Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Spring in Boston

Day 41

Hello everyone and how are we all doing?  The sun came out we opened the door to the Ark, and found nothing has changed, we are still under quarantine, and that whole flood thing didn’t work as planned. So now we have to pick up where we left off, and hope we are almost to the other side of this crazy scenario. Today was a good day, started out with a lot of rain, then sun came out, and actually may have been the warmest day of the year so far and it’s May 1st. Shake Shack for lunch..  Normally this is a beautiful time of the year in the city, flowers are blooming, grass is getting greener and normally there would be so many graduations. Boston is known for its Colleges and Universities and we would be aglow with all the pomp and circumstance around all the upcoming commencements. There would be a lot of people strolling through the public gardens taking pictures of their proud graduates and wondering how they are going to pay back that 200 grand price tag, but enjoy the moment. Today strolling through on our daily walk, Techie remarked how much everything has sprouted this past week and said spring is coming with or without you.  Of course I have had Bono in my head all afternoon since he said this, and only brings back happier times of many concerts, so it’s a good thing.  I hope there will be more in the future but who can be sure when every two weeks, they push reopening day out two more weeks. I think we should say a date way in the future and then we will all be elated, when one day they say Ok tomorrow we roll.  Today we got a double dose of bad news the PMC is cancelled and an event that my whole family rides in every year to raise $$$ for cancer. If anyone had told me ten years ago that I would squeeze my fat ass into spandex and ride 180 miles in two days for cancer research, I would have thought what have they been smoking?  It is amazing the things you can do when both your husband and son get cancer treatment within months of each other. Riding a bike seems like a walk in the park or at least not an insurmountable task and even I could do it.  This was a real bummer because this was going to be my last year riding, of course those who know me will say I say that every year, and every year I mean it, but then someone else gets cancer and it’s the least you can do but raise money for research. I  always feel like I haven’t trained enough and since moving to the city it is almost like I should be getting combat pay, as I try and find routes without a lot of traffic to train for the ride.  Well wouldn’t you know it now I have been enjoying my rides around the city because there is no traffic, and I can get around fairly easy, still avoiding the hills as much as possible? I save that hill riding for later in the summer before the ride in August, but today sadly it was cancelled. We can’t have 10,000 riders over the course of a few days and sleeping at the Maritime Academy for a night during the time of Corona, damn you we are riding for cancer, so please go away. Anyone wants to donate to my now virtual ride please go to and pledge my ride because this cancer thing is going to be around a lot longer than this Covid thing.   Another thing that happened today is they cancelled the 4th of July Fireworks in Boston, devastating how can there be a 4th without the Boston Pops on the Esplanade?  I guess it will fit right in with the way it is going lately, and not knowing what day it is most of the time, we just might move it to Labor Day and no one will know the difference. Hopefully by then we will be welcoming back all the students to the city, and there may be some sense of normalcy. There is a lot to celebrate and today it was all about the really nice weather that is here and coming for the next several months and we will all enjoy the great outdoors. When you live in a climate where the seasons change it is a wonderful expectation to greet the warmer weather, and we just appreciate it so much, because we know it is only here for a season.  Here we have it all over those parts of the country, that just have the same boring sunshine and warm weather all year round, so much better to appreciate each new season, at least that is how we sell it here.  Listening to a song during dinner tonight by Vampire Weekend was stunned by the lyrics,” I don’t want to live like this but I don’t want to die”, how could they know years later how true their words would be?  I am happy to share with you my signs of spring in Boston today and good news they filled the Duck pond in the public garden, so that can only mean the Swan Boats will be next, and yes there will be fewer riders, social distancing will prevail.

Just sayin


Day 40


Day 42


  1. Dorothy

    I know how much PMC means to you and your family. Sad. But, what is normal now?!!! love you Peg!

  2. Millie

    Thanks for the beautiful tulip and willow tree pictures. Always beautiful in the spring there.

  3. Roz

    Love you. Huge disappointment for the cancellation of the PMC. At lease the sun is shining, it’s getting warmer and the days are getting longer.

  4. Judy

    Hope PMC fundraising is bigger than ever in 2020 and cancer is no more in our lifetime
    People can donate what they have not spent on restaurants and holidays
    You and Rich and Erica, Hugh and Max and all those riders have a year off from riding
    kudos to all the work you have all done

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