Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 5

Hello everyone and I hope we are all still doing our part to “shelter-in-place” and keep our distance. I hear it’s a bit different in the suburbs but here in the city it is a ghost town and I encounter very few people on our walks. They are still clearing the sidewalks when they see the elderly. Granted I am not complaining, but all this time I see myself as thirty hence the world does not. Have you ever walked by a big window and seen your reflection and said to yourself who is that “old lady”? I choose to ignore it and believe I am still thirty. One thing I have to get out of the way right off the bat is to apologize, not really, about any grammatical errors you may come across in my blog. I ran into an old colleague today on the street while walking and we chatted safe distance apart. She said I saw your blog and it all came back to me how I used to edit your writing when I worked for you. She said I just wanted to go in there and add the punctuation. For the record she declined my offer to be my editor so just bear with me.
So it occurred to me today that our world has definitely turned upside down and now the kids are the adults in the room. My kids are young adults with their own kids, but as I spend my day sharing memes, whatever the hell that means, or YouTube videos that are funny, and some totally inappropriate, so I am now the kid. Ok,while most are probably inappropriate, my kids are sending pictures and videos of my grandchildren. While I make a list of all the junk food I have eaten, I will get a new Kale recipe from my son-in-law. I know he is appalled by our pantry and know he is only being helpful, but you know where you can shove that kale recipe. His family was quarantined for the past 10 days,but today we heard it was negative. I still had to drop groceries last week I groceries on the front step. They gave me a short list of milk, fruit and veggies, but hey I am Grandma and I know better what we need in a lock down. I loaded that cart with all the basics to survive an Apocalypse- Cheetos, Doritos, captain crunch, cocoa puffs, brownies, cookie dough, nuttie buddies- as much as I could in a flash shopping spree. Later I got to Facetime as they were all diving into the stash and Charlie and Maisie said Thank You for the junk food. I guess the food was labeled right off the bat as junk so don’t count on it regular basis! I even saw the babysitter sitting there with a big smile, probably thinking yes finally someone who can deliver “normal” food. I can tell you in both my kids’ homes if you are ever going for an extended stay, bring your own supplies. Looking for a snack there may consist of some Chia seeds, rice cakes, popcorn that tastes like styrofoam and generally a lot of weird shit. My son no longer eats meat and that is fine, but occasionally if he knows where that chicken went to college or that the cow was only eating “organic grass” he may go for it. A while back my daughter and her now husband came to live with us after moving back from the west coast, back when we lived in a place with multiple bathrooms. We had to stash the good stuff, a.k.a. Peggy snacks. When they finally moved out we found ourselves a little less diligent about the recycling; you know how they fold every piece of cardboard and wax paper. They had the nerve to buy us a composter for Christmas one year, and boy that thing could smell. I said,”I don’t need one I have my own composter”. We lived in a wooded lot with a big deck from which I could just throw the food and make a nice compost pile. It was always a surprise to people that their dogs were willing to take the hit with the electric fence to get to my compost pile. Ok I am getting off point thinking of the “good old days”. That ship has sailed and now we are in the twilight zone. I am sure today Hugh would not be upset at all to see his mother-in-law squirting the Redi-whip right into his son’s mouth, hey we thought it was fun. I can’t wait to see those babies and I will have a can of Redi whip ready for each of those little mouths.
My grandson has a birthday soon and I sent him an early birthday present, a UPS truck. He is over the moon excited about it, and a good thing because it is apparent that it may be one of the only careers available to him. Let me just say there is nothing wrong with that career as we are really very dependent on this team and I do appreciate them.
Got to run as I smell dinner in the oven and I have to keep my Techie happy. Stay safe everyone and it will get worse before it gets better.
Just sayin…………………………………..


Day 4


Day 6


  1. Dorothy Goldwin

    You nailed it. I so relate. Love you Peg!

  2. Janet

    Thanks Peggy for making me smile.

  3. Robin Stone

    I’m still laughing 😆!

  4. Jane

    Used to wake up to CNN and get depressed. Now I wake up and reach for the iPad and turn to the blog. During these times it’s nice to chuckle relating to what you write and it’s nice to die laughing comparing you to the businesswoman I know!! ❤

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