Hello everyone and hope you are well and enjoyed another beautiful day in paradise. I am pretty sure we have established the correlation to beautiful weather, and how we feel during quarantine. I know for me personally, any day with the sun shining and gets me out of our one room loft, is a really super good day, and today was one of those days. I think we all like to have a routine, gives us some semblance of normalcy, so when I established that yes today, was Sunday, I could get on Sunday routine. I go down to the lobby and get my Sunday Boston Globe and New York Times. Remember I still love to hold that newsprint in my hand, and till my dying day that will be the case.  Well it is well established in my building, I believe I mentioned mostly millennials, but three people on the 5th floor read the paper and then theirs’s us on the second floor.  Most of the old timers hardly ever get the amazon packages or whatever else that fills the lobby on a daily basis, but a few papers on the bench says some old souls live here as well. Anyway I get my papers, and spend a few hours reading and enjoying my coffee because it is Sunday and no need to rush off to work. Of course I am in retail so it doesn’t necessarily mean a day off, just doesn’t start till noon. Today is just too awesome a day, to spend too much time reading at the dining room table, we can take these papers outside.  I know it has a lot to do with the weather but I haven’t seen this many people, in my part of the city in a very long time. Nice to see, people are wearing masks, even though I freaking hate it and wished with all my heart it didn’t have to be , I comply. My roommate was super stoked today to walk over to his boat and just sit on it. Really I don’t know what it is with boat people but if they can sit on it for any length of time, perfectly happy to never take it out on the water. Seriously over the years I have witnessed loads of boat neighbors never actually leaving their slip. Not being a boat person I actually don’t get the same thrill, of just sitting there, but today I am grateful that we have another place to go that has plumbing capabilities. It is a 25 minute walk to Charlestown and my depends only go so far, so grateful for the use of the facilities afforded to me on Techies yacht.  The social distancing dilemma has made it abundantly clear that I am not the first mate material he was hoping for, and I think he is keeping fingers crossed that he will be allowed another person to join him and not rely on me to perform any of the duties to get on the water. I convinced him today that I could rise to the occasion and perform a perfunctory of duties, to get out on the water and thank goodness he trusted me. I know it is incredibly hard for so many during this time, and I know I should be grateful for what I have and believe me I am. Today was a great day and for a few hours we just enjoyed how fortunate we were to be on the water, in Boston Harbor and really enjoyed the quiet as there were no planes taking off from the airport. I also have to add not any power yahoos strutting their stuff. Kind of scary and sad, but also nice that we only saw one plane take off during the few hours we were out there. Normally there are so many you can see the lights in the distance of the planes heading to the runway. We like to line up in the runway path, so you can get a major rush when they fly over.  Seriously we always take visitors over the flight path, and best to be a little buzzed to get the full effect. Oh it’s the little things that we take for granted and now they are gone, only one today and it never even came close. We have to get back to flying and I know no one wants to take the first leap, but sign me up for the 5th leap.  Today pretty much our only method of transportation is our own two feet and I know that is still the biggest difference from moving from the burbs, so car dependent.  I don’t believe I have filled my car since the shut down and I call that a win. I walk to the grocery store and never get more than two bags that I can carry the few blocks home, and all I need is a short walk away. Yesterday the people that bought our house a few years ago reached out about our electric fence for their new dog, Techie has that all in his head, and I did detect that he may have been a bit melancholy talking to them about the walks in the woods and around the pond. You just have to be satisfied that your new pond walk is called the Harbor walk.

Just sayin