Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

DAY 447

Good evening my Corona friends. I trust you are all getting back into the swing of things and trying to navigate post-pandemic, mask, or no mask?  That surely seems to be the big question as we venture out into the unknown sea of humanity, vax or no vax?  I feel pretty confident that most people I am in contact with have had the vaccination but then today I read about some people who are actually avoiding those with a vaccine because they fear they are spreading something. Is there no end to this insanity?  Did we not just spend more than a year in lockdown jump through hoops to get a damn vaccination at the earliest point, now to have the looney tunes start-up with this bullshit? Seriously, in the beginning, I thought it was the twilight zone and now I am pretty sure some people have definitely crossed over and all I can say is haven’t you just had enough of all this craziness?   Why are you looking for more?  Look on the bright side! We can now go into a bar and order a drink without having to order food, seriously it’s the little things in life that can bring you joy. I am very sad to report that Jared my favorite bartender is not coming back to my neighborhood watering hole, so will have to do some shopping around to see who doesn’t have a limp arm when pouring.

Enough about the crazies and the booze because today is a most auspicious day, and no it is not just about Flag day, although I do like to fly a freak flag whenever the opportunity presents itself, today I welcomed a new grandson.  Early this morning Gilbert Lawrence graced the planet with his presence and he will be known as Gibby.  I know what you are thinking because I was thinking the same thing, there is a reason that new parents don’t share the name ahead of time, because there would certainly be a lot of commentaries. In this instance, it took me a few minutes to adjust. My first thought was the Dilbert comic strip but clearly not the same spelling and thankfully it wasn’t Pancake as he had been affectionately referred to these past several months. I will be eternally grateful that covid restrictions have been eased just a bit and I got to hold and cuddle with my newest grandson and whisper how much fun he and Grandma Peggy will be having in the future. It is funny how you are summoned for the first baby duty and the second is a bit different. The first we came down to gush over baby, do some laundry, and a bit of cooking and cleaning. Now we have baby number two and there is a list of instructions for the care and feeding of baby number one and I learned from the best, my Mom says she didn’t follow instructions and heck she had twelve kids so she must have known a thing or two. Now Gibby’s father is my son, so for all those mothers-in-law out there you know what I am talking about. It is a different animal than if it were your daughter’s second baby and a whole different level of instructions. You can set the rules for your daughter but it’s not the same for your daughter in law, she is the gatekeeper to your son.  Of course, I am super fortunate that I have the most awesome and incredible daughter-in-law and I hope she is not reading this, how can she, way too busy with the new baby.  My son has to remind me every so often to please play nice and don’t upset the apple cart, as if that was even remotely possible. I am the dream to have for Monster in law, wait did I just call myself a monster?  It has only been one day but Tilda who is almost three is just coming to realize that this baby brother stuff is real. When she woke up this morning and her parents were gone and came home from school to her grandparents, now she is maybe thinking I should have paid more attention to this baby brother coming. I employed a new tactic tonight. When she didn’t want to eat dinner and said no problem we will give it to Gibby, she never scarfed food so fast. Techie says I have to give that up, as though even if it worked like a charm, could lead to some serious issues, I will work on a new plan for tomorrow.

I have spent some time these past few days sorting through a lot of clothes that have been handed down or come via Mommy groups, how the world has changed now your world is online, used to be you might have to employ Oprah’s secret and like believe it or will it and it will come.  Now you just post on FB or some online forum and it flows.  Honestly, I have sorted so many little clothes we are good for a few years and I don’t care what they say little boy clothes are not as much fun to buy, all these silly sayings.  Of course, I know Gibby will be a standout in whatever he chooses to wear, but I am putting my foot down on one garment he won’t be wearing, right to the donation pile. Max, you may have moved to Philly and we are not really a sports family but am pretty sure putting an Eagle suit may be akin to sacrilege.

Just saying…………………………

Happy Birthday Gilbert !!!!!!!!!!!!


DAY 433


Day 488


  1. Ellen Tubman

    That Eagles onesie is a keeper! The luckiest day of your life was when you had 2 grandchildren born in Philly!
    Your Philly born sister in law!

  2. Judy Murdock

    There are mother-in-law rules I will be reminding you if when I see you
    There are mothers that don’t wAnt to let their sons go – of course you are not one of those???

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