation I even read the book 10% Happier, and pretty sure I came about more than 25% happier.  So tonight before I go to sleep and never quite sure when that is going to happen, I will repeat all my reasons to be grateful. Last night at 11:30, I started watching a show on Amazon called Fortitude and sucked me right in, shut it down at 5 am and finished the rest at naptime this afternoon. I don’t recommend it because of all things it is about a virus on an island in Norway, dam I wish I had known that before I started. Today we had some sad news and a close friends Dad passed away so it really brings it close to home, and we must remind ourselves to live and laugh, every day because you never know what is coming.

Jus sayin

R.I.P. Gerry you will be missed and were truly loved.


Day 37


Day 39


  1. Colleen O’Connor

    I would say journaling can be a form of meditation and you do it so well!

  2. Goldwin Dorothy

    Peggy, I’m grateful for Richard and you. Love you

  3. Judy

    Love to read your blog and glad we are in the same family
    I know you are grateful for Richard and your Erica and Max and now your 3 grandchildren. Your cup run etch over

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