Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 4

How is everyone doing today?  I hope we are all healthy and happy. I have had a really tough day today, I am seriously dragging butt, because I binged watched a show on Prime. The Incident at Kettering seriously weird and slightly scary Australian mystery and I just had to see it all the way through. I started at 1am and finished at 830am, of course sometimes I would nod off and then have to rewind but I did the whole series. Now my techie was sleeping, so I had on earphones with my eye pad, which was great but the battery kept dying. The charger was on the other side of the bed so I literally had to get on the couch with this short little charger and hang over the side so I could keep watching. It would charge up again a bit and then I jump back under the covers, this little routine went on for hours.  The good news is I had 0 cable news all day and I am really not feeling any withdrawals and I think I can do this for a day at a time.

We go for our long walks in the afternoon and today is was really eerily quiet as the weather wasn’t so great. I solved the problem of my hesitancy of really long periods because there are no restrooms that I can use, DEPENDS.  Usually with my walks around the city I know all the really nice bathrooms to stop in and my favorite is a Hotel is closed till May, so a real bummer but thankfully CVS is open and the Boomer aisle is loaded with all the product. Have you ever perused these Aisles, there is some weird shit on the shelves and I will snap a few pics next time.  This past week on my strolls I am always just surprised how many people walk around talking to themselves and of course they have those weird pods in their ears, or some kind of listening device. Well I don’t have any of that Hi-tech stuff but I found that if you stick your phone in your BRAFFICE and put it on speaker and works just perfectly. The good news is everyone around you gets to hear both sides of the conversation but considering the social distancing for now it can easily work.

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but the People in Trader Joes have not been wearing their Hawaiian shirts so I guess they are going a bit lax on the dress code in the time of Corona. This is the only market that is close to me, so this boomer has to shop with the Millennials. I never really shopped there much before, but I do like that no matter what I buy my bill has always been under 40 bucks, which never happens at Whole foods. I especially love the box of mini ice cream cones and we definitely go through  box a night they are so small you have to eat at least 4, and I always say I am buying for the grandkids but now they have to watch us eat them.  I have to start dinner for my Techie so I can keep on his good side and earn brownie points with my Mom above and tonight there will be no happy hour because if I have one glass of wine I will fall right to sleep. I am not going to start another series tonight unless someone can recommend something better than a Zombie Apocalypse. Stay safe and feel free to overindulge you may never have this much time on your hands again.

Just sayin……………………………..


Day 3


Day 5


  1. Kelly Davis

    Love it!

  2. Millie

    I’m following!

  3. Sara


  4. erika o

    Love it!

  5. nelly olsen

    Keep them coming!

  6. Kathkeen

    Just loving your posts🥰🥰🥰

  7. Roz Murray

    Love it!! 😘

  8. Shawn

    I thought you were the family techie???

  9. Jane

    Love hearing about your days. On the bright side of this pandemic, for the first time in my life, I have a good shot of winning a Good House Keeping award for cleanliness!

  10. Scot

    I think you should be happy with the hawiann shirts… many people that are new to working from home have not had pants on for days!!! 🙂 stay safe my friends

  11. cindy hale

    Hadn’t thought of DEPENDS for walks. Peggy, what an idea! I guess nothing is off limits now. Thanks for keeping us sane and laughing. Appreciate you and this. xo

  12. Tim Lauzon

    Hang in there Peggy! Have you watched The Wire? Or if you dig some scifi, The Expanse is totally awesome. Things are pretty interesting at my house as well. My daughter Amanda started her first day as a new RN at Beth Israel on Monday. She’s got some stories to tell each day when she gets home. At least I feel like she’s got the pulse of the Boston hospital scene. So far so good…

  13. Robin Stone

    You keep me laughing, Peg!😀

  14. Janet

    Love your experiences during these strange and sad times. We all need some humor and thanks to you we have it! If you have Apple TV, watch the Morning Show. I binged watch Season I last Saturday and Sunday. Really good!

  15. diane

    thanks for the ok to indulge!!!

  16. Barbara Rosen

    Try.Catasrophe on Amazon. Send me some depends. We’re getting less millennial by the minute.

  17. Leigh Chastain

    Loving your Blog Peggy! OZARK on Netflix is worthy of a binge…

    • Miss Peggy

      I just started it and I guesswe have plenty of time.

What do you think?

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