Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

DAY 497

Good evening my corona friends and here we are in August when I always want it to slow down let summer last twice as long, especially after that soggy July we just had to endure. Well, it looks like we will be living through groundhogs day as the Plague once again takes over our everyday life.  Corona is back to the number one headline, the first thing we hear in the morning and the only thing we seem to be talking about in the news. This could have all been preventable but some dipshits would rather take their medical advice from a pundit or a politician than a medical professional, so now we all have to suffer the consequences.  Seriously it is Day 497 and I thought maybe 100 days and we would be kicking this virus to the curb, but no it is coming back with a vengeance and wants to kick those doubters in the ass.  I have four grandchildren and I sure don’t want them to suffer the consequences, so go out and get the DAM Jab.I had the absolute pleasure of spending this past weekend on the cape with seven of my oldest girlfriends and I am not talking about age.  Really to be in the company of these fabulous women for 48 hours and our only care was mixing the cocktails and getting to the beach is truly a slice of heaven.  I never lived in a sorority house, just wasn’t cool back in the ’70s, for me anyway, and I am pretty sure there could be a lot of bitchieness at that age, but not at our Centrum age. Granted we are not quite the blue-haired crowd yet but certainly at an age where we don’t give a shit about a lot of silly things that may have been important back in college. We don’t have to get all dolled up before we venture out and there was plenty of belching, farting, and snoring in the house all weekend.  We made some fabulous meals together and amazing how everyone just pitches in and gets all the jobs done, setting the table, chopping the veggies, mixing the drinks, and clean up without being asked. Not that men haven’t gotten better about pitching in but when there is a crowd they still tend to sit on their asses. Women just step right in and make it all happen and enjoy the group effort.

We did manage to put on a very nice dinner the first night and our host Jane, even relented having so many hens in the kitchen which can make her a bit anxious sometimes but I noticed a new calmness on this visit. I guess it is inevitable that with age the discussion at dinner can change on a dime when people start talking about their aches and pains, and soon enough we were full-blown about Osteoporosis. As it turns out a few have some serious issues and are on different medications and all about their bone density.  Of course, I would rather totally ignore any of this and no one could believe that I never had a bone density test, or at least not one I know of presently. I am my mother’s daughter, and for me, that means to avoid going to a Dr. at all costs, unless absolutely necessary.  After we exhausted all the possible medication combinations that may be of some benefit, we all started to get ready to retire for the evening. We are all snuggled up in our jammies and as it turns out there is another discussion of what we all take to sleep for the night, and there is quite a variety, Ativan, valium, and my personal favorite Gummies.  Oh wait I skipped the beauty routine and all kinds of potions and lotions are a must to maintain our natural beauty, apparently, I am lacking in this department and I have to improve my beauty regime.  I have been busy looking up all the products and I will be sure to order them and never use them, but I will feel like I am trying. The next morning there was a lot of sharing the actual pill bottles and picture taking of what vitamins and supplements everyone was taking, so now I have that all up to date as well. Women of a certain age look out for one another and we all discussed when to collect social security and what Medicare plan is best. Apparently, I missed out on some packages they don’t offer anymore, but maybe something new when I retire, but not anytime soon because I don’t want to sit home and watch Law and Order, I can do that all night.  Once we had all figured out our retirement plan it was time to pack up and head to the beach for a super long relaxing day just sitting in our group with endless conversations and funny how we never run out of things to say. I absolutely love my girlfriends and we hope to all live in our own group home someday, our own private care home.  Debbie is a former ballroom dance teacher, so she gave us all line dance lessons during the cocktail hour, and boy, it was getting serious. We nailed it.   Had to cut the dancing short because we had dinner reservations and then we had a snafu, somehow the garage door disengaged and it wouldn’t close. Somehow they convinced Jane, our host, that we should just close it and deal with it later, and this is when I truly realized she definitely was chill, normally this would freak her out, but not wanting to miss out on our girl time she agreed. Dinner and cocktails and then we had to pay the piper to come home to a broken door.  Not to worry because I called Techie and with the help of facetime, Linda on the stool, and Sandy on the ladder he talked us through it, and after several tries it clicked. You might have thought we scored the winning goal for the Gold we were so excited.  Just go to show that several slightly inebriated girls and one very calm Techie, on Facetime, can pretty much accomplish it all, ok maybe a slight exaggeration but it sure felt good.  We were all sorry the weekend had to end, but more importantly, we were extremely happy that we had this time.  Sometimes you may wonder how did I end up with these friends and if I met them today would we choose each other, because we all tolerate less as we get older, but I am grateful they tolerate me, even with the very loud snoring.  I don’t want to be afraid to go out and gather in a group so please all you undecided, get the shot. I never really believed in all these undecided anyway, that they go and dig up a few days before the election, seriously?  I say bullshit so just do it!

  Just saying…………………


Day 488


DAY 512


  1. Cathy Blume

    Amazing.. I am heading out with three elementary school friends next week . Can’t wait ..
    Yes , go get the damn shot ….

  2. Catherine

    Love this Peggy! Old friends are the best friends…

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