Hello everyone and I hope we are all breathing a sigh of relief, we made it another week. TGIF.  When I look back at 48 days and I started this about a week or so in to the shutdown, I can’t believe I have made it this far considering I am shut in this one room, albeit a nice big room, with my roommate.  It’s amazing of what we are all capable of even when the thought of being shut in for two weeks a few months ago seemed insurmountable.  You do realize how truly lucky and loved you are, when your lover still thinks you are beautiful and awesome to be around, of course I have mentioned that I do prepare just about every meal, every day, so you don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, in other words beggars can’t be choosers.  Well I choose to be with my techie and today I celebrated that I successfully copied and pasted, something on my own today. I know that is just routine for everyone else but a major step for me, and I am taking the win. I have kind of refused for years to embrace any technology and only learned the parts of our software system that were relevant to my job, today even Techie was very proud of me. Secretly I think he likes it that I have to yell across the room for assistance, even now I yelled for him to ask what you call copy and pasting, and he walked over and said yes that is what it is called. I completed one week of back to work today, and for that time away I almost felt normal, but it is a long way from normal and counting the days.  Good news is they opened up the golf courses today, and I am not a golfer, more of a bowler,  but I know a lot of people were just so anxious for this to happen, and I am so grateful for our beloved JB to get back on the course, he needs to have some joy. He is our most treasured person at work and if it makes him happy, we are thrilled, and love to celebrate the wins.  I understand you may have to walk the course but he has been doing evening walks so he may be ok, but I don’t think there will be the beer cart guy travelling the course but baby steps, soon enough. Just be sure to keep six feet apart and enjoy the winter weather that will be experiencing this weekend. Don’t worry better weather is coming even though they are predicting snow tomorrow, maybe an inch and it melts quickly. I hope we are all stocked up on our favorite snacks for the snow day and I read today that we are all resorting back to some old time favorites.  Forget about the baked brie and veggie chips, bring on the Cheez-its, got to love these I have always kept big boxes at our office because whenever you were feeling stressed you might need an alternative to chocolate. Chex Mix was also mentioned as one and I can almost remember when this was born with those bugle chips thrown in at every Tupperware party, never a big fan but good salt content. Pringles this is one I liked because it kept the chips in perfect form, but pretty sure we only ever ate them may have been on a cross country road trip or when visiting islands in the Caribbean back in the eighties, when they wanted to be sure they would have something their American friends would eat. Pizza combos, I don’t even know what this is but apparently they have a following. Cheez balls, I love these you can buy them at Costco in a huge jug and has it all over that skinny pop that is so popular and tastes like Styrofoam. Lastly Hot pockets, which all I know about is the heir to Hot Pockets is part of the Varsity Blue Scandal, cheaters on college SAT, and she is going to jail. I know they must have been immensely popular because she apparently is an heir to millions, so just have to add up how many they sold. Well Techie and I are sticking with the Trader Joes version of nutty buddie mini cones, and yes now that I think of it, could be just like the skinny pop, tomorrow just going to go back to Ben and Jerry’s. Enjoy the weekend and I hope someday my grandkids will not hold it against me for what I share but Maisie is just following in her Grandma’s footsteps.

Just sayin