Forty days and forty nights, and then there was sunshine and it was safe to come out, and this was all just a set for a movie. Let’s all intend for this to be true because if some of you can remember the craze years back with Oprah, if you believe it will come true, something to do with a secret. I am not totally sure but it was all BS to me.  I am a new person embracing meditation, all that peace love and happiness crap, if that is what it takes I will take it.  Wasn’t a good day for me today, weather was crappy and I threw out my back, so tried a heating pad and stretches but to no avail, just an old overworked back, and I keep no pills in the house, as I prefer liquid pain killers. The only problem is I have a strict rule about no Martins till after 5 pm. Day drinking only allowed when on vacation, and doesn’t look like there will be one anytime soon. Today I would be grateful to just get back to work, and not from sitting in front of a computer. I may have mentioned it is not my style. Honestly the thought of heading back into the world with a face mask, to be with people is more than a little bit of a downer, and keep thinking twilight zone, but have to be ready to adapt.  I see a lot of clever designs of masks with cute sayings on the mask but I only want mine to say FU, but that is not nice and not the way I feel towards everyone, but I am thinking people may like it because that is what they are feeling, what do you think?  I read today the Merriam-Webster , based here in Massachusetts, for the first time ever fast tracked the approval process, and added 20 terms to the dictionary in just 34 days, where previously AIDS took two years. Covid-19 shot to the most searched words on their site. Apparently it was a global search that led to the fast tracking. We have all heard about the Covid-19, quarantine, zumped, or covidiot referring to a rule breaker about social distancing.  I wonder if all these new words will be challenged while playing scrabble, got to get them in the dictionary real fast.  I hear in Europe the term “hamsterkaufing” refers to those hoarding food like a hamster. So what do we call someone here that hoards toilet Paper?  Full of shit?  The person who buys up all the hand sanitizer and then tries to sell it as a super profit, Darth Vader is Mr. Clean’s real father and someone has to pay. The person who buys up all the yeast to make it difficult for all these new bread makers, Candida, go to whole foods they can help you there.  Peanut butter I believe does help with anxiety and we are over reacting if we think there is any reason to be anxious, Mr. Nutty Buddy. The old saying “who was that masked man” takes on a whole new meaning as now it will be rare to see someone out and about without a mask. This is a concept we should all embrace because  now when we are socially distancing, in our conversations they won’t be able to read the emotion on our faces, be it a smirk or a smile. Just think of not holding these emotions in any longer, just let it loose in the mask and pray it doesn’t fall. I wonder what it will be like when it is finally declared that masks are no longer required, and if people will willingly surrender what they have been hiding behind these past few months. Now you will have to put on the invisible masks who used to wear, and I am going down a dark hole.  I don’t want to get philosophical here and I can’t believe I am going to admit it but I would just love to ride the T again, after all I have my senior card, and most times I enjoyed the humanity of riding the train. I always love to observe everyone on their devices, and never making any eye contact, God forbid they may have to offer a seat but then again no one was looking up.  Today I bet they will pay more attention because they will wonder if that person next to me has the virus. I remember may years ago when I first commuted in Boston riding the train, while reading Stephen King’s novel the Stand, yes a real live book, and if someone sniveled or sneezed, I wanted to move away from them, imagine, that was fiction.  I believe I told you all I have been watching a show on Amazon called “Fortitude” and I finished it today, can’t really recommend it because it is too close to what is happening today. The one thing is, it is set on an Arctic Island off the coast of Norway and they do drink a lot of Vodka just straight shots at all hours of the day and night, and I honestly think it’s what keeps them going.

Just sayin