Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 42

Hello everyone and how are we all doing today? Thankful that you woke up on the right side, and yes there is a pulse so get up, and get out it is a beautiful day. Today was a glorious day to be outside and thankful to hit the ride on my bike and get some exercise, at the same time enjoying the sights of the city. I may have mentioned that is almost joyous to ride your bike in the streets of Boston with so little traffic. We have lived in the city for five years and love to cycle but the move brought its challenges, and often on weekends we would leave the house by 6 am so we could get a jump on getting out of the city, to some bike trails. Well put one in the plus column for the virus, boy that sounds obscene even saying it, but we have to look for the good in everything and anything, lest we go mad. I rode around the city today and decided to take the leap and cross over the Mass Ave Bridge and see what was happening in Cambridge. For those who are not familiar with our fair city, the Charles River divides Boston from Cambridge, and hello you have crossed into another country as far as the cultural divide.  My heart will always be in Cambridge and I truly love the culture of Birkenstocks with socks, and I hope my final days will be living in 02138.  If you were living in Cambridge today you would be perfectly comfortable in your pandemic wardrobe, as a matter of fact it probably wouldn’t look to different just indoor and outdoor leisure attire. The “high tech” is located in Kendall Square as well as a great movie theater that serves up a mainstream and and alternative film, along with the best fresh popcorn at the Kendall theater.  Cambridge has their fair share of the “hottest restaurants” but you don’t have to dress and the conversations will be much more cerebral but none the less, just as expensive. I am sure Cambridge people have more bookcases in their homes because it may be in the purchase and sale when you buy a home about how many bookcases you have to have per square foot. Cambridge has a few colleges you may have heard of Harvard and MIT and across the river we have Boston University, Boston College, Emerson, Suffolk, Northeastern and I can’t even begin to name them all, but I can tell you their styles will be different. BU will be more the NYC higher fashion crowd, BC is total prepster, the Dave Mathews concert crowd, and Northeastern has had a makeover and so many more. I can venture a guess that there are more Vegans in Cambridge than Boston but then I could be wrong because Cambridge has Bartley’s Burger Cottage AND Boston has Chloe. I generally like the live music better in Cambridge but then Boston has Symphony Hall. Anyway enough about the tale of two cities, I got off track, and I hope someday we can all come back to exploring both sides of the river at our own pace. I want to see the boats back on the river, having launched at community boating where I learned to sail, about 40 years ago for a few bucks, I am sure it is more today but still open to the community. I just want you all to realize that you don’t need a passport or visa to go between the two cities there are no border agents and it is glorious.  If I may add one more difference Cambridge has more Bike lanes, so you can make your own deduction.

We got home late today and made a frightening discovery really nothing in the fridge for dinner and really need to do a grocery run, have to set the alarm for the elderly tomorrow morning. I am getting so full of myself, because normally I would say to Techie where are we dining tonight?  But I went through our limited pantry and once again I created a feast for my roommate and Mom I am spoiling him rotten. When will this end?  I am using leftovers and veggies that are close to getting tossed, I am a regular freaking Martha Stewart. I don’t even know if she uses leftovers but you pull it out of your tuchas and get it done. It doesn’t look like this lock down is going to end soon , so no dining out anytime soon, and when I start talking about the sour dough starter someone please shoot me.

Just sayin


Day 41


Day 43


  1. Nancy Baumgartner

    No more Sandra Lee, moving on to Martha Stewart.

  2. Judy

    Love that you visited the republic of Cambridge
    Even when I lived in Boston years ago which I loved, I always gravitated to Cambridge
    Which feels like a small town to me.
    Hope you move to Cambridge someday and be my neighbor

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