Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 49

Good evening and I hope everyone is healthy and happy in accordance with today’s standards and realize there is a bit of adjustment. Today is the Eve before Mother’s Day so I hope everyone has their game plan ready and there is no one freaking out, no excuse if you have not thought this through, unless you are on the front lines and get a pass. You have had weeks to think about how to honor Mom, since you moved back home and have resorted back to High School and eating up everything in sight, and leaving the dishes in the sink.  I have to admit I couldn’t train my kids to put the dishes in dishwasher, but I sure got their friends to do it, a few times of me coming home from work, and finding the sink full, and exploding at all their friends that were there, that the dishes didn’t migrate on their own to the dishwasher, and if they wanted to continue taking cover while eating everything, they better learn the rules. Maybe I am a little bit lonesome tonight because it is just me and my roommate but wait give me a minute, I am OK and sure grateful I don’t have to clean up after teenagers, although I sure miss their company. Ours was the house that everyone came to, and sometimes it could be trying, we were in the woods, near a pond, teenagers not angels, borderline delinquents, but always kept us on our toes. We loved it and true story once a mother said to me, you and your husband are so nice to have all the kids at your house all the time what can I do to thank you, I told her send a gallon of Orange juice it was almost 5 bucks and I was purchasing daily, she never came through but who’s counting?  I was struck by my son this evening when he said it is tough to be with an 18 month old, and try and work but this time with her is a gift. She can be fussy and demanding but then he finds the right food group it can be smooth sailing.  My daughter has two of them, four years apart, same as she and her brother, and she is doing a much better job than I could have ever thought possible.  I may have mentioned before but I have no idea where my daughter came from because she is the biggest rule follower, and I have no idea where I went wrong, must be the techie.  How straight is she? Once she may have been about 12 we were in line to check in for a flight and may have been a little late. I like to cut it close. I went to check in at first class no line, and as she is checking me in, Erica looks over to the long line at check in, and says Mom we are not first class. Does anyone know this child? You get my drift, Miss Goody Two Shoes, and just have to say she has become the most amazing Mom, calmer than I am Dude, and way beyond my patience could have endured. I read today that parents today are letting go of a lot of rules that they held so sacred, letting the kids sleep late, they actually need more than 8 hours. Parents may actually discover that their kids don’t have to run to every extracurricular activity, letter in two or three sports, and do all AP classes available to them every semester. Because whatever job that is in the future your diploma may not be the deciding factor. They may actually get to spend some time at the dinner table discussing work events and even what is happening locally. We raised our kids in a wonderful suburban town, but we knew we were in trouble when in the 6th grade our daughter performed in a middle school play and was asked by some parents were we going to use this for her college application. What I hope we are getting out of all this today is just enjoy this time you have today and don’t worry about the SAT, AP, DDP and PPP, this is time, that is a gift as part of the virus, you get the good with the bad, and will you will never get this back, so suck it up and enjoy.  Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Raise your glass to this random wedding my lover and I can across today at the end of our street, the little church was open and I said let me out. This young couple posed for me and I said I just wanted a picture of what is normal and here again.

Just sayin


Day 48


Day 50


  1. Jack Ahern

    Well said, mom!

  2. Judy

    Happy Mother’s Day
    Lucky you have two great kids and now 3 sweet grandchildren with committed,loving parents. Hardest job is to be a parent.

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