Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 488

Good evening my Corona friends and I hope you are all happy and enjoying the summer. Well, suck up every last minute of that Joy because who the heck knows what is coming next? We are 488 days into this pandemic thing and now all the news is it is rearing its ugly head in the form of a Delta Variant. I hope this doesn’t do for Delta airlines what it first did for Corona beer because some idiot will start a conspiracy theory that it all happened on a Delta plane carrying some people who worked in a Chinese lab and it got out of hand one night because they overdid it drinking the Corona. This one little tale can go on to blow up the internet with misinformation and promote the anti-vax conspiracies that seem to be believed and create chaos.

I am not quite sure if it feels like Groundhog Day or Armageddon.  I don’t think he could see his shadow because of all the rain here on the east coast, mega huge fires blazing on the west coast, and the scorched earth of heat everywhere else, so this end as we know it and I don’t feel fine. What is the universe trying to tell us? After a year living with the plague and wearing a mask, we finally can bust out and we have extreme heat or flooding, when the locusts show up it’s real. Wait a minute would cicadas count as locusts?  Now we find ourselves approaching a possible shutdown that no one wants to acknowledge or at least pray it can’t possibly be happening. I have been to Costco and there is plenty of Toilet paper and Clorox so that could be a good sign. Of course, this could all be good news for a way to sell off all those masks that everyone and their mother rushed to market. Like everything else all the major sports teams got right in on that hustle and plastered their logos right on the mouths of their fans.  I know that there is a huge surplus of all kinds of masks and they might be taking down the sale signs as we speak, so run out and buy them for pennies on the dollar so you can resell them on eBay. 

I am so sick of turning to the weather channel hoping for a good news report. Instead, we hear how this is the wettest July on record and we may see the sun for a slight tease only to have more showers. I went up to Maine for the 4th of July and was hoping for some beach time and sailing, and the week before it was almost 100” for days, so one would assume it would be warm. My roommate had sailed up the week before with a few of his buddies and we opted to drive on land and meet them in Maine.  It was looking pretty good and the next day it was rainy and very cold, and the next day and the next day and the next.  The six of us hunkered down on land in a little house with one bathroom. I know it’s a first-world problem, at least we had indoor plumbing, but six adults who all seem to wake up to pee a few times a night, could set off a cacophony of flushing sound all night, just call it the toilet opera. The kitchen was the size you might find in a New York City apartment, so a lot of elbow bumping trying to get our bagels toasted and coffee in the morning, then a line for the bathroom.  I have to say we were pretty impressive in getting that routine down and no one came to blows, all very civilized.  We did manage to have a lot of fun and had some spirited games of scrabble. You don’t want to go up against my friend Nancy, because she is killer. Her husband Pate went to bed the first night with all the pieces studied in his brain to finish the next day. I swear to God he dreamt up defeating us all night and came in with a vengeance the next time. That being said there is only so much fun you can have in the rain so we opted to hit the road and beat the traffic and we left Techie on his beloved boat. He is happily retired and didn’t even mind living on it through the rest of the rainy month and I am so grateful that I came home.  I was able to blast my BRIT BOX all night and watch 10 seasons of MI5 without my headphones. I never turned on the weather channel during the night because I would have nightmares. Just best to get your bad news over morning coffee. I was thinking the other day that I need to find a radio station that plays music, as I only play NPR in the car and I find myself humming some weird tunes during the day. I watch morning news shows at 6 or 7 am and I am humming the jingle of Ozempic, O,O,O ozempic, really going downhill fast. It gets in your head and it’s hard to get rid of it so I need to let some other tune in fast. 

Well, I am glad to have techy back in the house, some days I couldn’t get the computer on, and I couldn’t yell across the room for help, often had to resort to texting for answers. He is going to teach me how to post this blog on my own before he departs on another sailing adventure. 

Just popped up on one of my feeds Delta plane diverted to St Louis where it was forced to land and unload suspicious cargo that resembled cases of corona all being carried off by people in lab coats with Chinese lettering.

Just saying……………………


DAY 447


DAY 497

1 Comment

  1. Judy Murdock

    So happy that your roommate can be sailing
    Sailing. And more sailing while You are working 24/7

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