Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 46

Hello everyone and hope you are happy, healthy and sane.  I feel like we have to check in on our friends and family, every day and not only worry about our temperature but also our mental health. We all have good days and bad days, and those days that no matter how much ice cream and Cape Cod chips we eat, we just can’t seem to feel better. Well now imagine you are a nurse, and you are going to work every day in a toxic environment, and you don’t even get combat pay for going above and beyond what anyone is asked to do in their daily job.  But please don’t fret because today is National Nurses Day, and Hallmark is missing out on this one, because we can’t get to stores or they can’t get to work to make the cards. What we can really do for nurses today is first and foremost a BIG THANK YOU, for doing what you do every day and hopefully with all the PPE you need, in a clean and safe environment. So I want to take a few minutes to personally thank all the nurses, out there who show up every day and do the job that I hope they will still love, when this is all over.  Today was a big day for us in Massachusetts as it was the first official day of mandatory masks and I have to say I am not the most compliant. The Governor did say mandatory when it is not safe to social distance, so I do pull it up and down while I am walking around the city, but I still get my glasses fogged up, and wonder if anyone has found a way to solve the problem?  I know here has to be a lot of us out there that ae experiencing this issue, and I want to know how you are dealing with it. I did see on a news clip today that a woman walked into a store with a mask on but it had a hole cut out over her mouth, and she told the guy working in the store it was because so she could breathe. I don’t believe she realized that her mask was really null and void, but hey good effort. I am grateful for all the masks that people have sent me and also if you have any tips on how we keep the ties tight enough, that they don’t slip down your face that would be great.  I feel like a new person these past few days because I am doing something new, and that is called going to work. This is true I actually get up and leave the house before 8am, and not going to lie the first few days were extremely difficult but I did manage to get out of the house. I am not saying it was easy, the first day was tough, even though I have been working from home every day these past several weeks, it is just not the same when you actually have to get dressed in real clothes, that can be worn in public. I have made trips to the local convenience and package stores shamelessly in my PJ.s, and make no apologies. I mean why bother getting dressed sometimes.  So it was mixed emotions that I ventured out, but I have to say for those few hours spent in the store I almost felt like life was normal and there wasn’t this horrible thing happening outside the door. We are doing a good job of keeping a distance and only one or two of us, so I believe we are following all the rules and guidelines. I am sure the best part about these past few days is Techie gets to have this Loft all to himself, and I won’t be bugging him all day long with my many requests. I did call once today to find out how to connect to Sonos, and happy to report while speaking to him I actually figured it out on my own. Who knows there may be time soon when I won’t need to call on him to put on the Netflix for me, it just doesn’t work every time with the voice activation, and I don’t know what I am doing wrong, but luckily for me I have a very nice roommate to guide me. I did manage to hit a grocery store today, and stock up on treats for my grandkids.  I try to put all the junk food at the end and ask them to bag separately, and of course have to tell the grocery clerks it’s not all for me, sure they have heard that before.  I am doing my grandma duties and bribing my way to be the favorite one.  Of course as I load the bags into the back of the car I do slip half the junk into my own bags.  This crazy thing is happening at our house, that we are just not used to but we are eating our Ice cream sandwiches and Nutty buddy cones late at night, granted they are mini ones. I am thinking it is a side effect of this virus or maybe even a way of combating it because it just overtakes me and I have to have more than a few, I guess I am going to give in and next time I am just getting the adult size, because really nobody is checking on me or shutting me off. Techie is a real enabler because I always pass him one and he never refuses where in the past I have told him to tell me no, but he just says sure.   I wish I could do weight watchers online, but it’s really self-defeating for me as all the points are used up with the first of many cocktails.

Just sayin,


Day 45


Day 47

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Like the snack selection
    mom used to have drummers in her fridge for the neighbors kids

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