Hello everyone and I hope you all are sane, healthy and happy, or at least two out of three.  First of all I want to thank all those who reached out to me today, to get a pulse on my sanity. I didn’t mean to be a Debbie Downer and trust me, I am living large. All my needs at within in striking distance Trader Joes, around the corner, at least 25 places to get take out, and most importantly Packy within striking distance. I got this covered. Plus I came across this really great website for all your meditation needs, and pressed buy now. Check it out, Dharmacrafts.com.  I am still serving techie three squares a day, although sometimes he makes his own toast, and today I told him I am spoiling him, and this too shall pass. I have adopted my old hero Sandra Lee method of cooking and semi-homemade, is the way to go or at least a whole lot easier.  Anyway today was a glorious day ,and I woke up with every intention of going to senior hours at a local “farm stand” and get really great produce and prepared dinners, but I called at 5:30 and thy said they had temporarily shut down and may reopen soon. Well I was up, and against my better judgment I put on the cable news, big mistake as I am now on maybe a half hour a day, but the good news is I fell back to sleep for a few hours, where normally I would yell and swear at the TV and wake up my roommate, so making progress.  I went out for a walk around 7:30 and it was just a glorious day and would have been even better if I didn’t see all these runners, and people are on their yoga mats ,all around the harbor, I mean really what show offs. I got a few videos the other day from my trainer that I sometimes work with at my gym and he suggested that I may want to try these at home. I quickly wrote him back and said that I watched all four of them, at least twice and does that count?  Good news he said totally does, and I get a gold star. While I was on my walk this morning along the harbor I could hear the sea lions from the aquarium barking up a storm so loud, and I was a good distance away, kind of freaked me out, do they sense something we don’t? Remember I had binged on the first season of Fortitude, virus and animals being weird.  I couldn’t dwell on it to much as I told my roommate I was going out for a treat and wanted to pick up some fresh bagels. Mission accomplished bagels in hand and then home to make scrambled eggs according to Bobby Flay, yummy. Like I say I am spoiling him. It occurred to me that he is even more patient than I give him credit for, if that is even possible. I was at the other end of our loft earlier tonight and he had two different Zoom meetings for some Boards he is on and coaching the elderly, or at least those not as technically inclined. He is so patient, scroll to the top left there is an unmute button, little to the right and we can get gallery view and everyone will pop up.  I know a few years back when we brought the real technology to the retail sales floor for everyone to have their own IPad , I actually thought for a while there he may turn to a drink to relax at the end of the day. He not only had me to contend with, but multiply that by a tenfold depending on what store he walked into that day, a collective shout what’s my password?  Patiently letting them all know, the password is private and he can’t help them with that so there was a lot of daily password changes and of course this Boomer can relate.  He looked at me in wonder tonight when I was telling him my sisters were driving me crazy because they don’t know how to access my blog, I mean how many times do I have to tell them www.livinginthetimeofcorona.com, or go to Facebook, some don’t trust FB so why can’t I just send it to them every day.  I look over and Techie is a bit flabbergasted and says imagine that people who are technically challenged and want someone to do for them?   Ok you got me, and I don’t imagine I am going to change anytime soon, not on my bucket list to learn from home.  I think there is a change in animals I came across on my walk this morning but you tell me. Look who I came across this morning.

Just sayin